
Showing posts with the label Republicans

Sloppy Joe Drops Out of the Presidential Race! And a Braying Jackass Will Succeed Him?

On Sunday, Sloppy Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States, announced that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. This comes less than 24 hours after he stated that he would NOT be dropping out, blasting Democratic Party elites who were pressuring him to withdraw from the race and shouting "Full steam ahead!" All of this comes from weeks of speculation about Sloppy Joe's physical and mental fitness to run, exacerbated by his piss poor performance in the presidential debate with Donald Trump less than one month ago. Actually, most people, especially Democratic insiders, realized that there was something wrong with Sloppy Joe as far back as the 2020 presidential election, which is why they kept him safely out of the public's eye and hidden in the cellar. His piss poor performance over the last three and a half years was evident to all but hardline Democratic movers and shakers, but they were perfectly happy to have a brain-dead zombie in the Oval Offic

The Kangaroo Court Has Spoken! Trump is Guilty of 34 Bogus Charges Leveled Against Him!

The most bizarre political show trial in American history was concluded in New York City today. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, Vladimir Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs would be proud. Democrats are, of course, exultant. They think that this will knock Trump out of the presidential race against the senile and incontinent horse's ass that is Joe Biden. The Democrats, using our obviously corrupt justice system, managed to convict ex-president Donald Trump of dubious crimes that both the federal Department of Justice and the Election Commission refused to consider previously. The "crimes," if there really were any, were misdemeanors and past the statute of limitations. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan's District Attorney and pet eunuch of the NYS Attorney General, Tish James, chose to revive these charges against Donald Trump, although they were outside of his jurisdiction. Bragg also chose to up the ante by charging Trump with felonies, rather than as misdemeanors. Judge

"My Uncle Was Probably Eaten By Cannibals" and Other Lies Told By Sloppy Joe Biden!

Let's face it. Our president and the entire Biden regime are eyesores and a humiliation to the US. Allies like the United Kingdom, India and Australia, to name three, openly mock Sloppy Joe on their news programs, and delight in pointing out his frequent gaffes and his deliberate telling of untruths (that is to say, outright lies) he and his spokes creatures always tell. Germany has been somewhat more discreet, but then they prayed that Biden would defeat Trump in 2020. It was a case of "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." What they got in Sloppy Joe Biden was an impotent, incompetent senile horse's ass as "world leader" and his motley crew of hopeless incompetents who comprise his "administration." While that might provide endless hours of mirth for enemies of the US, it has become frightening for our allies. Both groups have come to realize that Sloppy Joe is nothing more than a waste of space and that he and his anti-Republican regi

God Bless the United States Supreme Court!

Today, to my great surprise, the United States Supreme Court revived my long weakened faith in our government. Voting 9-0, they overturned Colorado's recently passed law forbidding Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot in the Republican primary for president. Colorado, citing the insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment, claimed that Donald Trump was ineligible because of his "role" in the January 6, 2021 "insurrection." Maine and Illinois followed suit to prevent Trump's name from appearing on their primary ballots as well. The "insurrection clause" was added to the 14th Amendment to prevent Confederates who fought against the North during our Civil War from ever attaining national public office. The Civil War ended nearly 160 years ago. Which goes to show you to what tortured ends the Democrats had to go to keep Trump off of the ballots for this year's presidential election. The Democrats know that Trump will easily beat Sloppy Joe and h

Election Day in One-Party, Democrat-Controlled Rochester, New York.

Tomorrow is Election Day, 2023. Whoop-dee-doo. It is an off-year election, so nothing of national importance is at stake. Just local issues. In Rochester, New York, no great changes are anticipated, since this is a one-party, Democrat-controlled city, that subject about which I have blogged previously. The Democratic Primary elections determined who would be on the ballot tomorrow, and incumbents won the primary elections for School Board and City Council District Seats. Rochester's school system is the worst in the state and one of the worst in the nation, so incumbents continually run and win, perpetuating this state of affairs because they have no sense of shame and there are no term-limits for school board "commissioners," which is what these creatures are called. And Rochester, City Council, which also has no term limits? The only exception this time around is Bridget Monroe, who is "running" for the Northwest District seat on City Council. The incumbent, J

Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Wife Has Spoken: Republicans Need to be "Deprogrammed!"

