Shades of Titus Oates: A Racist "Juneteenth Party" In July Serving Kentucky Fried Chicken!

Titus Oates was an English clergyman who, in the late 17th Century, claimed that he was privy to a Popish plot to assassinate King Charles II.

He accused all sorts of Catholic noblemen and prominent persons, including Charles's queen, Catherine of Braganza, and his brother James, Duke of York (the future King James II), of being in on the plot.

While England was virulently anti-Catholic at the time, not too many prominent Protestant politicians really believed Titus but, as they were opposed to Charles in Parliament, allowed Titus to rouse the mob to stick it to the king, which resulted in numerous prominent Catholics fleeing to exile, being imprisoned and even being beheaded.

Eventually, Titus's supporters got tired of him, and he spent the remaining twenty years of his life facing spells of imprisonment, being defrocked and dying in 1705, an object of derision to all.

Fast forward to the 21st Century in Rochester, New York.

Jarrod Jones, a Black Rochester firefighter with 14 years on the force, claimed that he had been taken to a racist spoof of a Juneteenth celebration. In July?

Nobody has bothered to state the actual date in July that this supposedly occurred, though, within the last day, the news media reported the date as being July 7.

For those of you unfamiliar with Juneteenth, it has been a federal holiday since 2021 (last year), marking the abolition of slavery on June 19th, 1865, in Texas after the Civil War.

According to Jones's narrative, he and two other firefighters were taken in the middle of their shift to a Juneteenth party by their captain, Jeffrey Krywy.

Apparently, none of them had been invited by the hosts of the party, and how Krywy knew of the party has never been explained.

The party was hosted by the locally prominent Nicholas and Mary Nicosia at their East Avenue mansion.

Jones claimed that Mrs. Nicosia was uncomfortable when he showed up at their party, intimating that it might have been because he was Black and that there was something going on at her party that she was uncertain how he would react to. Or didn't want to see.

A simpler explanation is that she was uncomfortable with uninvited people crashing a party at her home.

According to Jones, Mrs. Nicosia asked them not to take photos at the party, as if she could have stopped them if they were so inclined to do, especially if there were a lot of guests at the party.

Here Jones's narrative becomes downright strange even if taken with a grain of salt. 

He claimed that "Juneteenth" banners were set up near platters of Kentucky Fried Chicken!

Apparently offering fried chicken to Black people is racist, despite the tens of millions of Americans of all colors who eat it every day.

And KFC does offer catering service for large parties regardless of race, color, creed or national origin.

And it does make for a great picnic meal if you don't want to go through the trouble of cooking for a large number of people.

Considering how expensive chicken has become during the "miracle" of Bidenism, and how the prices at KFC have increased over the last few years, it seems that the Nicosias were pulling out the stops for their party!

Jones never mentioned if there were other food items on the buffet, which apparently also featured pizza and macaroni salad.

How racist was that?

Then, bottled Hennessy cognac was offered as a beverage, although Jones didn't mention what other alcohol was there.

He took offense to that because Hennessy is supposed to be a stereotypical tipple of the Black community.

And here is where the news media updating Jones's recollections about the party muddled things.

All of them mentioned the presence of the Hennessy cognac. Some of them stated that they sported "Juneteenth" stickers attached to the bottles.

Which of these tales, if either, is correct?

Then Jones regaled us with tales of the decor.

Supposedly, there was a cut-out of former President Trump displayed somewhere in the yard.

Then there were either photos or posters of local politicians either hanging or staked into the ground, the way you would finish off a vampire, among which was a photo of City Councilman Mitch Gruber and members of the scandal-riddled Police Accountability Board.

Clearly it bashed liberal democrat politicians, their creatures and hangers-on.

Not Blacks, per se.

According to Jones's narrative, there was a redheaded woman impersonating County Legislator Rachel Barnhart. 

The local news media stated either that she proceeded to do a striptease, while another wrote that she did a burlesque routine.

There is more to burlesque than just striptease.

And it is odd that the Nicosias would have hired someone to mock a politician to whose campaign they contributed.

On the other hand, La Barnhart has become an object of mockery and laugher throughout the community, apart from the White woke liberal progressive types.

