My Peerless Political Prognostications For November, 2023...For Rochester, New York, Anyway...

The Democrats will take every seat they are running for in the City of Rochester, New York this November.

That includes the four district City Council seats, the two city court judges and the four school board seats.

Why is NOT rocket science.

The dying City of Rochester is a one-party town, controlled by the Democrats.

The result is visible to all who are unfortunate enough to visit here.

Crime, violence, homicide, corruption, physical decay and the worst school district in New York State are just a few of the amusements Rochester has to offer.

While Rochester is NOT unique in these respects, since they are common enough in most large Blue cities across America, the parameters of this blog will deal only with our dying city and a few of its environs.

Specifically, the effects of one-party rule here, which is maintained by promising "free stuff" to people who are too lazy to work for it, the professional victims whom Democrats buy off.

Then, when Democrats are unable to fulfill their bloated promises, they blame the Republicans for "preventing" them from realizing those goals.

Even if the Republicans haven't been in power for thirty years!

Having demonized the Republican party in the City of Rochester and driven them into the suburbs where two=party systems still function (although the Republicans tend to do very nicely there), the Democrats have insured for themselves a monopoly on all of the elected offices in Rochester.

And in the adjacent Town of Brighton.

Despite having the largest Jewish community in Western New York State outside of New York City, Brighton's residents would rather vote for Hitler with a "D" in front of his name rather than a Jesus or a Moses with an "R" in front of theirs.

That is an ugly thing to say, but it is altogether too true.

It is a horrifying reflection of Sloppy Joe Biden's statement in the 2020 presidential election, that you can't be Black and NOT vote for Joe Biden, that you're not a real Black person or a Jew or Gay if you don't vote a Democratic ticket.

The Democrats controlling the City of Rochester concur with that feeling with an almost religious fervor that can be found in Iran, so any questioning or criticism in governing our dying city is met with catcalls and cries of racism, sexism, homophobia (and now transphobia), labeling all such opponents as "Maga Republicans."

Unfortunately for the Democrats, that label is no longer effective as an insult but has become a badge of honor.

Which pisses off the Democrats more than somewhat.

However, both the Monroe County GOP and the Rochester Republican Committee have their share in the blame for this lamentable state of affairs in the City of Rochester.

The Monroe County GOP was uninterested in providing money, manpower and moral support for the very few Republicans who ran for city offices in the last twenty years, while the Rochester Republican Committee was more interested in making nice with the county chairman.

They felt it was more important to offer money, manpower and moral support to suburban Republican candidates rather than to potential city candidates, despite the fact that those suburban elected officials could do nothing to improve the quality of life in the City of Rochester.

Thus, bereft of any real support from the party whose ideals they espouse, city Republican candidates found it necessary to raise their own funds and run their own campaigns with no real help from other Republicans.

As a result, few city Republican candidates could afford to run.

So they don't.

This suits the Democrats just fine.

Democrats do an awful lot of talking about "democracy" and the "right to choose," which covers a broad spectrum of things these days.

But they really don't want to give the voters a real choice, because the woke progressive agenda that has infected most Democratic politicians precluded debate or dissent...except among each other.

And since they behave pretty much the same, Democratic primaries, limited only to registered Democrats (in New York State, at least) will merely produce more of the same candidates for the general election in November, where all registered voters of any party affiliation can vote...for Democratic candidates.

Thus they are guaranteed "victory." Which is why they stopped campaigning after the Democratic primary. They didn't need the voters anymore.

And they are content with that, because no matter how small the turnout in an off-year election, they know they'll get in.

Most people in Rochester realize that farce and don't bother to vote, since they have seen over the last thirty years of Democratic control nothing has improved in our dying city. It has only gotten worse.

And Democrats cannot seem to leave well enough along, chiding non-voting residents with harangues about how not voting at all betrays the democratic ideal of freedom of choice in elections.

Never mind the fact that they have made damned well sure that there be no real Rochester, anyway.

This is the conundrum faced by most Republicans, who DO vote regularly, but don't want to vote for the candidates the Democrats have puked up at us.

The solution is simple enough.

Write in candidates, even if you know they won't win.

You will have voted and not voted for people you wouldn't want to sit on your toilet, let alone at your dinner table.

If several thousand people wrote in candidates, it would embarrass the Democratic candidates who are expecting their victories with glee.

As if coercive consent is really consent.

Imagine, in a low-turnout, off-year election, that the Democratic candidates only got a few thousand votes, but thousands more wrote in a variety of candidates!

Imagine the insult to Democratic Susie Q getting two thousand votes when ten thousand people voted for themselves and other people, meaning she won, all right, with only 20% of the vote for her.

That way, she could be reminded forever that the vast majority of voters didn't want her and the election results proved it!

Which is exactly what my husband and I did on our absentee ballots.

I voted for myself for NW City Council and my husband County Legislature's 29th District.

We both voted for Letizia Astacio and John Parrinello for City Court Judge.

And for the School Board: Moe, Larry and Curly Howard and Larry Fine.

As for the morons who will undoubtedly say that we threw away our votes, I say "Bullshit!"

Voting for candidates I don't like, trust or respect is throwing away my vote.


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