A Long-Awaited Bitch Slap for New York State Governor Kathy Hochul!

Toxic She Devil Kathy Hochul needs no introduction to those who live under her repressive regime in the State of New York.

Assisted by her henchwoman, big bootie cootie Tish James, they have sought to remold the State of New York in their own twisted images.

Promoting the terminal assholism that is woke progressivism, or Bidenism, this dastardly duo has been largely responsible for driving people and businesses out of New York State to further this political perversion.

They are both anti-cop and pro-criminal, refusing to terminate the Bail Reform Act whereby violent criminals need not post cash bond to be released, so they can run loose to continue their violent sprees of robberies, assaults, rapes and murders.

This catch and release program has frustrated the police in their ability to protect law abiding citizens while promoting fear and panic among the residents of our cities, since most of the criminals thus coddled have had long histories of violence.

Furthermore, Madam Hochul's henchwoman, big bootie cootie Tish James, has sought to politicize her office as Attorney General to go after Donald Trump for purely personal and political reasons, not that he really committed any crimes.

At the same time, ol' Tish has refused to prosecute real criminals, preferring to persecute businesses by looking for legal loopholes in order to either bend them to her will or drive them out of New York State.

The big bootie cootie seems oblivious to the fact that by doing so, she is costing tens of thousands of New Yorkers their jobs and, therefore, their ability to continue living in high-cost, violent New York State.

In order to survive, they have to leave.

Worse still, both of these dames want to turn New York State into the Northeast's abortion capital, allowing easy access to women from other states that have tightened their abortion laws to come here and have their preborn children killed.

And then, there was Madam Hochul's reaffirmation of New York State as a "sanctuary state," ordering state officials not to assist the federal immigration department (ICE) in locating and deporting illegal aliens that have flooded the state, putting unnecessary stresses and strains on local economies and infrastructure.

In this regard, only lately has Madam Hochul modified her position, publicly announcing that illegal aliens should go elsewhere, while still refusing to allow immigration to track them down and deport them.

Never mind the fact that a good many of these illegal aliens have formed themselves into violent criminal gangs, especially in New York City, that prey on legal, law abiding residents.

Neither she nor her big bootie cootie care about victims.

But what goes around comes around. Finally.

Madam Hochul finally got the public bitch slapping she has so long deserved, caught on camera and shared by the news media the world over.

And the subject of this long awaited come-uppence?

Why, it was the funeral of a cop, a profession that both Madam Hochul and big bootie cootie Tish James despise and have done their damnedest to thwart and demonize.

NYC Officer Jonathan Diller was murdered by a career criminal on Monday at a regular traffic stop for an illegally parked car. In the vehicle were Guy Rivera and Lindy Jones, both career criminals with over thirty previous convictions between the two of them.

As such, neither were legally allowed to own a gun, and yet somehow, they had gotten possession of at least two.

One was used by Rivera to shoot and kill Officer Diller.

Rivera was shot, too, and is currently alive in a NYC hospital, charged with first degree murder of a police officer, attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

Jones, on the other hand, was already out on bail for a previous weapons offense, and is now charged with criminal possession of a loaded firearm and possession of a defaced weapon.

It is doubtful that either will be turned loose, this time, under the Bail Reform Act.

But the mere fact that violent criminals like these two were loose at all illustrates the abject failure of the Bail Reform Act.

They should never have been turned loose.

However, Madam Hochul decided to attend Officer Diller's wake for a photo opportunity and to display a feigned concern for a fallen policeman whom she and her cronies had done so very much to frustrate and hamstring during his professional career.

She only decided to attend because much was made by Donald Trump's attendance at Officer Diller's wake the previous day and thought that she could cash in on it, especially since the policeman's death had gotten national attention.

So, she came, she saw and was conquered...by onlookers who refused to let her into the wake and told her to go away.

These moments were caught on camera, for the whole world to see that the cop-hating, criminal loving Kathy Hochul was rejected at Officer Diller's wake and told to get lost.

Ashen faced, Madam Hochul finally left, with the crowd cheering as she departed, publicly bitch-slapped in front of all of the media.

This was in New York City, the seat of the Democratic Party's sway over the entire state.

And they rejected her.

Damned well about time.

And Officer Jonathan Diller, I thank you for your service...


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