There is something very wrong with this story.

And La Barnhart isn't Black unless she's doing one Helluva job passing for White.

Jones also claimed that he saw a "high-ranking member of RPD" there, although Jones didn't know his identity.

Furthermore, when he was leaving, Mrs. Nicosia asked if he would like to take some fried chicken home with him.

This offended him, but like any hostess faced with a surplus of food, she wanted to get rid of it as much as possible to have fewer leftovers and would offer it to her guests to take home.

Perhaps he doesn't like fried chicken.

Jones never stated if she made the same offer to others.

Finally, Jones recollected that a woman who identified herself as "Char," whom he claimed was intoxicated, was hitting on him, which apparently offended his high moral sensibilities.

Supposedly, Jones was so offended by all of this that he complained to his superiors and City Hall, who put a lid on it.

Perhaps they thought Jones was exaggerating.

So, Jones announced a press conference on August 11 to say that he was suing both the City and RFD.

Surrounded by supporters and local activists on the steps of City Hall, he made his intentions clear and, when walking away from the camera, was hugged by an older lady, the way a mother would to a child that had been bullied.

Jones is on leave from RFD because of "emotional distress and fear of retaliation."

And he's suing the City and RFD for $4 million.

Immediately after his press conference, the shit hit the fan...for the Nicosias.

Mrs. Nicosia was booted off the Landmark Society's board. Dr. Nicosia was fired by the Rochester Amerks as their team dentist and also booted from Highland Hospital's Board of Directors.

These organizations offered the public highly pious statements about not condoning racism.

And then there were the politicians, who promptly advertised that they were returning the Nicosia's campaign contributions.

County Legislatrix Rachel Barnhart, long a subject of humor on Twitter for her wokist anti-cop attitude and regular outbursts about anything and everything, was the politician who was the most vocal about the party, since she thinks it impugned her dignity and honor and is demanding to know who else attended the party to witness her presumed impersonator do that supposed striptease.

And of course, she's furious with the Nicosias. 

This is all well and good, except for one thing: Nothing has been proved against the Nicosias.


No serious investigation has been conducted into the actual events of their so-called "Juneteenth" party...held on some unidentified day in July.

No other guests have been identified or even come forth to give their description of the events at that party.

That's the problem.

All of this hubbub has been based on the tales told by one man, Jarrod Jones, without any attempts to seriously investigate an issue which is destroying the lives and reputations of two prominent individuals whom, I admit, I never heard of before.

So, I can't speak for their integrity.

But then I don't really travel in the circles of the high and mighty.

Nor can I speak for the integrity of Jarrod Jones, whom I never heard of before, either.

This party could have happened as Jones said that it did, because anything is possible.

We've seen that recently with the departure of ex-mayor Lovely Warren.

But is it probable?

Or was he making much ado about something to which neither he nor even his captain was invited?

Until a real investigation of the situation takes place, nobody should have jumped the gun.

At worst, if the Nicosia's purposely did everything of which they were accused, it was in extremely bad taste, but not illegal.

Bashing politicians has long been a pastime and politicians love to drag each other into the mud when campaign season is in full swing.

At best, if they didn't, their reputations are soiled forever, because accusations of racism, whether true are not, will always stick and their accusers know this.

But they will have learned a very harsh lesson about who their friends are.

And it ain't the City of Rochester.

But Kentucky Fried Chicken will continue to prosper! And everyone knows that one serves white wine with chicken, not cognac.

And if things were so disturbing to Jones, why didn't he leave immediately, instead of hanging around to savor it all?

I have serious doubts about a man who faces life and death situations every day in his job as a firefighter yet becomes emotionally unbalanced by a party that obviously bashed liberal democrats but not specifically Blacks or the Black community.

But money is, after all, money.


It has just been announced by Mayor Mahweak that RFD Captain Jeffrey Krywy has retired before the City could begin procedures to terminate him.


  1. I really hope this didn't happen, but nothing amazes me anymore😢

    1. As I stated, anything is possible. But it is highly improbable that this happened the way Jones claimed that it did. Prominent people don't host controversial parties that are open to the public who can take issue with them.


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