The Nicosias' Press Conference, Or How to Shoot Yourself in The Foot Without Really Trying.

This is an update from my previous blog about the Nicosias' reputedly racist "Juneteenth" party held on July 7.

On Tuesday, August 23 Rochester socialites Dr. and Mrs. Nicosia held a press conference to refute charges that they held a racist-themed party at their East Avenue mansion.

They said that they wished to set the record straight about that party because the distorted accounts of it caused emotional distress to their family, affected their livelihood and their social position in Rochester.

They, and their attorney (who was present) categorically denied that they were racists.

They admitted that the party was politically themed, a liberal bashing event that Dr. Nicosia described was for his wife's "idiot friends."

Which really wasn't a very smart thing for him to say since he was present at the festivities, although he stated that he had invited no one to the event and was merely "hosting."

The descriptions of it can be seen in my previous blog. The Nicosias' description of it doesn't differ much from what has already been written about it.

It was only the presence of two "Juneteenth" banners that could have raised some eyebrows (and inspired Black RFD firefighter Jarrod Jones to file a $4 million lawsuit against Rochester and the Fire Department) and produced accusations of racism, even if it was only a liberal-bashing event.

Had those two banners NOT been there the whole brouhaha would never have occurred. 

And the firefighters, including Jarrod Jones, were never invited to the party in the first place, so they shouldn't have been there.

It was supposed to have been a private party, by invitation only and not a neighborhood event open to the public.

Ex-Fire Captain Krywyk, in his statement, claimed that he thought it was a neighborhood event. Such events usually welcome the various City departments to attend.

Can you imagine what would have happened if Dr. Nicosia told a Black firefighter and his captain that they were NOT welcome at this little shindig and turned them away?

That, too, wouldn't have been pretty.

Dr. Nicosia stated that he was considering suing for defamation (of character, I suppose). Who he would be suing is a matter for conjecture.

And, frankly, had they let the matter drop at that point, they might have been able to salvage something from their ruined reputations because it had become clear that their party wasn't racist per se.

Some people believe that there is no success like excess. What followed would prove to make that statement completely untrue, at least in this case.

They provided photos purporting to be of the event. The Nicosias and their attorney were then forced to admit that they staged these photos after-the-fact, to show people what the set-up party supposedly looked like.

This little scam eroded the already dangerously compromised sympathy that they elicited from their earlier statements.

The Nicosias stated that they were not racists and could prove it.

They wanted to have their Jamaican friend appear with them at the press conference, but he was unable to come.

"Some of my best friends are."

Their "friend" was actually a tenant of theirs.

Isn't it nice to have your landlord as your friend?

Mrs. Nicosia also whined that she couldn't be a racist because of where she was born in Ohio and because of all of the good work she and her husband have done for Rochester, including their personal involvement apart from their philanthropy.

All of that supposedly precludes racism.

The Nicosias' attorney, Corey Hogan, challenged reporters to find anything racist that the couple had done

Then Mrs. Nicosia admitted to owning several racist-themed Twitter accounts, using the photo of a Black man below for one of them.

It was just for fun, she said, and had nothing to do with her real feelings or opinions about Black people.

Gino Fanelli from City Newspaper had apparently been allowed into their home to photograph this antique bank from an earlier, cutesier, folksier time when Blacks were portrayed in such a manner.

He also found other "exhibits" in the Nicosias' home, seen below.

Apparently, there were no Black lawn jockeys present, so that, at least, was a step in the right direction on their part.

Such memorabilia would serve better and more educational purposes in a museum dedicated to the history of slavery in America and the depiction of Blacks.

It would be impossible to pass these items off as cute little knickknacks displayed around the house when she chose to hide them in cupboards. 

Perhaps the beer steins are to be used for Oktoberfest parties...if they ever have parties again.

I seriously doubt that the beer steins can link the Nicosias to Nazism, although I am quite sure that some kooks out there will try.

It appears as damning evidence that the Nicosias are indeed racist. AND incredibly stupid to allow Mr. Fanelli access to such "proof."

Even worse was Mrs. Nicosias's convoluted tales about her anonymous Twitter accounts and cancel culture, which I'm sure delighted many viewers and disgusted or angered many more.

But that's show biz, kids.

Lots of people use anonymous Twitter accounts because they have had previous Twitter accounts under their real names suspended for any number reasons that seemed to suit the Twitter gods to use.

This is what happened to several of her Twitter accounts. They got permanently suspended.

Unfortunately, for Mrs. Nicosia, their own attorney soon described her Twitter accounts as "racist, wrong and vile!"


So, what's the sad conclusion I can bring this blog to?

Well, the Nicosias' party on July 7 wasn't racist themed, but the inclusion of Juneteenth flags and cups bought on clearance from the Dollar Store was thoughtless.

Had they concentrated solely on the party, they might have recouped some losses, but they never again would enjoy the social prominence they once had.

On the other hand, it was Mrs. Nicosia's own statements about how she couldn't be a racist and her convoluted tales about her Twitter accounts that backfired and made her appear to be a racist. Big time.

They and their attorney simply could not leave well enough alone.

They are finished.

And, unfortunately, all of this has been a tempest in a teapot, because whatever happens to the Nicosias will not have any effect, really, good or bad, in what goes on in our dying city.

*****The photo of the Nicosias' press conference is from City Newspaper, while the photos of the Nicosias' knickknacks were by Gino Fanelli, who is a City Newspaper reporter*****


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