Batshit Crazy Trans Activism and the Denial of Reality.



Woke progressives and liberal Democrats might want to give this blog a skip, since the subject matter is about biological facts that they deny and protest against.

Trans activists and their woke progressive allies have been creating quite a furor in modern society lately, in the media, in government and in our school systems.

The attention they are receiving is completely out of proportion with the tiny fraction of the population they claim to represent and the ensuing chaos they produce in our society.

Transsexuals claim to be trapped in the wrong bodies, bodies that don't correspond to the sexual identity they want to be associated with mentally.

Some undergo torturous sexual reassignment surgeries so that they might outwardly resemble the sex of their choice, while others might simply claim that they are members of the opposite sex and demand to be treated as such while remaining physically intact.

Frankly, I do not care how people choose to identify themselves as long as they do a good job of looking the part and do not keep ramming the fact that they are trans men and trans women down my throat, especially if they are still physically intact.

These are the creatures that tend to make a great deal of noise and have gained an unduly large amount of influence in our society.

All the while trans men are NOT men and trans women are NOT women because they deny the simple facts of biology: Men and women are NOT the same.

First, there are only two genders, male and female, and therefore only two sexes. You are born that way. No amount of surgery or hormones will change a person's DNS, skeletal structure or musculature.

Heterosexuals, gay men and lesbians understand this. Trans activists do not.

Second, men have penises, women have vaginas.

Third, men do not menstruate, and only women can conceive and give birth.

This is simple biology, which trans activists refute and protest against.

It started out with trans people demanding to use lavatory facilities of the sex with which they choose to identify. 

Okay, but most "trans women" are still intact with male organs because most of them cannot afford the cost of sexual reassignment surgery and real women object to their presence in the powder room.

The same goes for changing rooms in retail shops, locker rooms at work or in the gym.

These were "safe spots" for women. Real women. Which they feel threatened by intact men who claim to be women demand the right to use.

A similar subject can be seen in the world of women's sports.

Women have long demanded funding for sports that have been separated from competing in men's sports for the simple reason, once again, that men and women ARE different. The male physique is usually faster and stronger than that of females. 

A trans woman would therefore have an unfair advantage against a real woman in women's sports, as evidenced by trans woman Lia Thomas winning against biological woman Riley Gaines in professional swimming competitions.

Lia was only an average performer when previously competing in men's swimming events, so it is quite fair to say that he couldn't make it as a man in competitive swimming, so he opted to become a "woman."

And won!

As Lia is still intact, his presence in the women's locker room with his schwanz and balls hanging out caused some consternation there.

As for Riley Gaines, she went on to give a lecture at San Francisco State University about women's sports and the need to restrict them to biological women, where she was violently physically attacked by trans rights activists, called a "transphobe" and other obscenities all because she spoke the truth: Men and women ARE different.

Trans activists shriek "Transphobe" and "hater" at any number of people.

And only subscribe to the concept of "freedom of speech" if they can use it to drown out the speech of those with whom they disagree.

If a straight man won't date a trans woman, he is a transphobe and a hater. Never mind the fact that straight men don't prefer "women" with something "extra."

The same goes for lesbians not dating trans women.

Or gay men not dating trans men.

Of course, when they mean "date," they mean "have sex with."

And how dare the vast majority of the world choose not to be intimate with transsexuals!

Trans activists have coined that peculiar word, "cis" as a prefix to describe men and women who are, in their less than humble opinion transphobic and haters.

And woke progressives have further muddied the waters by coining a term, "non-binary," to indicate someone who is so completely confused about his or her sexual identity that they try to appear as both.

 We are supposed to accept it as another new "norm."

Former Biden employee, Sam Brinton, described himself as non-binary and was both an eyesore and a humiliation to the United States the world over.

Fortunately, for our dignity, he was finally fired after having been charged with stealing luggage from airports on two separate occasions, one suitcase belonging to an African couturier who recognized her exclusive one-of-a-kind creations when Brinton was photographed wearing them.

Brinton was an example of the Biden regime's "inclusionary" policies that allowed for a whole freak show.

Another even more depressing appointment to the Biden regime is trans woman Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health since 2021.

Resembling nothing more than a crazy Uncle Harry wearing grandma's old clothes and hardly convincing as a woman, he has promoted the use of "puberty blockers" on confused children as well as sexual reassignment surgery or pre-teen and teenage children.

