The Modern Woman is a Man, and Other Examples of Woke Progressive Asininity!

International Women's Day was Wednesday, March 8.

It was intended to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

On that day, the wife of our senile horse's ass of a President of the United States handed out some awards to several women.

Two awards were handed out to trans "women," which is to say, biological males, for their work in promoting and furthering "trans right."

Which, of course, in no way celebrated the accomplishments of biological women.

For hundreds of years, women have fought for parity with men in the areas of education, employment, sports and before the law.

Part of that struggle was for security, safe places where women would not be accosted by men.

These safe places included changing rooms in stores, separate public toilet facilities, separate lockers bathing facilities at gymnasiums, to name a few.

Unfortunately, woke progressive magnification of Trans Rights all out of proportion to their incredibly small percentage of our population has put that all at risk.

Before I continue with that line, I must make our boundaries and definitions clear, no matter how much hysterical Trans Rights activists will shriek.

And I will NOT use progressive liberal pronouns because I'll call them as I see them.

First, there are only two genders male (men) and female (women).

Men and women ARE different, in musculature, skeletal structure and body chemistry.

Males have penises. Women have vaginas.

Only women can carry unborn children within their bodies. Therefore only women (sadly enough) can have abortions.

Homosexual (that is to say, people who are oriented to members of their own sex or gender) men are called gay. Homosexual women are called Lesbians.

Gays and Lesbians have been largely, albeit often grudgingly, accepted by most civilized societies and are generally indistinguishable from heterosexuals, except for the flamboyant types, called "Flamers."

People who are attracted to both sexes are usually referred to as bisexual, although I have honestly met only two men that I would classify as "bi" in the last fifty years. Most "bi" men are really gay who have been married to women (thinking it would straighten them out) and pumped a few children into them before continuing to carry on with men.

Gays and Lesbians constitute a small percentage of the overall population, perhaps as small as seven to ten percent (various gay advocacy organizations like to boast that the LGBT etcetera community is as large as, or larger than twenty-five percent of the population, which is delusional on their parts) and the trans community is only a fraction of that.

Drag queens are gay men with too much fashion sense for one sex and the really good ones tend to look far more attractive than biological women. They can also be described as women with something extra!

Transvestites are heterosexual men who get a kick out of dressing like women on occasion. To each his own.

Finally, a transsexual is a person who believes that he is trapped in the body of the wrong sex and undertakes to live as a person of the opposite sex.

This might be accomplished simply by dressing as a member of the opposite sex, taking hormones and, at the most extreme, undergoing sexual reassignment surgery, which entails the removal of the original sex organs and surgically creating cosmetic enhancements that look like, but do not function the same way, as the desired sexual identity.

There are videos on Youtube that illustrate these horrific procedures, which are both expensive and require a long recovery time, making them beyond the reach of most people who wish to undergo something both drastic and irreversible.

Hence most trans people are called "pre-op trannies," since they never underwent the surgery and are still equipped with the sexual organs with which they were born.

Nor did they undergo the necessary psychological therapy of several years duration before they would be deemed mentally prepared and qualified to undergo the irreversible surgery.

THAT has become the real issue here.

Lia Thomas is a pre-op trannie or, as Latinos would describe him, a Gringa with a Pinga, who competes in women's sports and wins at that level, even though he was a failure in men's sports. That's why he chose to say that he was "Trans." The real women on the swimming team are offended with having to share their locker rooms and showers with him.

In Scotland, a convicted two-time rapist decided to claim that he was a pre-op "Trans" in order to be sent to a women's prison, which produced such an outrage there about the safety of real women prisoners that he was summarily removed and the Scots first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, was forced to resign over this issue, since she promoted trans rights.

There were two other similar incidents in the UK, which has now produced ongoing debate about the subject of trans rights.

Here in the US, a pre-op trans woman criminal was sent to a women's prison upon his demand, only to impregnate two real women prisoners there. He has subsequently been returned to a men's prison.

Are we getting the gist here?

What might be considered even worse is that most pre-op transwomen don't even look or dress like women. Just look at Rachel Levine, father of two, who looks like weird old Uncle Henry, dressed up in grandma's cast-off clothes.

For no good reason, Mr. Rachel Levine considers himself to be a "role model," and has made that statement several times.

