Biden's $700 Slap in the Face to Hawaii!

Nobody but dangerously deranged Democrats and woke progressives can describe the Biden regime as anything other than the most corrupt and ineffectual in United States history.

This has gone on since the minute Sloppy Joe was sworn in as president and it has only gotten worse since then.

We have seen our economy collapsing around us, along with our infrastructure.

We have seen our standing as THE world power decline so that we are a mockery to other nations, to friends and foes alike.

Nobody really fears the US anymore. Or regards us as important.

Except as a milk cow, to whom all run for money while stabbing us in the back.

We have seen the regime promoting identity politics not based on merit or qualifications but on sex, sexual orientation, color and race.

Woe betide anyone who dares call the Biden regime out on these truths, for they will be branded as racists, fascists or MAGA Republicans.

Fortunately, more and more people are undeterred by such nonsensical insults and are finally speaking out against such depravity.

Unfortunately, the Biden regime in general and the Biden crime family in particular are being protected by an equally corrupt Department of Justice and the liberal news media promoting a "God-like quality" present within the rotting, shambling corpse that is Joe Biden.

That Sloppy Joe is clearly mentally and physically impaired has been brushed aside by the news media, despite his numerous public gaffes caught on camera, which the liberal news media promptly blames on other people.

Their usual scapegoat is ex-president Donald Trump who, in their dangerously warped judgment, is responsible for all ills occurring in America, even those that have taken place only after Sloppy Joe had taken office.


Furthermore, those same people are delighted to see Trump prosecuted for non-existent crimes while the Biden crime family's behavior is unequivocally worse, with more and more evidence being revealed daily about the extent of the corruption prevalent among Sloppy Joe's nearest and dearest.

Frankly, the only reason that the Biden regime and the Democrats are gung-ho to prosecute Donald Trump is that he could easily beat Sloppy Joe in the next presidential election, which they must prevent at any cost.

They fear the retribution that would occur after such a victory: The eradication of the twisted, perverted woke progressive agendas they have been pursuing.

Yest they can't cover up the mental and physical decline of Sloppy Joe, which is why they keep the senile horse's ass out of the public eye as much as possible.

That is the reason Sloppy Joe is forever on vacation.

They can't trust him to open up his mouth in public because, when he does, it's a disaster.

The latest case in point is his behavior during the disastrous fire in Maui, where over 150 people are known to be dead with over 1,000 others, including children, are missing.

Thousands of homes were destroyed. People lost everything in that catastrophic blaze. Help from the Federal Government was not immediately forthcoming.

When Sloppy Joe, on yet another vacation, was asked about it, merely stated "No comment."

Then he went off on another vacation, to stay with a rich contributor to the Democratic Party in his Lake Tahoe mansion.

Finally, after 13 days, it was announced that he would visit Maui, tour the devastation and speak to the survivors of the conflagration.

AFTER 13 days! 

He was greeted by protesters who wanted to know what he was doing there, with some signs emblazoned with "Fuck You, Joe!"

He only spent a few hours in Maui.

It was probably too much for his fragile mental and physical states to bear, as evidenced by his falling asleep during a meeting with survivors, which the liberal news media tried to downplay, yet the video evidence was sent around the world.

Even worse was when Sloppy Joe claimed that he knew something about fires because there was a fire in his house twenty years previously and he feared for his family, his house, his cat and his '67 Corvette.

You know, the Corvette that is stored in his garage where he has illegally been keeping classified documents since his time as vice president, for which the DOJ is NOT seeking charges against him while they have been going after Donald Trump for the same thing!

Ahh, the stench of hypocrisy that permeates the Biden regime.

Unfortunately, the story of the fire was yet another lie (or at best, an exaggeration) attempting to make Sloppy Joe as if he had empathy for the survivors of Maui's fire.

There WAS a kitchen fire in his house, which the local Fire Department got under control in 20 minutes. Nothing else was damaged.

It was hardly the devastation that the survivors in Maui, who lost everything, have faced.

But in Sloppy Joe's sick mind It WAS the same!

That comparison angered one woman so much that, on camera, she complained about the generous treatment of illegals entering the US and the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Biden regime has been shipping to Ukraine.

She correctly stated that the government should set its own house in order and aid the American people first before helping foreigners and illegals.

Sloppy Joe then left to resume his vacation, leaving the survivors to endure no homes, no hope, no real help and piss-poor emergency accommodations.

However, the senile horse's ass DID announce that the survivors would be getting a "one-time only" check from the government...for $700!

Yep, $700!

That is supposed to do what? Rebuild their lives?

Allow them stay in hotels while their homes are being rebuilt, which will take years, given the amount of devastation that occurred? To replace clothing that was lost in the blaze?

And yet the Biden regime gleefully hands out hundreds of millions of dollars to Ukraine every time President Zelensky comes a begging, not to mention the cost of war materiel that we ship to Ukraine.

These are NOT "one-time only" deals.

But Sloppy Joe has only $700 per person for the survivors in Hawaii!

These are Americans, not foreigners. Tax-paying Americans, not illegals!

But then, Hawaii is a "Blue" state, meaning it usually overwhelmingly votes Democratic, so Sloppy Joe probably doesn't feel the need to waste more American money on the Americans there to buy their votes.

He and the Democratic National Committee are secure in that belief.

And it is a small state, anyway, with few electoral votes.

Joe Biden is, and always has been, a liar and a hypocrite. So are his supporters.

They don't care that they slapped Hawaii in the face,

In doing so, they also slapped America in the face.

And what is clear to all thinking people is that Sloppy Joe isn't equipped mentally, physically and morally to be president of our suffering nation.

As for the Biden Crime family?

Remember the Ceausescus of Romania?


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