The Biden Crime Family: And a Senile Horse's Ass Shall Lead them.

Let me be frank about this. Donald Trump lost his bid for re-election in 2020 more or less fair and square.

Yes, there were lots of "irregularities" involved in the voting process at various locations across the nation, but both parties were involved.

When the smoke cleared it was plain enough that Trump simply did not have enough electoral votes to carry his re-election. 

Trump's crude vulgarity and megalomania lost him a lot of support he had in 2016, and his narcissism would not allow him to accept the fact that he had been defeated by the Democrats' "cellar dummy."

This led to the tragic black comedy of January 6, 2021, when a group of people stormed the Capitol building.

All of America knew in advance that there would be a potentially violent demonstration in Washington DC weeks before the event, yet Washington had been deliberately unprepared for it.

Even worse, the person in charge of the Capitol's security was drag-queen wannabe Nancy Pelosi, who deliberately neglected to beef up the building's security, fully aware of the fact that the impending demonstration could turn ugly.

Which it did.

The Democrats were ever so delighted to share videos of the carnage and destruction that occurred at the Capitol Building that day.

They were less delighted that some videos previously withheld from popular viewing displayed that other parts of the building were relatively quiet while the attempted putsch was going on, with guards helpfully accompanying the MAGA "shaman" through the building and opening doors for him.

It was these clips that were leaked to all Americans by Tucker Carlson, which called down the wrath of progressive Democrat Chuck Schumer, demanding his head.

This didn't meet with the Democrats' recollection of the event, nor of the liberal media's coverage.

In the long run, all it did was damage Trump's reputation and presumably give the Democrats the ability to destroy the Republican Party once and for all.

Only it didn't work out that way.

Their "cellar dummy" went on to be inaugurated on January 20 and promptly installed into his cabinet the greatest collection to tokens and circus freaks since Jimmy Carter's administration began in 1977.

The world could see that Sloppy Joe was not right in the head, which his handlers knew during the presidential campaign, which is why they kept him locked in his cellar throughout most of it.

Moreover, they chose as his running-mate one of the most undeniably stupid women ever to grace American politics, Kamelhead Harris. They chose her only because she was bi-racial, a woman and empty headed.

She would make Sloppy Joe look good.

Kamelhead has proved to be too much of a good thing and Democrats are definitely unwilling to remove Sloppy Joe from the presidency only to install her in his place.

Unfortunately, the past has finally caught up with Sloppy Joe.

For the fifty years he's been in politics, he has been a notorious liar and always doing 180 degree turns to placate voters, such as his original opposition to gay rights and abortion, which the Democrats have never ceased to keep from bringing to our attention.

Part of his lying covers the antics of his second son, Hunter.

Hunter is a notorious drug-addicted, whore-mongering wastrel, absolutely good for nothing.

Sloppy Joe knows nothing of this. He says.

Two months after Sloppy Joe ceased to be vice-president, Hunter received bribes from companies in Communist China to the tune of $1.3 million, which was divided among four members of the Biden family. Three of whom were himself, his uncle and his current wife (who was his dead brother's widow).

There is also an e-mail in which he states "and ten percent for the big guy."

One might presume that the "big guy" is his father.

Sloppy Joe knows nothing of this. He says.

Hunter's attorneys say that the money was "seed money," to open doors for that Chinese company "around the world."

Apart from the fact that Hunter has no influence to peddle anywhere for anyone, it has gone nowhere but into his and his family's pockets. It has "seeded" nothing.

One might think that it was for "services rendered" while Biden was vice-president.

In short, a bribe.

Sloppy Joe denies this.

Yet when the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to fly across the width of our country unobstructed and only shot down once it had reached the Atlantic Ocean, having accomplished its mission, Sloppy Joe made only the feeblest of protests to China while telling the American people that "everyone has spy balloons." 

Seems like the bribe paid off for the Chinese Communists.

Then there's Hunter's position as a Ukrainian Energy Specialist, for which he gets paid $400 grand a year, having no experience or any discernable knowledge in that field.

Sloppy Joe knows nothing about Hunter's business dealings. He says.

To do Hunter some justice, children and relatives of the Pelosis and the Schumers ( Sloppy Joe's puppet masters) are also employed by Ukrainian companies, in whose businesses they also have no experience or qualifications.

Birds of a feather...And Ukraine is notoriously corrupt.

Which also provides a reason for Biden, Pelosi and Schumer being so vociferous in supporting Ukraine in their war against the Russian invasion: Greed. They are simply protecting their families interests and finances.

Much of this information has come from the supposedly mythical laptop owned by Hunter Biden.

Unfortunately, the existence of the laptop is only too real.

When rumors first swirled about information that could be potentially dangerous to the Biden crime finally first hit the fan, Biden and Sloppy Joe denied the laptop's existence.

Then they said it was a Russian plot against the Bidens and Sloppy Joe said as much when Trump referred to it during the 2020 presidential campaign. Sloppy Joe continued to deny its existence.

Then the laptop turned up. It had been left for several years, unclaimed, in a computer repair shop.

Evidence from the laptop provided us with enlightening spectacle or Hunter's orgies, his drug use, his exhibitionism and e-mails of his dealings.

Hunter finally admitted the existence of the laptop and has promptly sued the computer repair shop for "invasion of his privacy."

Which means that everything on that laptop was genuine.

Since Hunter is supposedly "clean" of drugs now, one might suppose he no longer thinks that displaying his trouser snake in use is as amusing as he thought it was.

And the committee investigating this corruption were able to link e-mails to the bank transfers via a middleman working for China.

But this is only from one of eleven banks the Biden family uses. There is undoubtedly more to come. And more bribe money to be found from other foreign countries that have bought the First Family.

Yes, bought.

Yet Sloppy Joe knows nothing of his son's business dealings. He says.

Nor did he consider taking and storing classified documents in his garage improper, although he had the FBI storm Trump's home for similar documents.


What is clear is that Sloppy Joe continues to be a liar and that he is more than willing to sell this nation out. But he has become senile. So Hunter is running the show. Sort of, because he is really too stupid and just as incompetent as his old man to do it and not get into trouble.

That's what happens from uninhibited drug use and whoring.

However, both are protected by the Democratic Party as they have been for years.

That's why the Democrats continue to go on and on about January 6 and Donald Trump: To distract us from the corruption to be found in our current First Family, the Bidens.

Only Sloppy Joe is not coming off as a great leader and has become a universal joke.

And the antics of this regime have led a good many Americans, Democrats and Republicans, to distrust and have no respect for their government or the elected officials that comprise it. 

If the Trumps are evil, so are the Bidens.

If the Democrats want to see Trump arrested, they had better arrest Biden and the rest of his crime family as well.

A nice, secluded rest might be just what that senile horse's ass needs.


  1. Maybe we all could use a nice rest from all the current political Bozo's. But who would replace them. It might even be worse🙄

    1. Unfortunately, given the scale of corruption present in government these days, "good" candidates just don't want to get caught up in Woke racial politics.


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