Auld Lang Syne 2023 and Götterdämmerung 2024!

2023 is winding down.

It is now merely a few hours to the conclusion of a dismal year, one for which I am NOT nostalgic about.

The world has gone mad.

It has lost all sense of proportion, balance and humanity, all sense of law, order, morality and common sense.

Madness on a global scale now reigns supreme and whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

But the gods, too, have lost a lot of their clout.

What we have achieved is the onset of Götterdämmerung: the twilight of the gods.

This will be followed by Ragnarok, where good and evil have their final clash, and all are destroyed.

It will not be long in coming.

And, really, there is nothing that anyone can do about it except to sit back and enjoy the final days of civilization.

Let us begin with the global situation.

Genocide is still occurring throughout the world, whether it be in China, Myanmar and Ruanda, to name only a few examples.

Despite some rather tepid condemnations from the impotent, inept United Nations and a few so-called western democracies, such acts continue unabated.

The United Nations has become a rather expensive forum for complaints about the western democracies, especially the United States, brought by third world dictatorships whose records on human rights are dismal but continue to demand accommodation and financial support from the same powers they condemn.

It is time that the United States seriously considered leaving that organization, washing our hands of supporting it financially and letting it relocate to some more salubrious political climate, like the continent of Africa!

That, of course, was a joke, because there are no really stable, democratic governments in Africa that would be able to provide the United Nations with the security, finances and luxuries to which they have been accustomed in and from the United States.

In the Near East, Israel's continuing outrage at the revolting actions of the Hamas Nazi terrorists continues, only to receive censure by antisemitic western liberals who, in their demented mental state have thrown full state behind the actions of the terrorists, dressing it in concern for the Palestinian Muslims.

China has sought to create a new world order by allying itself with Russia, India, South Africa and Brazil, supplanting the United States as a superpower, while the United States under the corrupt ineptitude of the Biden Crime Family, among others, and its addiction to enforcing the perversions of a woke progressive agenda on the bewildered American people, is too weak to challenge.

Gone is the primacy of the Trump administration, where the United States was both respected and feared.

The United States has reduced itself to the status of a second-rate power on a level with the United Kingdom, thanks to the Biden regime.

As for Europe, the Russian-Ukrainian War continues. While it has reached a temporary standstill, massive western aid, mostly United States, in money and weapons has not increased Ukraine's chances of rewinning territory conquered by Russia and all of the sanctions imposed against Russia have had no effect in curtailing Putin's goal of recreating the old Soviet Union.

One has to remember the corruption that has been prevalent in Ukraine's government since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and that still continues under Zelensky's regime to understand why the war against Russia has not gone well, despite massive aid from the west.

Moreover, Congress's support for Ukraine during the initial outbreak of the war was dictated by the financial interests and investments of various corrupt American political leaders, notably the Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton and Biden Crime Families.

The United States has become tired of Zelensky's frequent visits with his hand held out for more cash and Congress made it clear with his last visit to Washington that no more financial aid would be coming.

Worse still, there has actually been no accounting of where all of that aid went. The Democrats refuse to ask for fear of offending Ukrainian officials who are as corrupt as they.

To put it bluntly, the war in Ukraine is lost. The United States has realized that and has changed its opinion to support a negotiated peace, which will leave conquered Ukrainian territory in Russia's hands and probably also result in a change of government, kicking Zelensky out and resulting in a Ukrainian government more closely allied with Russia than to the European Union.

It will be a peace that will satisfy nobody and leave the door open for future conflicts in that area.

And Zelensky and company will be forced into exile to the properties they already own in western Europe, with the healthy nest eggs they have accumulated from all of that aid they managed to beg for from the western democracies.

As for the European Union, that governing body has lost a lot of steam in the last few years.

And it has lost a great deal of its focus.

The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union was not really a serious matter, since Britain was an always ill-fitting piece in the framework of the Union.

Britain has never forgotten that it was once, long ago, a Great Power which has clouded its judgment since that fact is no longer the case.

Only the "special relationship" between the United States had the United Kingdom has propped up its status, which is in fact that of the America's lap dog in Europe.

Brexit really improved nothing for the United Kingdom except to annoy nearly half of the British people as well as the European Union.

It was merely a matter of pride that bothered the leadership in the European Union by Britain's departure.

But by incorporating most of the former soviet satellite states too quicky for them to become accustomed the concept of democracy and federalism, including even those with seriously conflicting domestic political philosophies that would be both a nuisance and a hindrance, the European Union has been subjected to serious financial and political stresses from such countries as Hungary, Italy and Greece, and now even the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden, especially on the subject of illegal immigration.

This continued swing to the right of the political spectrum is troublesome to the leadership of the Union, since it was constituted to promote a liberal, though not extreme left, philosophy, especially in the areas of human rights and immigration.

Even Germany and France, the core around which the European Union has been built, have had enough of "refugees." And are looking to curtail immigration!

Even worse is the Union's inclusion of what amounts to the old Polish "liberum veto" in their constitution. Only ONE member's negative vote is necessary to kill legislation or prevent admission of another European state into the Union.

This flaw was made manifest by Hungary's refusal to permit a fuller participation of the Union in the war in Ukraine, among other issues.

And this doesn't bode well for the future of the Union.

Mind you, the troublesome, forever warring and problematic non-member states in the Balkans all seek to join the Union, as well as Turkey, whose economy is in the shithouse and its record of human rights violations has caused its admission requests to be denied in the past. But then, Turkey's narcissistic president Erdogan wants to play an important role in European and world politics, based solely on his country's unique geographic positions.

The non-member nations, consisting of the former Yugoslavia and Albania, are probably hoping for more financial support from the more advanced neighbors, like Germany, whose citizens feel that they have been tapped out and are no longer interested in playing purse holder to small, bankrupt, perpetually warring nations.