 Billary Clinton has spoken! The wife of ex-president Horndog Bill Clinton, formerly a do-nothing New York Senator, a disastrous Secretary of State, a twice-failed presidential candidate and a cesspit of corruption and conspiracy has now declared Republicans to be a "cult." On Thursday night, the central figure of the "Whitewater Scandal" stated that the leaders of the Republican Party need to be deprogrammed. In communist and authoritarian countries, such deprogramming is carried out in "Reeducation Camps." Dachau, in Nazi Germany, was originally described as just such a camp. Billary, in her hatred of being thwarted by Republicans in her struggle to achieve the presidency, perhaps was too frenzied in her hatred to consider that comparison. Anyone who has stood in her way and has exercised their right to free speech against her therefore must be deprogrammed. That means all Republicans, since the Democrats tend to follow anti-Republican statements like sh

My Peerless Political Prognostications For November, 2023...For Rochester, New York, Anyway...

The Democrats will take every seat they are running for in the City of Rochester, New York this November. That includes the four district City Council seats, the two city court judges and the four school board seats. Why is NOT rocket science. The dying City of Rochester is a one-party town, controlled by the Democrats. The result is visible to all who are unfortunate enough to visit here. Crime, violence, homicide, corruption, physical decay and the worst school district in New York State are just a few of the amusements Rochester has to offer. While Rochester is NOT unique in these respects, since they are common enough in most large Blue cities across America, the parameters of this blog will deal only with our dying city and a few of its environs. Specifically, the effects of one-party rule here, which is maintained by promising "free stuff" to people who are too lazy to work for it, the professional victims whom Democrats buy off. Then, when Democrats are unable to fulfi

Enjoying the Discomfiture of Progressive Democrat "Sanctuary City" Mayors!

There is an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." In spades. A few years ago, several Democratic mayors of large cities, mostly in the northern part of the United States, declared their cities to be "Sanctuary Cities." Notably, these mayors included the cities of New York City, Chicago and even the dying city of Rochester, New York. Unconcerned about their collapsing economies, their huge increases of crime, violence and homicide and their piss-poor public-school systems, these mayors declared that their cities would offer sanctuary to illegal aliens. These mayors declared that they would not permit their law enforcement agencies to assist the federal immigration services to identify, locate, arrest and deport illegal aliens. Their reasons were very simple, and none of them were really concerned about humanitarianism. First, it reaffirmed their pretenses of being progressive Democratic liberals. Second, it cost them virtually nothing, because

Ahh, Schadenfreude! Enjoying Watching the Democrats Going Batshit Crazy Over the Impending Biden Impeachment!

The Democrats are finally learning what goes around comes around! And that Karma is biting them hard on the ass! For seven years, the Democrats and their trusty allies in the liberal news media (notably CNN), on social media, in the Justice Department and the FBI have done their tortured damnedest to demonize Donald Trump in particular and the Republicans in general. To be sure, Donald Trump IS a bombastic, abrasive, megalomaniacal loudmouth who rubbed both the US's friends and foes the wrong way. And to be sure, Donald Trump promoted America's best interests during his tenure in office, unlike his predecessor or the senile jerk who followed him. Twice, because they controlled the House of Representatives at the time, the Democrats were able to have Trump impeached. To their dismay, he was never convicted, largely because the charges they flung against him were based on non-existent evidence and mere political posturing. Which, frankly, is why the Democrats have gone out of the

The Biden Crime Family: And a Senile Horse's Ass Shall Lead them.

