God Bless the United States Supreme Court!

Today, to my great surprise, the United States Supreme Court revived my long weakened faith in our government.

Voting 9-0, they overturned Colorado's recently passed law forbidding Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot in the Republican primary for president.

Colorado, citing the insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment, claimed that Donald Trump was ineligible because of his "role" in the January 6, 2021 "insurrection."

Maine and Illinois followed suit to prevent Trump's name from appearing on their primary ballots as well.

The "insurrection clause" was added to the 14th Amendment to prevent Confederates who fought against the North during our Civil War from ever attaining national public office.

The Civil War ended nearly 160 years ago.

Which goes to show you to what tortured ends the Democrats had to go to keep Trump off of the ballots for this year's presidential election.

The Democrats know that Trump will easily beat Sloppy Joe and his braying jackass of a vice president in this year's election, so they and their news media allies found it necessary to get him off of the ballot.

Which is why there have been 91 indictments against Trump for the most frivolous reasons, hoping to secure convictions that would preclude him for running for president this year.

But then, they and their allies in the biased liberal news media have been going after Trump since 2015 because Trump isn't from the political establishment.

At the same time, the Democrats and the liberal news media have glossed over the crime of the Biden crime family and the sheer ineptitude of his regime, which frequently resembles criminal neglect or downright treason.

As for the "insurrection clause," well, Trump was never convicted of insurrection nor even indicted for insurrection.

Those simple facts were beyond the comprehension of the Democrats in Colorado, as was the fact that they were not able to make any pronouncements about candidates running for federal office, which is beyond their competence.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court saw this sleight of hand for what it was: the Democratic Party's attempt to prevent people from voting for a candidate that they despise.

In short, it was an attempt on the Democrats' part to legislate election interference at the state level as a prelude to one-party rule, which is the Democratic National Committee's concept of what democracy is.

The Supreme Court unanimously voted to negate Colorado's comic attempt to interfere in this year's presidential election, arguing that to agree to it would cause a patchwork of federal candidates that would be on the ballots in some states but not in others', thus institutionalizing chaos.

Furthermore, they argued that only Congress had the right to enact any all-embracing legislation for the United States, not individual states themselves.

Even the liberal Democratic judges on the Supreme Court agreed with these arguments. Even they saw that the Colorado law was an attempt to politicize the election process to favor one party and refused to uphold such chicanery.

Democratic politicians and their lap dogs in the liberal media immediately went batshit crazy.

They shrieked that the Supreme Court betrayed democracy, is controlled by Donald Trump, that the bad orange man was a threat to democracy, despite all of their attempts to deprive voters of their right to vote for him if they choose.

THEY are the threat to democracy, not Donald Trump.

Then they whine and say, well, now it's up to the voters to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.

Apparently, they have chosen to forget that it is always supposed to be up to the voters, not THEM.

They don't have the right to tell anyone who they will be allowed to vote for.

Hence their wrath.


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