
Showing posts with the label Lia Thomas

Transworld: "Womanface" is the New "Blackface!"

Remember when White entertainers put on blackface to perform in minstrel shows, like Al Jolson did in the original version of "The Jazz Singer?" Or when Fanny Brice ("Funny Girl") recorded "The Man in the Moon is a Coon?" All of this is a part of American entertainment history, reflecting the cultural mores of the time, good or bad. It was considered an offensive portrayal of Black folk to some and has become increasingly viewed as racist by progressive liberals in the 21st century. Even wearing blackface for a masquerade ball or Halloween as a kid now earns the quick condemnation of White politicians, actors and prominent people, even if the attempt was not in mockery of Black folk. In short, even in a high school theatre group, any White person attempting to play the role of  Shakespeare's Othello would be branded as a racist. The tender consciences of progressive liberals has gone to that extreme and taken leave of their senses. On the other hand, d

Batshit Crazy Trans Activism and the Denial of Reality.

  WARNING! Woke progressives and liberal Democrats might want to give this blog a skip, since the subject matter is about biological facts that they deny and protest against. Trans activists and their woke progressive allies have been creating quite a furor in modern society lately, in the media, in government and in our school systems. The attention they are receiving is completely out of proportion with the tiny fraction of the population they claim to represent and the ensuing chaos they produce in our society. Transsexuals claim to be trapped in the wrong bodies, bodies that don't correspond to the sexual identity they want to be associated with mentally. Some undergo torturous sexual reassignment surgeries so that they might outwardly resemble the sex of their choice, while others might simply claim that they are members of the opposite sex and demand to be treated as such while remaining physically intact. Frankly, I do not care how people choose to identify themselves as lon

The Modern Woman is a Man, and Other Examples of Woke Progressive Asininity!

International Women's Day was Wednesday, March 8. It was intended to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. On that day, the wife of our senile horse's ass of a President of the United States handed out some awards to several women. Two awards were handed out to trans "women," which is to say, biological males, for their work in promoting and furthering "trans right." Which, of course, in no way celebrated the accomplishments of biological women. For hundreds of years, women have fought for parity with men in the areas of education, employment, sports and before the law. Part of that struggle was for security, safe places where women would not be accosted by men. These safe places included changing rooms in stores, separate public toilet facilities, separate lockers bathing facilities at gymnasiums, to name a few. Unfortunately, woke progressive magnification of Trans Rights all out of proportion to their incredibly sma

Wee Willie Winkie: Gender is Something You Are Born With!

The subject of this blog is gender, and it is NOT going to be politically correct, so any progressives out there might wish to move along. Political correctness is the promotion of falsehood, a product of progressivism and our cancel culture to forestall the protests of loud-mouthed agitators. Nowhere does it even hint at sincerity. Despite the world collapsing around us, progressive politicians and their aggressive liberal agitators have decided to make gender an issue and have proceeded to complicate and confuse the issue by making it (they think) impossible to define what a man or a woman is. President Biden's nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, is the supreme example of progressive asininity in this regard. She herself said she was unable to define what a woman is, despite the fact that Biden's sole reason for endorsing her is that she was a Black woman! Well, stupid is as stupid does. And it seems that progressive child psychologists are also clueless in