
Showing posts with the label DEI

Lipstick on a Pig: Reinventing Kamala Harris!

 Sloppy Joe is out. Kamelhead is in. Who woulda thunk it? Actually, it was the only option open to the elite guard of the Democratic cabal, with or without Sloppy Joe's approval. The Democratic cabal's bloodless coup against Sloppy Joe tied their hands. By not endorsing his vice-president, they feared alienating the Black women vote. As if Black women Democrats would rush out to vote for Donald Trump. That phantom fear was also coupled with the fact that the Democratic cabal had spent the last four years praising the senile horse's ass that was Joe Biden that there was no other potential Democratic candidate that they could support in such a short period of time, so they were stuck with Kamelhead. The Democratic elites boxed themselves in by coupling a seriously infirm, demented old man with a braying jackass whose only qualities are that she is a woman and bi-racial in 2020. That left them with no room to maneuver since the whole world got to see Sloppy Joe as a senile hor

Sloppy Joe Drops Out of the Presidential Race! And a Braying Jackass Will Succeed Him?

On Sunday, Sloppy Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States, announced that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. This comes less than 24 hours after he stated that he would NOT be dropping out, blasting Democratic Party elites who were pressuring him to withdraw from the race and shouting "Full steam ahead!" All of this comes from weeks of speculation about Sloppy Joe's physical and mental fitness to run, exacerbated by his piss poor performance in the presidential debate with Donald Trump less than one month ago. Actually, most people, especially Democratic insiders, realized that there was something wrong with Sloppy Joe as far back as the 2020 presidential election, which is why they kept him safely out of the public's eye and hidden in the cellar. His piss poor performance over the last three and a half years was evident to all but hardline Democratic movers and shakers, but they were perfectly happy to have a brain-dead zombie in the Oval Offic