Three More Homicides in Rochester on Friday, so Mahweak Extends His "Gun Violence State of Emergency!" Again!

This is getting to be rather tedious.

Ever since Mahweak was installed on Rochester's mayoral throne, his sole method to combat violent crime has been to declare "states of emergency."

Apart from recently ordering billboard signs to exhort people to choose "wisdom" and not to resort to violent crime to settle disputes, Mahweak really has no plans, and no clue, about how to combat the violence that is killing our fair city.

But then, he never had.

And, after all, law-abiding residents don't need to be reminded about obeying the law or doing what's right, while criminals are pissing their pants laughing at his exhortations.

Rochester is a deadly, dangerous city in its death throes, and it is far safer to observe it from a distance.

Say about three thousand miles.

Across the ocean.

in Germany.

Rochester had three more homicides on Friday.

One of the victims was a fifteen-year-old boy.

This does not include the numerous shootings where victims are currently being hospitalized for life threatening injuries, or those who have been treated for gunshot wounds.

This is on top of the hundreds of car thefts and car hijackings at gunpoint perpetrated by teenagers and some children as young as eight years old!

These youthful feral urban humanoids then blithely proceed to speed through the city and fire their guns into homes and at passers-by, oblivious to the dangers their "childish pranks" visit upon law abiding citizens.

One has to notice, also, that New York State has the toughest laws regulating the purchase and ownership of firearms and that none of these weapons were legally owned or obtained by the perpetrators of these heinous acts.

Well, where there's a will, there's a way.

Only Rochester Police Department's Captain Frank Umbrino has stated with brutal honesty that city government simply doesn't know what it is doing.

Law abiding residents need only to understand that the anti-cop attitude of city government towards the RPD to understand that our elected officials inadvertently encourage such lawlessness.

This, in turn, frustrates our law enforcement officials, since people who might know something that would be useful in getting these violent thugs off of our streets refuse to come forward with pertinent information.

City government dislikes such honesty.

They also dislike Captain Umbrino's popularity and plain speaking with law abiding citizens.

Instead of taking it to heart, Mahweak simply extended his perpetual "state of emergency," had a press conference yesterday and stated that he and RPD would be opening a central command post on Jefferson Avenue (the scene of plenty of gun violence previously) to combat violence and was instituting a curfew on several violent streets in Rochester.

How nice!

There are no central command posts on Joseph, Clifford or North Clinton Avenues and North Street, which are all regular venues for gun violence and homicides.

As for "curfews," it clearly didn't work as we had two more shootings last night where the victims suffered non-fatal wounds.

I grant Mahweak one mercy: He has finally admitted Rochester's law enforcement's hands are tied because of the judicial system, specifically the "Bail Reform Act," which permits judges to release "poor" violent criminals before trial without cash bail, which allows them to commit more crimes (which they do) in the interim.

Usually such creatures don't make it to their trials, either so bench warrants have to be issued for their arrest and the farce can continue that way.

Unfortunately, Mahweak has not come out for repealing this catch and release farce.

That is taking the coward's way out.

None of the progressive Democrats who hold elected office in our area support repealing that act, either.

In short, they blame the act but won't repeal it, allowing the cycle of catch and release to continue to the delight of criminals and the dismay of frightened law-abiding citizens.

But then, they really don't care what law-abiding citizens think, no matter what they say.

Their actions, or lack thereof, speak louder than words.


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