Levine is a licensed pediatrician!

This is both an abomination and an obscenity, yet Levine, father of two, regards himself as a "role model" for transgender people.

However, this is the tack with which so many trans activists and their woke progressive allies have infected our school systems: promoting transgenderism among children.

Teachers talk openly about it to children, telling the kids if they don't like their sex, they can change it.

Worse, teachers and guidance counselors are advised NOT to inform the parents of the children that they have chosen to confuse that their children have doubts about their sexual identity!

If parents somehow find out what's going on, they are accused of being, you've got it, transphobes and haters.

If parents seek to get outside counseling for their children, they are accused of child abuse for seeking conversion therapy.

Conversion therapy was originally conceived as a method by which parents could "convert" their homosexual children into becoming heterosexual.

It really didn't work and has been banned in most states, including New York State.

Yet the trans activist groomers and their allies are doing something similar to our children, by suggesting to young kids, who don't know anything about sex and aren't even interested in it yet, that they can change their sex.

They don't see the irony in this.

Nor having drag shows at schools or stocking the school libraries with illustrated, kiddie-type sex manuals, gay and straight, for the students' perusal.

Yet parents objecting to this is seen as trying to impose censorship on our institutions of learning!

Nor are they bothered by pubescent children and teenagers, now so completely indoctrinated by their unrealistic teachings, taking hormones and undergoing irreversible surgeries before they are even old enough to apply for drivers' licenses.

Woe betide the parents who object that their children aren't old enough to make good decisions about buying a pair of sneakers let alone physical alterations to their bodies.

Most states state that 18 is the minimum age to get a tattoo and 21 as the legal drinking age.

But trans activists and their progressive allies think nothing of allowing a fourteen-year-old boy having his penis and testicles cut away and teenage girls having their breasts hacked off and would deny parents having any say in this.

Unfortunately, once again, our senile horse's ass of a president came to the rescue...of trans activists!

He stated that trans people were the heart and soul of America!

Even worse was the statement of his press spokesman, Karine Jean-Pierre who, after the massacre at a Nashville Christian school by a demented trans "man," said that the regime's heart and soul went out to all the endangered trans people out there.

Crazy, huh?

And tragic.

The comedy relief comes from the corporate world, playing at being "inclusive" by having a trans "woman" promote women's products.

Yep, that's right.

Dylan Mulvaney, 27,  used to be one of those shrieking, fluttering "fairies" that give gay men a bad name.

A year ago he decided to "be a girl," although his body looks like that of a prepubescent 14-year-old boy and hasn't had sexual reassignment surgery nor breast implants.

In short, he is still an intact male.

In the last year, this fruitcake was invited to speak with the president (you, that senile horse's ass in the White House) and has been offered several lucrative deals to be a spokesman for selling Kotex (tampons and sanitary napkins to staunch the flow of menstrual blood) and Nike women's sportwear, notably women's sports bras, which has resulted in a backlash from Cis women, who believed it was better from a real woman to promote these item rather than a man playing at being a woman!

It gets better.

In honor of Dylans' 365 days of "being a girl," Bud Light (part of the Budweiser Beer family) made him their spokesman!

Frankly, I have always thought that Bud Light reminded me of rat piss, but it has been regarded as a "real man's beer," the brand that truckers and longshoremen would drink.

Apparently, a lot of real men thought so, too, as did bars, night clubs and retail establishments and have promptly boycotted Budweiser products.

They have had enough of being cowed into silence by threats from trans activists and had enough of Dylan's simpering on the camera.

So, how can we sum this up?

Well, as I stated previously, men and women ARE different.

Sexual reassignment surgery and hormones can only make cosmetic changes to a human body, while DNA, chromosomes, musculature and skeletal structure remain the same.

Trans men and trans women are NOT men and women.

And if they would simply have chosen to live their lives without drawing attention to themselves, nobody would have really cared.

But trans activists have sought the spotlight, they have chosen to groom our children and have denied biological reality and social norms.

And trans activists are becoming upset because average people are now denying their demands, ignoring their threats and fighting back against them for the sake of their children.

We are no longer accepting their ludicrousness as truth.

Because it is a lie and we're not buying their bullshit anymore.

Hence their wrath


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