
Showing posts with the label City of Rochester NY

My Peerless Political Prognostications For November, 2023...For Rochester, New York, Anyway...

The Democrats will take every seat they are running for in the City of Rochester, New York this November. That includes the four district City Council seats, the two city court judges and the four school board seats. Why is NOT rocket science. The dying City of Rochester is a one-party town, controlled by the Democrats. The result is visible to all who are unfortunate enough to visit here. Crime, violence, homicide, corruption, physical decay and the worst school district in New York State are just a few of the amusements Rochester has to offer. While Rochester is NOT unique in these respects, since they are common enough in most large Blue cities across America, the parameters of this blog will deal only with our dying city and a few of its environs. Specifically, the effects of one-party rule here, which is maintained by promising "free stuff" to people who are too lazy to work for it, the professional victims whom Democrats buy off. Then, when Democrats are unable to fulfi

The Tangled Scales of Justice for Steve Amenhauser.

It was Friday, March 5, 2021, in the dying city of Rochester, New York. In a decaying neighborhood on Lyell Avenue, a 53-year-old man, recently widowed, was living out his life in poverty. Two feral urban humanoid teenagers, 14 and 16, doused him with a flammable liquid and set fire to him. The police were called and promptly took the teenagers into custody. They were in the area, still sticking around presumably to admire their handiwork. The man was taken to hospital with second and third degree burns over 70% of his body, from which he succumbed on Tuesday, March 9. On Friday, March 12, the two teenage monsters were charged with second degree murder. There was only perfunctory coverage by the media of this incident. The elected members of our "august" City Council said absolutely nothing about this horrific crime, especially the district city councilman in whose constituency this crime occurred. There was silence from the then-Mayor of Rochester's office and her admini