Fiddling While Rome Burns: The Case of Alvin Bragg, Asshole, and the Politization of the US Justice System.


By now, most people who can read know who Alvin Bragg, asshole, is.

He's the Manhattan district attorney who chooses to reduce violent felonies to the status of misdemeanors and lets the feral urban humanoids arrested for these crimes go free without bail pending their trials.

This has allowed the self-same feral urban humanoids to commit more crimes and then, once again, being turned loose to continue in their chosen careers.

Rinse and repeat.

The result has been a meteoric increase in crime in Manhattan, that part of New York City under the jurisdiction of Alvin Bragg, asshole.

Then, heady with that "success," Alvin Bragg, asshole, decided he needed to make a name for himself on a national, and international, scale.

He decided to go after Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States!

And not for the sake of pursuing justice or making America safer, because, God knows, Alvin Bragg, asshole, isn't concerned with either justice or safety.

Alvin Bragg, asshole, is pursuing the political agenda prescribed by the liberal Democrats: Get Trump!

"The Donald" has always been a polarizing character, both as a socialite celebrity and as a politician.

A brash, vulgar megalomaniac, his wealth has always allowed him to say and do as he pleased, with no real consequences to himself.

The Donald has offended plenty of people in the last forty-odd years and, when he entered the political arena, specifically the liberal Democrats, because he has been outspokenly opposed to he perversion of the American ideal known as woke progressivism.

What really bothered liberal Democrats, whatever The Donald's personal failings, was his tremendous success as the 45th President of the United States.

After eight sorry years of Obamanation, of the intentional ruination of our nation's cohesion and the erosion of our status as a global superpower by adoption of the woke progressive agenda, The Donald turned America around, restored our economy and our place in the world as a country to be respected. And feared.

That brief shining spot in our history came tumbling down as soon as the cellar dummy was elected president in 2020.

Our economy has been in a state of free-fall since the Biden Crime Family took over in January 2021.

Our government now consists of ignorant and smug and rude tokens, examples of identity politics, gender benders and quotas which have given extremists the ability to promote woke progressivism by branding all who oppose their Hellish crusade as racists, sexists, bigots, transphobes and haters, who must be brought to heel or destroyed.

Worse still, the United States has become an international joke, even among our allies. 

We are no longer seen as a superpower, or even a great power.

Under the Biden Crime Family, the United States is becoming increasingly viewed as a "failing state."

Which is why The Donald announced that he is seeking the Republican nomination for president in 2024.

Which is why Alvin Bragg, asshole, has indicted The Donald for campaign fund fraud relating to the 2016 presidential election!

The "crime" is actually a misdemeanor.

It is the same kind of crime to which Rochester, New York's ex-mayor, Lovely Warren, pled guilty in 2021, which forced her resignation from that office thirty days before her term expired.

It left her license to practice law and her pension intact as well as her ability to run for elected office in the future.

Numerous judiciaries refused to prosecute The Donald on those charges in the last seven years.

The statute of limitations has passed.

And there was no evidence The Donald actually committed a crime.

Not that it matters to Alvin Bragg, asshole, who is intent on getting his fifteen minutes of world-wide fame...or is it infamy.

What Alvin Bragg, asshole, is accusing The Donald of is using campaign funds to pay hush money to porn actress Stormy Daniels after a brief sexual affair.


The Donald denies that there ever was an affair. His supporters say that even if there had been, so what, as long as he didn't use campaign funds to pay her off.

Remember the sexual exploits of ex-president Bilbo Clinton, head of the Clinton Crime Family?

Liberal Democrats claimed that Bilbo's antics were a private affair and a moral, not a political, issue, and that includes his payoffs to previous sex partners to keep their mouths shut.

Apparently that does not impress Alvin Bragg, asshole.

Nor does the fact the Bilbo's wife, Billary, used her campaign funds from the 2016 presidential election to pay off personal legal fees and bills unrelated to the campaign, which is the same sort of misdemeanor The Donald is now accused of.

Do we see Alvin Bragg, asshole, going after Billary?


The big joke going around now is that if The Donald robbed Stormy at gun-point, Alvin Bragg, asshole, would release him, since he does that to violent feral urban humanoids who come before him in court in New York City, since he treats those crimes as misdemeanors.

However, the issue here is that Alvin Bragg, asshole, wants to upgrade the charges to federal felonies, which is both unprecedented and beyond his jurisdiction.

His hubris, or his abject stupidity, prevents him from understanding this.

That is because his goal is to prevent The Donald from running for president again in 2024.

It is a purely political action, used by a stalwart Democrat to prevent his party's most hated enemy in years from running and possibly winning the Presidency.

But trumping up criminal charges against political opponents to sweep them from the board is what banana republics and dictatorships do.

It has politicized the judiciary, and this is setting a dangerous precedent that liberal Democrats are not understanding.

On Tuesday, April 4, The Donald plans to submit to arraignment, to be fingerprinted and have his mugshot taken.

That photo will probably make it onto The Donald's campaign T-shirts, probably with the slogan "If this can happen to me, it can happen to you" for opposing liberal Democrats, woke progressivism and loving your country."

And, since all of this political bullshit began two weeks ago, The Donald's numbers in the polls shot up, an unforeseen consequence of the actions of Alvin Bragg, asshole.

Even The Donald's opponents within the Republican party have been forced to rally round him, as well as some Democrats who still respect the rule of law.

Meanwhile, liberal Democratic stalwarts throughout the nation, whether in politics or the media, are rejoicing, especially the withered, post-menopausal hags on The View.

Those dames are not known for their intelligence, merely for shooting off their flabby jaws to promote woke progressivism against tradition, decency and morality, making their rank stupidity manifest for thinking individuals who might catch an occasional nausea producing, puke inducing segment of their show.

And then that political hag, Nancy Pelosi, had to chime in with her comment: "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former president will respect the system, which grants him that right."

Nancy Pelosi has been a Congresswoman for several centuries and clearly does NOT understand that, in our justice system, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

Unless, of course, it's going to be a political show trial.

But then, Nancy has always had an unrequited love for The Donald and probably wishes that she was Stormy Daniels.

At least our senile horse's ass of a president and his braying jackass of a vice president have kept their mouths shut on The Donald's indictment. Perhaps it's only they, the stupidest members of the incredibly stupid Biden regime, who have seen a glimmering of what this could mean, and that it turn around and bite THEM in their respective asses.

When the Republicans get in.

What Alvin Bragg, asshole, has done is open a Pandora's Box, illustrating that the rule of law has become whimsical, that there is no certainty or an expectation of even a supposed impartiality anymore.

Our justice system is becoming a way to punish your enemies, especially political enemies, not to punish criminals or provide the majority of society with safety, security and certainty.

And the lights are obviously getting dimmer in the United States.

But, can't you hear the laughter from the rest of the world?

Does that cheer you up?

And when does Alvin Bragg, asshole, plan to indict the Clinton and Biden Crime Families for their crimes?


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