Enjoying the Discomfiture of Progressive Democrat "Sanctuary City" Mayors!

There is an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it."

In spades.

A few years ago, several Democratic mayors of large cities, mostly in the northern part of the United States, declared their cities to be "Sanctuary Cities."

Notably, these mayors included the cities of New York City, Chicago and even the dying city of Rochester, New York.

Unconcerned about their collapsing economies, their huge increases of crime, violence and homicide and their piss-poor public-school systems, these mayors declared that their cities would offer sanctuary to illegal aliens.

These mayors declared that they would not permit their law enforcement agencies to assist the federal immigration services to identify, locate, arrest and deport illegal aliens.

Their reasons were very simple, and none of them were really concerned about humanitarianism.

First, it reaffirmed their pretenses of being progressive Democratic liberals.

Second, it cost them virtually nothing, because the vast majority of illegals entered and stayed in the south and southwest portions of the United States, usually via Mexico.

Third, those mayors didn't care what law-abiding citizens and residents thought.

Apart from Native Americans, most US citizens and residents were either the descendants of immigrants who followed the prescribed procedure to enter, live and work in this country, or legal immigrants themselves.

When they objected to the obvious unfairness of such arbitrary actions and total disregard by these Democratic mayors for the strain that these illegals would place on essential government services, paid for by taxpayers, they would shout down by woke progressive Democrats as being haters, bigots and MAGA Republicans.

Even more insulting was the attempt of the crazy Democrats who control New York State's government to give illegals drivers licenses and, in New York City, to permit illegals to vote in local elections, totally circumventing immigration policies and the naturalization process!

On January 20, 2021, the morally bankrupt Biden regime ascended to power in Washington DC.

Our southern border was thrown open to millions of illegals who crossed into our country at their leisure unimpeded.

It is to be noted that their countries of origin didn't want them, either, and didn't prevent them from leaving.

Nor did they order or beg them to return.

Chaos reigns supreme at our southern border, dominated by Mexican drug cartels that ship deadly drugs into the US with the illegals and where human trafficking is as common as pig tracks, courtesy of the Biden regime.

The huge number of recent fentanyl deaths can be attributed to this.

And the person "in charge" of the border is none other than our near-moronic vice president, Kamelhead Harris, an object of identification with and emulation by many brain-dead progressive Democratic women.

The "progressive" Democrats in general and the Democratic mayors of Sanctuary Cities couldn't have been more overjoyed or contain their glee!

All of those illegals would put a strain on the economies and infrastructure of those Red states on Mexico's border, notably Texas and Arizona, as well as Florida.

And, when the Democrats in Congree get their way, those millions of illegals settled there would be given the right to vote by decree and bypassing the naturalization process.

That would destroy the Republican majorities in those states, because the illegals would remember, or be reminded, that it was the Democrats that gave them lots of "free stuff," courtesy of the American taxpayer.

And it would cost the Democratic mayors of Sanctuary Cities in the north nothing!

Then Karma hit them.

And hard.

The Republican governors of Texas and Florida were fully aware of Democratic schemes regarding changing the political demographics of their states.

They didn't have any Sanctuary Cities in their states.

Nor were they getting any federal funds to deal with the seven million illegals squatting there.

So it only seemed fitting and proper that those governors bussed those illegals to the Sanctuary Cities in the north.

They were letting those Democratic mayors put their money where their big mouths were.

And those Democratic mayors didn't like it.

Chief big mouth is he mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, who originally proudly, and loudly, reaffirmed his city's status as a Sanctuary City.

He has since declared that the addition of hundreds of thousands of incoming illegals, with tens of thousands coming each day, will destroy New York City!

Yet he had no problem with millions of illegals crossing over and staying in the Red states on the border!

What a hypocrite.

Adams has now been trying to export these illegals to counties in Upstate New York, preferably to Republican Counties, whose county managers and executives have been dismissing his demands for the hogwash it is.

The mayor of Rochester, New York, Malik Evans and Monroe County's executive, Adam Bello, both Democrats, are looking more than a bit embarrassed by this situation, since our dying city was declared to be a Sanctuary City seven-odd years ago.

They never expected to have to put our money where their big mouths were, so they have been discretely sneaking illegals into Rochester, putting them up in hotels and motels while neglecting out own poor and homeless, especially veterans of the armed forces, while still reaffirming the city's status as a Sanctuary City.

Although not nearly as loudly as they used to.

Local charities, like the Open Door Mission, has now been advertising for donations to help accommodate the influx of illegals, since winter is coming, although they used the euphemism of "new residents" instead of "illegal aliens."

And the County Executive of Erie County, Mark Poloncarz?

He was overjoyed to have illegals come to Erie County!

At first.

When some of the illegals he so warmly welcomed into Erie County became involved in violent criminal activity, he promptly put a hold on accepting more of them into his constituency.

He had to learn the hard way.

The real reason, however, that the Democrats are pissed at having millions of illegals dumped on them is more prosaic.

It's politics.

They are already Blue states and all of these additional unemployed illegals would not benefit their political demographics.

Which is why they are going batshit crazy now.

But they were crazy to begin with, and now it really shows.

And, in the long run, the only people who will really suffer are the taxpayers, who work for a living to pay for the illegals who don't and shouldn't be here in the first place.


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