Sloppy Joe Imposes 500 New Sanctions Against Russia! Some Jokes Are Just Too Obvious To Be Funny!

The death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny under mysterious circumstances in one of Putin's gulags has caused an international sensation, especially among the hypocritical western democracies, who would love to be able to do the same thing to their own dissidents if they weren't so worried about the image they would project to the world.

Nobody can doubt Putin's efficiency in getting rid of inconvenient people, but he lacks the finesse in such endeavors exhibited by Billary Clinton, whose whistleblowing Whitewater associates all seemed to have committed suicide before testifying against her in court.

All 49 of them!

It's Putin's clumsiness in handling such matters that the western "democracies" abhor.

First among the world's democratic leaders to condemn Putin is Sloppy Joe Biden, President of the United States and head of the Biden Crime Family.

For years he and the Democratic National Committee have used the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the liberal news media to promote misinformation in their eternal war against Republicans, especially against former President Donald Trump, who is in an excellent position despite all of their actions to whoop Sloppy Joe's ass in the next presidential election in November of this year.

Navalny, it will be recalled, was not particularly famous outside of Russia until he was poisoned in August 2020.

Prior to that, he aroused the ire of the Putin regime by speaking out against political corruption in Russia, while wholeheartedly approving Russia's invasion of the Crimea in 2014.

Twice convicted for embezzlement and receiving suspended sentences for these "crimes," he was prevented for running for Russian president in 2018.

When he was poisoned, he was flown out of Russia to a hospital in Germany, where it was discovered that he was, in fact, poisoned with the Russian secret police as the culprits.

He remained in hospital for a month, but chose to return to Russia in January 2021, when he was promptly arrested, thrown into jail and ultimately being sentenced to 19 years in prison, ultimately being sent to a gulag above the Arctic Circle.

Where he died last week.

It should be said that Russian gulags are NOT like the country-club existence of America's Club Fed, where our corrupt politicians are occasionally confined for corruption.

Of course, Navalny knew that going back to Russia would be the death of him. He clearly had a martyr complex, so his death there was inevitable.

But it would secure his legacy, at least in the west.

Napoleon, speaking of his own exile to Saint Helena after his second rule of France, remarked "If Christ had not died on the cross, He would never have become the son of God."

So it must have been with Navalny.

Right out of a novel by Dostoievski.

Sloppy Joe responded to news of Navalny's death and meeting with Navalny's widow by imposing 500 new sanctions on Russia, added to the dozens of sanctions that the US has already imposed on Russia, carefully excluding the Russian millionaires who have been bribing his crime family over the years from the sanctions list.

The more self-righteous nations of the European Union responded in a similar manner, also calling for more money to be sent to Ukraine to shore up the losing cause of the war there.

In the US, Biden demanded that the House agree to send Ukraine another $60 billion, which the Senate already approved.

The House, with a razor-thin Republican majority, might not be so accommodating to Sloppy Joe's demands.

.As for the 500 additional sanctions? The sanctions from both the US and the European Union against Russia already in place have had no visible effect on weakening Putin's resolve to defeat Ukraine in battle and dictate the terms of the peace.

Putin is probably laughing his ass off in the Kremlin.

He is receiving plenty of support in war material, money and, most importantly, oil from China, Iran and the United Arab Emirates along the Persian Gulf Coast.

None of those nations are particularly well-disposed towards the United States.

Putin knows full well that the west cannot drain their national economies to promote the Ukrainian cause much longer and that a good many people in the west are already tired of a war that is increasingly being seen as one merely to preserve a corrupt Ukrainian regime.

He knows that NATO and the US will not intercede in the war with their own soldiers, and he has no problem with sending young Russian men and women to die to realize his goal of reintegrating Ukraine into the Russian orbit.

Putin is also aware that the US is no longer regarded as a global superpower and that the internal divisions in America promoted by Democratic social, economic and political interests are preventing any effective leadership in Washington from coalescing.

THAT event would be a threat to his long-term plans, which he is promoting the ever-corrupt Biden regime in the presidential election, knowing full well that a re-elected and re-energized Trump presidency would hinder his goals.

At the same time, Demoncrats like Nancy Pelosi, the withered post-menopausal, Hollywood has-been hags on The View, as well as the liberal news media (CNN and MSNBC) have been claiming that Putin controls Trump!

Which means that they are as demented and senile as is Sloppy Joe.

But at least Putin is getting a few laughs from their verbal diarrhea.

Maybe they think all of his laughter in the Kremlin will cause him to have a stroke and die.

It won't.

Neither will more sanctions imposed on Russia by the west.

They had better try a different tack.

This one isn't going to win anything.


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