As for the European branch of NATO, which largely corresponds to the European Union, that, too, expanded too quickly, but it is financed primarily by the United States which, under Trump, warned them that they had better start paying their fair share of the bill.

Furthermore, like the Union, NATO also has the "liberum veto," which Turkey (Yes, Turkey, which is located nowhere near the North Atlantic, is a member) has used to prevent Sweden's admission.

As for the United States, 2023 has seen its continued slide into the status of a second-rate power..

The Biden Crime Family has sold America to China.

Their open border policy with Mexico has allowed upwards of 8 million illegals to infiltrate America en masse, with the blessings of liberal Democrats who count on the changing the political demographics in the bordering Red states.

This was to have been accomplished by giving illegals the right to vote...for Democratic political candidates.

The Republican governors along the border understood this, and promptly shipped those illegals to the Democrat-controlled sanctuary cities, overwhelming their infrastructure and making them cry foul.

Well, they asked for sanctuary city status, didn't they?

The problem with the illegals, besides their sheer numbers, is that a good many of them are criminals and terrorists, which the Biden regime has refused to address, openly lying that the border is in order.

But that, after all, is government, which most thinking Americans have learned not to trust under the Biden regime.

Just like the FBI and Department of Justice, which is in the pocket of the Biden Crime Family

Even more problematic for America is the continued leftist infiltration of our education systems, whereby our youth are indoctrinated and brainwashed into pursuing and promoting woke progressive agendas.

One need to look only at the president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, a plagiarist and a perjurer who has been protected by Harvard's board because she is a Black woman!

On lower levels, parents who complain about gender and identity politics promoted at primary and secondary schools have been branded as "terrorists" by the left, while the left feels that schools that ban pornographic reading materials in their libraries are seen as censorship and is evil, but their preventing alternative conservative opinions from being discussed is a good thing!

Crazy, crazy, crazy!

Which goes a lot to explain why the middle-class elite college Democrats have been disrupting the holidays in their support of the Hamas Nazis in their quest to exterminate Israel.

It is a cover-up for their own inherent antisemitism, which they refuse to openly admit to because they are liberals.

And therefore liars and delusional ones at that.

They have failed to realize that they are merely pissing off most thinking Americans, many of whom have grown a new pair and tell them exactly that.

And then there have been the attempts of legislators and justices in certain Blue states to ban Donald Trump from appearing on their primary ballots and preclude his 2024 presidential run.

This is just a current example of the Democrats' long running attempts to destroy Donald Trump, all of which have failed, with frivolous lawsuits, while their Democratic heroes like Sloppy Joe Biden and Billary Clinton are guilty of far worse things,

And a good many Democratic politicians are also opposed to these anti-Trump rulings because they realize how easily the precedent could be set whereby Red states could vote to remove Democratic candidates from their election ballots, despite the unconstitutionality of doing so, which ordinarily wouldn't concern them.

In short, they are doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

Crazy, crazy, crazy.

The latest example of election interference, trying to prevent voters from making their choice, will be thrown out by the Supreme Court in the spring.

Trump will be able to run...and win!

And then we will see riots and looting and violence that will make January 6, 2021, look like a grade-school picnic.

Because most Democrats have been so deluded by their instigators as to view all Republicans or people with opposing views as evil and believe that they have a right to get violent when their collective will have been thwarted.

And New York State?

Well, we've seen how the massive influx of illegals into New York City has strained its infrastructure to the breaking point and turned the Big Apple into a massive pile of shit.

We already know that the New York City District Attorney has made it clear that he will turn loose arrested criminals at the drop of a hat, so crime continues to have found a happy home there.

And the governor, that toxic She Devil Kathy Hochul?

She, too, wants foreign illegal to go somewhere else after she warmly welcomed them to our sanctuary cities BEFORE they were being hipped up here by the millions!

One of her two faces obviously fell off.

On the other hand, she and Al Sharpton engaged in a public exhibition of mutual ass kissing when she announced the formation of a committee to look into paying reparations to Black people because their ancestors were slaves.

Across America, especially in California, such committees have been formed and produced statements about paying Black people millions of dollars individually for the suffering their ancestors suffered as slaves.

In short, paying reparations to people who weren't slaves paid for by people who never owned slaves.

This is purely a political ploy to get the Black vote on their side.

And, in exchange for their vote, Black people will get nothing.

Just a lot of words. And more broken promises.

What they should be saying to toxic She Devil's like Hochul is "I hate you for allowing us to hope."

But that's what the Democrats do best.

And then they'll blame Trump when something they never really planned on delivering fails to be delivered.

As for Rochester, New York?


It continues to decompose.

The infrastructure is collapsing.

The public schools fail to educate.

The courts fail to punish criminals

The economy is crashing.

But the Democratic politicians assure us that the millennium, under their guidance, is just around the corner.

It isn't.

Rochester's day is long past.

And most of us have gotten used to hearing gunshots in public at any time of the day.

2023 is coming to its dismal close.

Apart from a few, a very few, rays of sunshine, there will be no positive accomplishments to expect next year.

Wars will continue, genocides will continue, and the vast majority of the Earth's nations will continue to be run by dictators, military juntas or religious fanatics.

The position of the United States as a global power will continue to erode and our domestic situation will only continue to get worse, thanks to the Biden Crime Family's studied neglect and/or rank stupidity of they and their lackeys.

My only suggestion is that you do what you can to protect yourselves and your families and not trust any promises made to you by any left leaning politician.

Which means Democrats.

Even when Trump wins the presidency in November, 2024, it will be too late.

Too much rot has set in to repair it.

And that is only regarding America.

The rest of the world is due for its share of shit, too.

And the end of civilization.

I wish you a brave New Year.


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