The Saga of Sandra Doorley: "To Flee or Not to Flee!"

 Let's face it, in our automobile centered world, you're bound to get a violation ticket sooner or later.

It might be as simple as a parking ticket, for being too long on one side of an alternative parking street or simply not being able to get back and put more money into your parking meter on time. Or being parked in a "No Parking" zone.

I daresay these are the most common.

And you generally don't see police officers on these occasions.

Moving violations are a bit trickier.

You might be driving on a road where the speed limit changes frequently and there is inadequate signage designating the speed for that stretch of the road.

Police cars are equipped with devices that measure the speed of vehicles in traffic, and if you are going far faster than the speed limit designates, you ARE going to be pulled over, with police car sirens blaring and lights flashing.

Then you had better pull over, unless you are some sort of criminal with warrants out for your arrest.

The most common instinct for such people is to attempt to flee the police officer and the officer will then engage in pursuit.

Sandra Doorley should have known this little fact, since she IS the District Attorney of Monroe County, and it is her job to prosecute such and worse criminals.

Unfortunately, Doorley has become one of the criminals she and others of her ilk are supposed to prosecute, and her attempts evade responsibility for her actions by attempting to pull rank on the police has given her fifteen minutes of global fame!

And has labeled her a shrew, a harpy and an overall bitch.

The dumbest thing about this whole incident involving Doorley is that she, herself, stupidly made it public.

On Thursday, April 18 Doorley issued a statement that she accepted responsibility for the speeding ticket she received the previous Monday in Webster, New York, a suburb of Rochester in which she resides.

She stated that she pled guilty, paid the fine and that nobody is above the law and that she was making this public statement to quell the rumors about her.

But Doorley purposely omitted telling the whole story.

The body cam worn by the Webster police officer who (finally) ticketed her for speeding, told the whole sordid story.

It is at complete variance from to noble statements she issued to the press, and revealed that, during this incident, Doorley committed other offenses that could have led to her arrest then and there...if she weren't Sandra Doorley, District Attorney.

The sordid tale follows.

On Monday, April 15, Sandra Doorley was on her way home in Webster, cruising at 55 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone.

A Webster police officer turned on his flashers and engaged in pursuit.

While Doorley claimed that she thought the cop was chasing someone else, she then stated that she realized she was speeding.

She then called the Webster chief of police, Dennis Kohlmeier, to say: "Get this asshole of a cop off of me."

She later stated that she called the police chief to say that she was on her way home and that the police officer should follow her there.

Apparently, the cop in pursuit never got that memo.

But calling while driving is another offense, as was not stopping and going on her merry way home.

When Doorley arrived home, with the cop behind her, she refused to be cooperative, refused all of the officer's requests, stated that she WAS the DA, said that she had a rough day with three homicides to deal with, repeatedly told the cop to leave her alone, said she didn't care how fast she was going and then called the Webster police chief (again) and handed her phone to the cop.

Apparently, she thought THAT would end it, only it didn't.

What it did was make it look bad for everyone involved.

The cop asked for back up, which was duly dispatched.

The police chief asked if the cop knew who was driving the vehicle.

The cop said that he didn't, that he hadn't had time to run her license plate while he was in pursuit of her.

The two back up cops then arrived, both trying to stay out of the path of the original cop's body cam, although one of them reiterated that he should have run her license plate.

The original cop then stated that if he had done so, and saw who the speeding violator was, he would not have pursued her!

With which the other officer concurred.


If the cop knew that she was Sandra Doorley he would have let her speed home!

The whole mess ended, for then, when the original cop gave her a speeding ticket,, while she was yet again on the phone with the police chief, not charging her with any other offenses and left.

What he should have done was ask Doorley to take a breathalyzer test!

She would have felt insulted and refused, but it would have been hilarious to hear on the video tape.

While there WERE rumors about the incident swirling about, nobody really knew anything more until Doorley herself opened the can of worms by releasing her public statement that Thursday, which REALLY made people wonder about what happened.

After all, why make a big deal about a speeding ticket to which you pled guilty and already paid the fine?

Unless there were more to it.

There was.

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the video from the original cop's body cam WAS released.

It did NOT show Doorley as cooperative.

It did NOT show Doorley treating the police officer with respect for doing his job and ticketing an offender.

It did NOT show a contrite Doorley.

It DID show Doorley to be an overall, entitled bitch who thought that by threatening the cop with his police chief, she could get out of a traffic ticket.

How dare this mere, lowly cop order HER around.

The two backup cops were clearly nervous about this and frightened of Doorley, too, which is NOT as it should be.

Confronted with public knowledge of just what a bitch she could be, Doorley then found it necessary to offer an apology to the cop on video, blaming the stresses of work on her behavior that day.

Trying to sound contrite on this "It's Not Easy to Be Me" video, it was a case of too much, too little, too late.

Rochester's City Council unanimously agreed that this incident and Doorley's part in it be closely investigated by the state.

As of yet, nobody has asked the state to investigate the Webster police department, since Doorley thought she had its police chief under her thumb and called him at least three times during those few minutes to get his "asshole cop" off of her...and not ticket her.

Worse still, for Doorley, our toxic She Devil Governor, Kathy Hochul, stated that Doorley "undermined her ability to hold others accountable for violating the law" while expressing gratitude for the law enforcement officers of this state!

Hochul has the power and legal right to dismiss Doorley for such malfeasance and appoint another district attorney in her stead until the next election.

Hochul has even called for an investigation of Doorley's prosecutorial conduct, which isn't good news for Doorley. It suggests that Hochul is looking for a reason to get rid of Doorley.

As of this writing, Doorley hasn't resigned, although a good many people have stated that she should or called on her to do so.

But then, it might not be her call.

For a smart lady, Sandra Doorley certainly did a stupid thing with her bitchy hissy fit regarding her speeding violation.

She should have simply pulled over like the rest of us would have. Instead, she drove off like a criminal, which suggests to me that she was frightened of being asked to take a breathalyzer test.

And then her berating the cop who pursued her was not overly rational, unless her delusion that she was above the law made her angry that anyone, even a lowly cop, dare challenge her bitch goddess status.

Had she simply pled guilty in Webster Court, paid her fine and said nothing more about it, it would have aroused nothing more serious than whispered gossip.

It was Doorley herself who brought up the traffic ticket and claiming that nobody, not even she, was above the law, that has brought her to this sorry pass because the cop's body cam revealed that she, indeed, felt that she was above the law.

Doorley ought to do herself a favor and resign and find a less stressful line of work.

And take a safe driving course.

And take an anger management course.

The only person I really feel sorry for is the Webster cop she berated and attempted to castrate.

At least he got to ticket her.

That was some justice, at least!


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