Let me be frank about this. Donald Trump lost his bid for re-election in 2020 more or less fair and square. Yes, there were lots of "irregularities" involved in the voting process at various locations across the nation, but both parties were involved. When the smoke cleared it was plain enough that Trump simply did not have enough electoral votes to carry his re-election.  Trump's crude vulgarity and megalomania lost him a lot of support he had in 2016, and his narcissism would not allow him to accept the fact that he had been defeated by the Democrats' "cellar dummy." This led to the tragic black comedy of January 6, 2021, when a group of people stormed the Capitol building. All of America knew in advance that there would be a potentially violent demonstration in Washington DC weeks before the event, yet Washington had been deliberately unprepared for it. Even worse, the person in charge of the Capitol's security was drag-queen wannabe Nancy Pelosi, who

The "Red Tide" Was Merely a Ripple, But Republicans Gained the House of Representatives.

The US mid-term elections are over. The much anticipated "Red Tide," where the GOP would sweep national, state and local elections proved to be only so much hype. Though many races in dyed in the wool Blue states were close, too many Americans refused to reject the politically progressive perversion known as Bidenism. True, the Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives, while as of this writing there are still five Senate seats undecided. While GOP control of the House merely removes that Nancy Pelosi creature as Speaker of the House, and good riddance to her, she still remains a representative for her district in California, which means that she will continue to be a gadfly in the body politic of the US, though of lesser importance than previously. We might say "Thank God for small mercies." As for New York State, we will remain under the control of the unholy triumvirate of pre-born baby killing, criminal loving Hochul, James and Schumer. They

The Mid-Term Elections, 2022: The Subject is Abortion.

At this writing, we are three weeks away from the mid-term elections for 2022. The GOP is well poised to win control of Congress and ending the revolting specter of Bidenism in US politics, reducing Biden himself to the status of an ineffectual "lame duck" president two years before the end of his term. As it is, our government has become the laughingstock of the world, even among our closest allies. Our enemies regard the US as a clown show and clearly no longer either fear or respect us anymore. It's easy to see why. Our president is a senile horse's ass, walking around in a perpetual fog. He is supposedly the most powerful man in the world, which is plenty scary. His vice-president is a mere token, chosen to ensure his election because she is bi-racial and a woman. She is also incredibly stupid, whose use of incomprehensible word salad bewilders all who have the misfortune to hear it. This broad is but one heartbeat from the presidency. The rest of Biden's admi

Singletary Settles His $1.5 Million Lawsuit Against Rochester...For $75,000?

Yep, that's right! Disgraced Rochester ex-police chief LaRon Singletary settled his lawsuit against the City for $75,000! He sued Rochester because the administration of ex-Mayor Lovely Warren "blackened" (pardon the pun) his reputation and sought $1.5 million in compensation. If Singletary thought his damaged reputation was worth that much, why did he settle for only 5% of the dollar settlement he asked for? The lawyers will get most of that. Some people, including me, think that his reputation wasn't that hot to begin with.  It was created two years before Mayor Warren appointed him Chief of Police, to make his promotion seem logical. It was a successful public relations stunt to arouse public interest for a product that nobody wanted, needed or could use, but had a catchy name and attractive package. It was all just hype. As part of the settlement, Singletary had his medical benefits restored, which were eliminated when Mayor Warren fired him in a fit of vindictive

A New Year, a New Mayor and Everything Remains the Same: The Ongoing Saga of Rochester's Freak Show!

It is a week into the year 2022. And really, nothing seems to have changed. If anything, the new mayoral regime seems like an insipid rehash of previous administrations, especially the last one. When Malik Evans took his oath of office at 12:01 AM, January 1 in his home among his family, the news media covered it. It was cute and folksy, especially with his children asking everyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. More about that momentarily. But it was a replay of Mayor Warren taking her oath in the presence of her dying, comatose grandfather, holding his hand, faithfully recorded by her soon to be communications czarina. Both events were designed to elicit sympathy for the new mayors, a publicity stunt. And families make for excellent political accessories, props for the media, don't they? Evans's official swearing in, in the morning, was held virtually because of COVID. That is the reason it was so short. There was no entertainment to glorify the incoming regime. But he d