The "Success" of Bidenomics, or There are Tens of Millions of Suckers Born Every Minute!

The US economy is in the toilet.

And the flush handle is broken.

We are assured by the sugars of the Biden regime that "Bidenomics" (a "Never Neverland" of economics) is working.

Giggling almost girlishly, the Democratic National Committee, their news media stooges on CNN and the arrogant airhead spokesman for the president (Karine Jean-Pierre) all tell us that unemployment and inflation are down.

Except in the areas of fuel and food...the basic requirements of modern urban life.

Who are we supposed to believe? Them or our own pocketbooks?

Why, them of course.

If we don't, we are fascists and racists. And must be neutralized.

Too many people clearly are falling for this bullshit, believing all of these blatant lies that paradise lies just around the corner, while they are relying more heavily on their credit cards just to make ends meet.

At present, people are being forced to spend more than $700 a month more for the same items than they bought two-and-a-half years ago when Donald Trump left office.

Democratic sugars think THAT is a success?

Clearly, they haven't gone grocery shopping, heating or air conditioning bills or bought gasoline for their autos lately.

It might be that they are connected to the Biden Crime Family, the worst case of corruption in US history.

Or they might be connected to the other major Democratic crime families that reign in the putrid cesspit known as Washington, DC: the Clintons, the Pelosis and the Shumers, to name just a few.

Or the Democratic National Committee has successfully lobotomized tens of millions of Americans into believing any and all bullshit they dispense.

That is illustrated by the bloviating assholism promoted by the withered, hysterical hags that panel The View television tragicomedy.

I suspect that it is a combination of all three.

In order to divert people from paying attention to their shrinking bank accounts and their wages diminishing buying power, the DNC, CNN, the Justice Department and the FBI have chosen to indict former president Donald Trump on trumped up (pardon the pun) charges only because he is running for president again and could probably beat Poopy-Pants Joe in 2024.

Admittedly, Donald Trump was an abrasive, arrogant megalomaniac who rubbed both friend and foe the wrong way during his tenure as president.

That was what really cost him the election, as well as the FBI's assistance in covering up the antics of the Biden Crime Family, especially the crimes of traitorous, good for nothing, drug addicted sexaholic Hunter Biden.

On the other hand, Trump's actions left the US economy in a better shape than it had been in decades, and we were still a force to be reckoned with worldwide. 

At the same time, those "august" bodies have been protecting the Biden Crime Family from similar legal action.

They have been doing this for a very long time, ever since Poopy Pants was vice president.

All of this has come to light in the last few months, with the criminal activities of the Bidens finally being revealed by whistleblowers regarding Hunter's famous laptop, e-mails, photos and most important bank records.

Which those previously mentioned "august" bodies are still desperate to cover up or at least shift our attention to Trump.

Meanwhile, our senile horse's ass of a president extolls the virtues Bidenism has imparted on the American people, just don't look too closely.

But then, he's a pathological liar, which is the only thing we can be sure of.

And that only occurs during Poopy Pants' increasingly rare moments of lucidity, when he isn't mumbling, getting lost in phone booths or falling UP the stair ramps of airplanes.

Failing his increasingly incoherent statements, we can take comfort in the assurances of his wife, Mrs. Jill Biden or his braying jackass of a vice president, Kamelhead Harris, that Poopy Pants has accomplished so many positive things during his time as president, without ever being too specific about anything.

Because there haven't been any positive accomplishments that nobody but they can notice.

So, what is their appeal to the lobotomized meatballs that comprise the Biden regime's "constituency?"

It sure as Hell isn't Kamelhead's incomprehensible word salads or her hysterical laughter over non-funny jokes or commentary.

Why, their habit of promising suckers "free stuff"...courtesy of those Americans who pay taxes.

And when they can't deliver?

It is the Republicans' fault.

The GOP prevented them from giving people free stuff.

That is the simplest explanation of Bidenomics...and of the Biden Crime Family.

Think of that the next time you buy a tank of gas.

When will the economy get better?

Why, when the Biden Crime Family and their cohorts are removed from office and real leadership replaces them.

Real leaders who will make the necessary changes to repair the perversion of economics that is Bidenism.

These will be tough changes necessary to benefit all Americans, especially the hard-working, law-abiding taxpaying segment of our population.

Those changes must include allowing Americans to make their own mistakes and pay the price for their mistakes themselves.

And NOT for them to expect that the government will bail them out of their foolishness.

Perhaps the Biden Crime Family will read about it in their prison libraries.

At least I hope so!

And you all thought that I am not an optimist!


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