Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Wife Has Spoken: Republicans Need to be "Deprogrammed!"

 Billary Clinton has spoken!

The wife of ex-president Horndog Bill Clinton, formerly a do-nothing New York Senator, a disastrous Secretary of State, a twice-failed presidential candidate and a cesspit of corruption and conspiracy has now declared Republicans to be a "cult."

On Thursday night, the central figure of the "Whitewater Scandal" stated that the leaders of the Republican Party need to be deprogrammed.

In communist and authoritarian countries, such deprogramming is carried out in "Reeducation Camps."

Dachau, in Nazi Germany, was originally described as just such a camp.

Billary, in her hatred of being thwarted by Republicans in her struggle to achieve the presidency, perhaps was too frenzied in her hatred to consider that comparison.

Anyone who has stood in her way and has exercised their right to free speech against her therefore must be deprogrammed.

That means all Republicans, since the Democrats tend to follow anti-Republican statements like sheep.

It is to that mindless audience among the voters, and the liberal media, that she has addressed her evangel.

In short, in her less-than humble opinion, half of America's population are enemies of the state, the most outspoken of which must be removed from the body politic by forcibly sending them to re-education camps.

Like in North Korea. Or China. Or Nazi Germany.

Because there are too many of them for her to deal with in the way she handled the whistleblowers in the Whitewater Scandal.

Dozens of her former associates in that real estate scam reputedly "committed suicide."

Too many coincidences are too coincidental.

Which Democrats are more than willing to overlook.

Or the rather peculiar accounting practices of the Clinton Foundation.

And their rather questionable business alliances with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with their piss poor record of human rights violation in their own countries.

They also overlook the sheer falsity of her statements about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

As well as the peculiar accounting practices of her campaign's election committee, which are remarkably similar to what those same Democrats are complaining about Donald Trump for.

Or Sloppy Joe Biden.

Unfortunately, most of the "ladies" in high leadership positions in the Democratic Party have made similar positions about half of the nation's electorate being evil because they support Donald Trump and therefore should be ignored and neutralized.

California's own Aztec Mummy, Nancy Pelosi, complete with a bad haircut and paint job, has repeatedly made that statement.

Both of these hags are divisive, not unifiers, because they choose to demonize the half of the American populace that does not agree with them.

And the fact that more and more Republicans are ceasing to remain silent pisses both of these broads off to no end.

So now Billary has found it necessary to vent her fetid frustrations on the increasingly vocal Republican part of the population, hoping to use the threat of deprogramming and reeducation camps to silence them.

But that is only if the "freedom loving," woke progressive Democrats get control of the US government.

Which must be avoided at all costs.

That is the reason for the political clown show the Democrats are providing by their tortured efforts to destroy Donald Trump.

And with him the Republican Party.

All it has done is to make Trump more popular among Republicans and exact comparisons of the accusations made against him and that of the blatant crimes of the Biden, Clinton, Pelosi and Schumer Crime Families.

Which makes these two hags cry "foul!"

When Billary was defeated in her presidential bid in 2016 (her second time around), she stated that the US was more divided than she thought.

And she continues to solidify that division into two warring camps, where compromise between opposing opinions has become all but impossible.

For Americans who continue to trust in US institutions, the rights guaranteed in our Constitution and the rule of law, we should be afraid.

Very, very afraid.

The fact is that Billary made her disgusting statements about deprogramming Republicans because IS allowed by our Constitution, but she wants to deprive her opponents of that same right.

And to destroy them, as well as all freedom of thought.

She is evil.

And dangerous.


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