The Tangled Scales of American Justice and the Farce of Fat Fanny Fani Willis.


The tangled scales of the American justice system have been providing endless hours of mirth to both our allies and foes globally.

The international media can barely disguise their smiles when reporting about what is going on here, whether it be on New York State Attorney General Tish James's personal vendetta against Donald Trump, Robert Hur's investigation on Sloppy Joe's illegal possession of classified documents or the trial regarding Fat Fanny Fani Willis's corruption trial in Fulton County, Georgia.

I find it particularly embarrassing and insulting when my European friends ask pertinent questions about these cases when they already know the answer, that the moral and ethical bankruptcy of the Biden regime and the Democratic National Committee have perverted and corrupted the American justice system.

Unfortunately, most thinking people and perhaps a sprinkling of Democrats know that to be the case.

It's obvious when the so-called Western Democracies have been casting disparaging remarks about Putin's near landslide re-election in Russia (with 87% of the vote, supposedly), with him having eliminated all viable opposition candidates, while the Democratic National Committee here would very much like to do the same thing to insure Sloppy Joe's re-election.

The DNC also was hoping to get the vast majority of the electorate to cheer them on and applaud them for doing so.

That isn't working. Not yet.

And only because the US isn't Russia.


However, equal justice and the rule of law has become a rare commodity in the US justice system, since it has become nothing more than a political weapon, while the verdict's look like Kafka's "The Trial" as staged by the Three Stooges.

Or like the judicial rulings that are to be seen and scoffed at in any number of the banana republics to be found in Central and South America.

Take, as the most recent instance, the case of Fat Fanny Fani Willis, the District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, which encompasses the City of Atlanta of "Gone with the Wind" fame.

Fat Fanny Fani was elected to that office in 2021, running on the platform that she would end corruption present in that office. She also claimed that she would forbid interpersonal relationships between employees in her office, because that leads, she claimed, to sexual harassment. Finally, she claimed that she would promote "transparency" between the DA's office and the community at large.

Once elected, she promptly reneged on all of her campaign promises, which really isn't all that shocking, as most politicians do the same and the voters end up having to swallow it.

Furthermore, she held two trump (pardon the unintended pun) cards that she thought made her actions unassailable: She is a woman and she is Black.

Fat Fanny Fani was promptly given the task of prosecuting ex-President Trump and 19 other prominent Republicans with interfering in the 2020 election under the RICO statute.

RICO stands for "Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations," which was only created to destroy the mob and MAFIA crime families.

Oddly enough, nobody ever thought to investigate the Bidens, Clintons, Schumers or Pelosis under the same statutes.

But then, they are Democrats.

Fat Fanny Fani was delighted with overseeing such a case, because it would make her nationally famous and increase her chances of winning higher political office in the future.

She would become famous, all right. Or, rather, infamous.

She didn't think that it would be too hard, since she received her orders from the Biden White House, with whom she was in frequent communication, and she already believed all the defendants were guilty anyway.

So, she assembled her team of three to do the deed.

One was a White man. One was a White woman.

The third was her long-time married lover, Nathan Wade.

Nathan Wade was a handsome Black man who had no experience in criminal court cases. He had previously handled nothing weightier than traffic cases that came before him in his court.

Despite Fat Fanny Fani's later claim in church that she paid all of the three on her team the same amount of money, she actually paid Nathan twice as much.

Almost $700 grand a year.

Of taxpayer money

But then, Nathan performed other services for Fat Anny Fani.

And, in return for her hiring him, Nathan promptly began divorce proceedings the day AFTER he was hired.

Everything has a price, after all.

And then the two of them embarked on a series of luxury vacations that Nathan paid for on his corporate credit card.

Ain't it romantic?

Then the shit hit the fan.

In late 2013, attorneys for the 19 Republicans that were being tried under the RICO statute brought it to the court's attention that Fat Fanny Fani and Nathan were having an affair, which they considered to be a conflict of interest.

The investigation that began in early 2024 revealed that it was far more than just that.

It proved that both she and Nathan were liars, perjurers (as they had both lied under oath during the investigation), adulterers and embezzlers.

They should have been forced off the case against Trump and the other 19 accused.

They should have been disbarred from ever practicing law.

They should have been brought up on charges of perjury.

They should have had their income tax filings examined for the last two years.

Instead, Judge Scott McAfee offered them a sweetheart deal unsurpassed in its asininity and guaranteed to please no one.

Fat Fanny Fani would either recuse herself from the case or her boy toy would have to resign from the case.

The boy toy, seeing that the jig was up, resigned.

Whether he will continue his affair with his sugar momma is questionable.

Himbos rarely stick around when the piggy bank had been closed or emptied.

Fat Fanny Fani could still be in charge of the case against Trump.

Apart from Judge McAfee scathingly upbraiding the pair for their antics and their obvious perjuries, he claimed that the "odor of mendacity" has pervaded their case against Trump, he would do nothing more serious against the pair, although he could have done plenty.

Everyone has asked "Why?"

The answer, again, is politics.

Judge Scott McAfee is running for re-election in a heavily Black district and it wouldn't do for him to come down hard on a Black female district attorney, no matter how seriously she violated the law.

Which clearly illustrates how pathetic our justice system has become through politization.

Trump's attorneys have now demanded that Fat Anny Fani recuse herself from the case as a result of the ruling against her and Nathan.

They have tainted the case beyond all expectation of a fair trial and any convictions will easily be appealed.

At least Fat Fanny Fani got to be famous!

Let's see how she and the rest of us have to live it down.

Is that snickering I hear from around the world?



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