Advice to Space Aliens Searching for Intelligent Life in the Universe: Stay the Hell Away From Earth!

I believe that there is intelligent life in the universe.

It is just not to be found here on Planet Earth.

Especially in Washington DC.

Space aliens with a technology advanced enough to make interplanetary travel a reality would also be able to observe our planet from a safe distance. 

Which they have probably already done and decided it would be best to move on, since there is no evidence of intelligent life on Planet Earth.

Plenty of resident humans also agree.

One needs only to look at the antics of American college campuses and their support of the Hamas Nazis, which they disguise as "supporting" Palestinian Muslims.

These truant college students and their mindless allies have chosen to ignore the slaughter of Israeli men, women and children that led to the latest bout of hostilities in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.

So their tear down posters of the massacred Israelis, scream "Death to Israel" and bray at American Jewish students.

This is the ultimate expression of woke progressive liberalism promoted by the left wing of the Democratic Party.

On top of this, the US lacks any sort of effective federal leadership under the criminal Biden Family's governance.

As corrupt as Hell, the Bidens have sold America out to China, interfered in the judicial system of an equally corrupt Ukraine because of their business interests there and left our southern border open to invasion by seven million illegal aliens, mostly from Latin America.

Among these illegals are known terrorists, drug dealers and human traffickers.

The Biden regime has claimed that the border situation is "under control," that our economy is hunky dory and our place as the world's only "superpower" remains unchallenged.

Only Democrats suffering from terminal assholism (and there are tens of millions of those) concur with the Bidens.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough mental institutions to house them all.

But it DOES reinforce the old saying, The family that preys together, stays together!

All the while, Democratic politicians here have been unable (or unwilling) to define what a woman is.

At the same time, with crime skyrocketing, Democrats believe that by releasing violent criminals without cash bail while awaiting their trials is a positive anti-crime initiative, which probably has the space aliens rolling over in the aisles when they watch newsreels about the primitive biped on planet Earth!

And Red China has replaced the US as the world's pre-eminent power.

Which has become clear to a good many nations in the world, which now blithely ignore the entreaties of the US and seek support from China.

Notably Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, South Africa and Brazil, to name a few.

Please note that the damage caused by woke progressive liberalism has not been limited to the United States.

The European Union is now undergoing an illegal immigrant crisis of their own, having permitted millions of such illegals to enter and settle in most of their member states, only to find a huge uptick in crime (as in Sweden, THE jewel in the crown of liberalism), terrorist activities and the expense of maintaining these illegals in a standard of living equal to that of their working, tax-paying citizens.

Many member states are now closing their borders to the illegals, while the bleeding-heart liberals in the European Court of Human Rights has been declaring how wrong that is, which is having no real effect anymore as the political pendulum is Europe is swinging back to the Right.

The Right wishes to send the illegals back to where they came from.

As for NATO, to which nearly every nation of the European Union subscribes, they have been less efficacious regarding Russia's seizing Crimea from the corrupt Ukrainian government in 2014 or Russia's invasion of the eastern provinces of Ukraine in 2022.

Such support as the European Union has given to the still-corrupt Ukrainian government has been overshadowed by the massive infusion of capital and war materiel provided by the US, which can ill-afford it, and the best that has been accomplished has been largely a standstill, with no end in sight.

However, Zalensky still flies around the world with his begging bowl in hand, expecting the world to ignore calls for reforming the Ukrainian government while arguing that there is still a war going on.

Meanwhile, China and Iran are providing Russia with money, war materiel and oil under the guise of humanitarian aid.

The sanctions against Russia haven't proved to be effective, nor have the US imposed sanctions against Iran have prevented the nation from meddling in areas of unrest in the world, notably Yemen and Palestine.

However, the Western Democracies are afraid of coming down really hard on Putin, since he has threatened to use his nuclear arsenal if he is pushed too far regarding his war against Ukraine.

Hence the piss-poor showing of the West in that war.

Then there are the well-meaning but totally deluded and inaccurate babblings about climate change expressed by the liberal left's poster girl, Greta Thunberg.

Since Thunberg first emerged from obscurity as a mad little girl some seven or eight years ago, skipping her special education classes in school (she has a "learning disability"), she has depressed the world with her predictions of climactic gloom and doom, none of which have come to pass and all of which have been disproven.

With no training in earth science, climatology, chemistry or meteorology, the liberals of the world have taken her babblings as some sort of evangel, even when they have been inaccurate.

Recently, at a climate change rally, she found it necessary to venture into the realm of international politics, giving her support to the Hamas Nazis.

Clearly, she loves her status as a celebrity and is seeking to reaffirm it after a dry spell by making such a stupid statement and refusing to hand over the microphone when told that the rally was NOT meant to introduce political topics.

What did she care?

She wanted people to listen to her bullshit, thinking that she would influence people like she did when she was a little girl.

Only she ain't a little girl anymore.

Just a nuisance.

This is a little sampling of what the intelligent life in the universe would be viewing from afar and clearly, they aren't impressed enough to make contact with the primitive life forms on Planet Earth.

They are probably just relieved that, apart from the garbage left in space from our dead satellites and rockets from space missions, we are of no threat to them.

They can blithely move onto more interesting solar systems in other galaxies, convinced that humankind will destroy itself because it is too crazy to survive.

And too primitive to come up with a modus vivendi that would allow for its survival.

And the only place where humans and space aliens interact are in science fiction films. There, space aliens with their advanced technologies are roundly beater by the primitive human bipeds.

Well, it IS science fiction, after all.


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