Ahh, Schadenfreude! Enjoying Watching the Democrats Going Batshit Crazy Over the Impending Biden Impeachment!

The Democrats are finally learning what goes around comes around!

And that Karma is biting them hard on the ass!

For seven years, the Democrats and their trusty allies in the liberal news media (notably CNN), on social media, in the Justice Department and the FBI have done their tortured damnedest to demonize Donald Trump in particular and the Republicans in general.

To be sure, Donald Trump IS a bombastic, abrasive, megalomaniacal loudmouth who rubbed both the US's friends and foes the wrong way.

And to be sure, Donald Trump promoted America's best interests during his tenure in office, unlike his predecessor or the senile jerk who followed him.

Twice, because they controlled the House of Representatives at the time, the Democrats were able to have Trump impeached.

To their dismay, he was never convicted, largely because the charges they flung against him were based on non-existent evidence and mere political posturing.

Which, frankly, is why the Democrats have gone out of their way to destroy him now that he is running for president again. 

Deep down, for all of their political rhetoric, they know that Trump can beat their cellar dummy, Sloppy Joe Biden in the next presidential election.

They know, despite their woke progressive agenda, the Biden regime has been a dismal failure, staffed with incompetent tokens based on racial and sexual quotas, not on ability.

They know that, should Trump succeed to a second, non-consecutive term as president, the retribution against the Democrats would be swift and harsh.

What goes around comes around.

Unfortunately, to the great pleasure of many, the Democrats are going batshit crazy because it's now Biden's turn to be impeached, since the House of Representatives now has a Republican majority!

The Democrats are wailing that the Republicans have no proof that Sloppy Joe, as head of the Biden Crime Family, engaged in anything "illegal."

As if permitting to use his moronic, drug-addicted whoremongering son as a conduit to provide the Biden Crime Family with tens of millions of dollars for providing influence from foreign countries in our government, some of which are enemies of the United States, like China and Russia, is not a crime!

Since when isn't treason a crime? 

Selling your country out for cash IS a crime.

And it IS treason, which is punishable by death.

Apparently, it isn't a crime when it involves the Biden Crime Family. Or Schumer, Pelosi and the Clinton Crime Family.

Unlike their witch hunt on Donald Trump, the Democrats are choosing to pooh-pooh the mountains of factual evidence already compiled against the Biden Crime Family, with more coming out each day.

Some of the Democrats' most mentally challenged sugars are claiming that it was all Hunter's drug-addicted doing, that his thought processes were addled by cocaine and methamphetamine and that Sloppy Joe was just being a loving, forgiving father to him.

Which, of course, is bullshit.

Some of the Democratic sugars are saying that senile old Sloppy Joe was never aware of his son's doings, though there are both eyewitness statements and recordings of events that prove otherwise.

Like when, as vice president, Sloppy Joe gave the corrupt Ukrainian government one Billion dollars (disguised as "aid") in exchange for firing of the man who was investigating corruption in the Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter, who had no experience in energy issues whatsoever.

That company also ended up paying the Biden Crime Family ten million dollars in return.

Just a coincidence, huh?

And of the Biden Crime Family's offshore bank accounts?

These accounts are usually used by criminals, who want to launder money and hide taxable income from the countries in which they reside.

Or by third world dictators who want a comfortable nest egg for themselves when they eventually have to flee their countries.

And all of this began before his cognitive decline became manifest to the whole world, which the international news media takes great glee in reporting on a daily basis.

From our closest allies, no less!

Then, of course, there is the rather ridiculous comment of New York Senator, Chuck Schumer, who said that the American people don't want to see a president impeached!

Clearly, he's showing a different face from when he was all gung-ho to impeach Donald Trump.


And Schumer is clearly out of touch with the sentiments of at least half of the American people.

But then Schumer AND Nancy Pelosi had business interest in Russia and Ukraine, just like the Biden Crime Family.

We are supposed to believe them because to do otherwise would be Fascist!

That is the Democrats' usual refrain.

You're a Fascist, or a racist or a sexist if you don't subscribe to their woke agenda and dare to publicly dispute it.

To their dismay, more and more people are becoming less frightened by their taunts.

Even worse, Donald Trump's latest indictments are being seen as a badge of honor, something Republicans are proud of, cheering on the former president as he stands up to Democratic tyranny.

His popularity has exploded at the polls, while Sloppy Joe's remains in the negative and gets worse with each poll, even those conducted by liberal media organizations.

Even CNN has become less worshipful and more critical of Sloppy Joe!

Fancy that!

Even among Democrats, there is a movement to replace him as the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, although they are being very subtle about it because they want a president that the Democratic National Committee can control, like they have been doing with Sloppy Joe!

What they are afraid of is that impeaching Sloppy Joe will adversely affect the chances of any Democratic candidate that they might puke up in the presidential election.

And it is an absolute pleasure to watch their dismay with a big bowl of popcorn and a delightful bottle of Merlot.

Mind you, Sloppy Joe will never be convicted in the Senate, since the Democrats control it and they are amenable to crime and corruption, but the damage will be done that it was able to get so far, even if the Biden Crime Family doesn't end up like Romania's Ceausescus.

More's the pity.

The Democrats have spent seven years depicting Donald Trump as a mental and moral monster.

If they really want to take a look at such creatures, they need only look into a mirror.

Providing it doesn't explode in their faces when they do!

Or turn them into pillars of salt!

Now, THAT'S entertainment!


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