The "Red Tide" Was Merely a Ripple, But Republicans Gained the House of Representatives.

The US mid-term elections are over.

The much anticipated "Red Tide," where the GOP would sweep national, state and local elections proved to be only so much hype.

Though many races in dyed in the wool Blue states were close, too many Americans refused to reject the politically progressive perversion known as Bidenism.

True, the Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives, while as of this writing there are still five Senate seats undecided.

While GOP control of the House merely removes that Nancy Pelosi creature as Speaker of the House, and good riddance to her, she still remains a representative for her district in California, which means that she will continue to be a gadfly in the body politic of the US, though of lesser importance than previously.

We might say "Thank God for small mercies."

As for New York State, we will remain under the control of the unholy triumvirate of pre-born baby killing, criminal loving Hochul, James and Schumer.

They were elected by people who think our highly taxed, deadly violent state is on the right track.

New York State IS a dying state, and as for the people who returned these dangerously depraved politicians, well, whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

Albany will remain the progressive cess-pit it has become, with no hope for any improvement in the future, since the Democrats retrained their grip on the Assembly and the State Senate.

If Woke goes to Florida to die, it comes to New York State to thrive.

Florida is a Red state, far better run with a far more sensible electorate than New York State, as are most Red states, and has clearly left its status as a swing state. They have seen Wokism as a real danger and rejected it.

Woke is what saved New York State for the Democrats and has marginalized Republicans and any opposing points of view, never mind its disastrous effects on our society.

It does not bode well for the future, and we might as well say "Abandon hope all ye who enter here," especially those who relocate here are hard-working, law-abiding citizens. They will continue to take second place to criminals and people who want "free stuff" that taxpayers are forced to provide.

For our nation, the only faint hope is that Republicans somehow get control of the Senate, which would remove Biden's vice-president as tiebreaker in that body, where she would invariably side with Democrats, no matter how stupid the bills put before them were.

After all, tokenism, a main feature of progressive liberals and Bidenism, has been very good to her.

We will have to watch how those races play out.

In the meantime, all the mid-terms revealed when the smoke cleared is that the complete polarization of the American people has become a permanent fact of life and that the Republicans couldn't seize upon the disastrous effects of Bidenism upon our nation and drive its negative impact home to enough voters to achieve a more significant victory in the mid-terms.

The GOP really needed to choose better candidates for some of its races, like for Senator in Pennsylvania or the 25th Congressional district in New York State, to name two. Those races degenerated into clown shows and Democrats always do well in clown shows.

What is clear is that most of the electorate has become desensitized to corrupt, inefficient and incompetent politicians, that a collapsing economy, the killing of the pre-born and the upswing in crime and violence doesn't offend a good many people.

At least not enough for them to seriously consider voting for candidates who oppose such abominations.

Which means the electorates in Blue states.

It's going to be a long hard winter this year.


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