Basically, the women's movement has been supplanted by Trans Rights, with transwomen using the resources of the various women's groups to further their own agenda. Women don't exist anymore.

Unfortunately, the liberal media is giving such creatures far more attention than their miniscule numbers deserve

And so do the liberal Democrats, always looking for voters to support their Hellish crusade against common sense and decency.

This consists of allowing biological males to participate in women's sports, use women's toilet, locker and gym facilities and creating quotas of them that businesses and government agencies must hire, regardless of competence, to meet political guidelines.

More Woke asininity is their demand that children be given chemical adolescence blockers, be groomed into believing that they really do not wish to continue in the sex into which they were born and be allowed to choose their preferred sex by submitting to irreversible sexual reassignment surgery before they reach the legal age of consent!

That is an abomination!

We are supposed to abide by the choices of kids who are in the throes of natural hormonal changes who are unable to choose what color to paint their bedroom walls and have been brainwashed by groomers who are telling them that this is what they really want? Or are supposed to want?

Rachel Levine is just such a villain.

And so is Sloppy Joe, our senile horse's ass of a president, who is aghast at the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, for passing a law prohibiting such surgeries on minors.

DeSantis is the voice of reason against the cesspit called "Progressive Liberalism."

Just a few years ago liberal New York State passed a law forbidding "Conversion Therapy," where gay youth had been forced by their parents to undergo psychiatric "therapy" to make their orientation heterosexual. Yet, thanks to progressive liberal groomers in certain states and school systems, it is seen as okay to convince girls to become boys and boys to become girls. This sort of hypocrisy would be laughable if the results weren't so permanent and tragic.

Even stupider is the constant shrieking about people being "Transphobic" if they don't buy into their bullshit.

If you are a heterosexual man who won't date a transwoman, you are transphobic and must be punished publicly.

If you are a gay man who won't date a transman, you are transphobic and must be severely chastised.

"Dating" means "to have sex with" just like "fiancé" now has come to mean "the person I am fucking now."

The meaning of words like these have been changed to suit an entirely different age and time.

But what of women? Real women? Biological women?

The trans brigade crackpots say nothing about women, because they have rendered, in their own minds, women to be obsolete and with them the feminist movement, which they have used and perverted to their purposes.

Men, gay and straight, are their real obstacles and must be silenced.

J. K. Rowling, author of the "Harry Potter" books, has been the subject of cancel culture promoted by trans activists because she has stated, quite bluntly, that men are men and women are women.

She has further stated that transwomen are nothing more than men in dresses.

J. K. Rowling is absolutely correct in her statements and for this she must be punished.

Unfortunately, for the trans community, thinking people see J. K. Rowling as a heroine for speaking the truth and have little sympathy for the continued shrieking of trannies.

Trannies believe that the truth is hateful and speaking it is hate speech.

So, what conclusions can I bring this latest blog to?

Men and women are different.

Only women can bear children.

You really can't change your sex

You can only make cosmetic changes to your body.

Quotas based on racial and sexual identity, rather than ability and competence, are institutionalizing mediocrity, incompetence and failure, which is highly evident in and illustrated by the Biden regime.

All you need is a few shrieking loudmouths to get the attention of a government and society unwilling to tell them to go and fuck off for fear of being branded as "haters."

Children should NOT be subjected to drag shows (even if the show are good, the humor is usually adult-oriented). You wouldn't take a prepubescent child to a strip show or to view a porn film. THAT is child abuse.

Nor should people have sex openly in front of their children, as some progressive liberals have suggested.

Teachers should not be so generous as to share with their pupils tales of their own sex lives and parents have an absolute right to demand the dismissal of such educators and school administrators who choose to waste valuable classroom time on such unnecessary and confusing tales.

Frankly, I think that rank and file people wouldn't be so offended by trans people if only they wouldn't go out of their way to be so offensive and obnoxious in seeking "acceptance," because they have no understanding that such activity and proclamations turns off the vast majority of people, including gays and Lesbians. 

They want to make people feel uncomfortable.

In the meantime, should you see a humanoid on the street whose appearance is so extreme that you are unsure whether it is a man or a woman, you can rest assured that it is a Democrat. 

Because it probably is!


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