
Showing posts with the label Racism

The Nicosias' Press Conference, Or How to Shoot Yourself in The Foot Without Really Trying.

This is an update from my previous blog about the Nicosias' reputedly racist "Juneteenth" party held on July 7. On Tuesday, August 23 Rochester socialites Dr. and Mrs. Nicosia held a press conference to refute charges that they held a racist-themed party at their East Avenue mansion. They said that they wished to set the record straight about that party because the distorted accounts of it caused emotional distress to their family, affected their livelihood and their social position in Rochester. They, and their attorney (who was present) categorically denied that they were racists. They admitted that the party was politically themed, a liberal bashing event that Dr. Nicosia described was for his wife's "idiot friends." Which really wasn't a very smart thing for him to say since he was present at the festivities, although he stated that he had invited no one to the event and was merely "hosting." The descriptions of it can be seen in my previou

Shades of Titus Oates: A Racist "Juneteenth Party" In July Serving Kentucky Fried Chicken!

Titus Oates was an English clergyman who, in the late 17th Century, claimed that he was privy to a Popish plot to assassinate King Charles II. He accused all sorts of Catholic noblemen and prominent persons, including Charles's queen, Catherine of Braganza, and his brother James, Duke of York (the future King James II), of being in on the plot. While England was virulently anti-Catholic at the time, not too many prominent Protestant politicians really believed Titus but, as they were opposed to Charles in Parliament, allowed Titus to rouse the mob to stick it to the king, which resulted in numerous prominent Catholics fleeing to exile, being imprisoned and even being beheaded. Eventually, Titus's supporters got tired of him, and he spent the remaining twenty years of his life facing spells of imprisonment, being defrocked and dying in 1705, an object of derision to all. Fast forward to the 21st Century in Rochester, New York. Jarrod Jones, a Black Rochester firefighter with 14

The Buffalo Massacre and the Propaganda of the Deed

 There is a popular misconception that monsters are hideously ugly creatures that send us running in the opposite direction when we spot them. That is incorrect. Monsters are not possessed of horns, fangs, prehensile tails, bat wings and cloven hooves. They do not have bolts in their necks or wear built up shoes or bay at the moon. Nor are they particularly stupid. They look like everyone else, like the pastor of your church. Or the little old grandmotherly lady that bakes cookies for neighborhood events. Or the kid that mows your lawn in the summer. That's what makes them dangerous. We don't know until it's too late that they are monsters. There are other misconceptions about monsters. For instance, women are considered the weaker sex and incapable of deliberate evil. This concept ignores the cavalcade of female Nazi concentration camp personnel who perpetrated some of the worst atrocities in history during the Second World War. And children, specifically young teen-age ch

Justine Smollett Has Written Racist Graffiti in the Girls' Toilet at St. Mary's; or What to do if Racism is in High Demand But Low Supply?

 A week ago today, an incident occurred at St. Mary's Girls' School in Brighton, just across the city line from Rochester. Racist graffiti, featuring the "N" word, had been written on a wall in the girls' toilet. Rather than photograph it, erase it and launch a private investigation to discover the identity of the culprit, the school's administrators, in a spasm of White woke progressive "transparency," went public with this "news." That was a BIG mistake. It allowed the administration to state their feelings of disgust with this graffiti and racism, reaffirming their credentials as liberals. Other people, especially politicians, quickly jumped on the bandwagon to declare their anger about this incident, as well. Needless to say, those local groups that exist only to be offended about something and protest it, also chimed in. All of this was duly reported by the local news media, as was the anti-racism rally sponsored by the school the foll