Justine Smollett Has Written Racist Graffiti in the Girls' Toilet at St. Mary's; or What to do if Racism is in High Demand But Low Supply?

 A week ago today, an incident occurred at St. Mary's Girls' School in Brighton, just across the city line from Rochester.

Racist graffiti, featuring the "N" word, had been written on a wall in the girls' toilet.

Rather than photograph it, erase it and launch a private investigation to discover the identity of the culprit, the school's administrators, in a spasm of White woke progressive "transparency," went public with this "news."

That was a BIG mistake.

It allowed the administration to state their feelings of disgust with this graffiti and racism, reaffirming their credentials as liberals.

Other people, especially politicians, quickly jumped on the bandwagon to declare their anger about this incident, as well.

Needless to say, those local groups that exist only to be offended about something and protest it, also chimed in.

All of this was duly reported by the local news media, as was the anti-racism rally sponsored by the school the following day.

It only lacked Lena Horne and Alabama Governor George Wallace dancing cheek to cheek.

White woke progressives were in hog heaven over this incident and the attention it was drawing, beating their chests and chanting mea culpas.

An investigation was being undertaken by several people in this matter. By Thursday, the culprit had been discovered and had confessed.

St. Mary's administrators then issued a statement that the perpetrator had been caught, would receive the maximum punishment for this infraction (but nobody mentioned expulsion from the school, which is probably the most maximum punishment the school could dish out to the little girlie) and reaffirmed their opposition to racism and any expressions of it.

Since the perpetrator was a minor, the school did not release her name.

They thought that this would bring an end to the matter.

They were wrong.

On Friday, a group of angry protesters, unsatisfied with St. Mary's decision in this matter, came to harass students coming to school.

The administration chose not to intervene and allowed the abuse of their students to continue!

It was only then that the most explosive bit of information about this incident was slowly leaked to the public, and not by the media or the school.

The little girlie who wrote that racist graffiti on the wall of the girls' toilet was Black!


Justine Smollett wrote the racist graffiti on the wall of the girls' toilet!

Apparently, there were no real or obvious racists out there to do it, so this twisted sistah took it into her own hands to stir up racial tension in an area that has plenty enough real combustible material to do the trick.

Had the people of our area been informed of that fact, there probably wouldn't have been that abusive protest rally on Friday.

But the school and the news media, in yet another example of promoting Woke progressivism, chose to keep this information under wraps.

Unfortunately, it is examples of fake racist incidents like these that cause people to question the veracity of incidents of racism that are undoubtedly real.

And we have recently been treated to just such incidents of fake racism.

Remember Justin (Jussie) Smollett? The handsome Black entertainer who was assaulted by two men who screamed racial and sexual obscenities (Smollett is openly gay) at him during their attack who became a cause Celebre?

It turned out that he had hired a couple of goons to attack him while being filmed so he could use this manufactured hate crime to boost his flagging career, while at the same time increasing the racial tension that had begun with the death of George Floyd in 2020 and has since not abated.

When the jig was up and informers, including the so-called attackers, came forward with that pertinent information, Smollett was tried, convicted and sentenced to 150 days in jail.

He was delivered to prison yesterday and taken directly to the psych ward.

Then there was the case of Tawana Brawley thirty-five years ago. 

It shocked America.

The fifteen year-old Black girl claimed that she was abducted, gang raped and otherwise abused by six White men, one of whom she claimed was a cop and another the assistant district attorney of Dutchess County, New York.

Unfortunately, the evidence proved that it was all a fabrication, that none of it ever happened, that she personally marked her body with racist words (they were written upside down, as if she had written them), that she was not suffering from exposure, hypothermia and dehydration and the assistant district attorney successfully sued Brawley and her advisors for libeling and slandering him.

Al Sharpton, a long time promoter of race hatred, was one of Brawley's "advisors."

And, of course, it heightened racial tensions across America.

Just like Justine Smollett's graffiti at St. Mary's did here, for a week, anyway.

It didn't make national headlines, but it raised plenty of eyebrows and blood pressures here, as causing perpetually offended protesters to go off half cocked.

But then, they never need much of a reason to do that.

And, whatever her reasons for scribbling that graffiti with the "N" word, none of them were good.

If a White girlie did this, she would be accused of attempting to perpetrate a hate crime.

And what of Justine Smollett?

Does she have a truly warped sense of humor and did this for some sort of perverse fun?

Or was she intent on doing her little bit to promote "Helter Skelter," the race war spoken of by Charles Manson and his "family" more than fifty years ago?

Only her confessor might know for sure.

And, like St. Mary's and the local liberal media, we know he won't talk, either.


  1. I think all humans are crazy, that's why I prefer my animals. They are a much better judge of character!


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