From the Sublime to the Ridiculous! Black Comedy in Rochester, New York!

Rochester, New York is a dying city just off of the coast of Planet Earth.

Its politics resemble Bizarro World's.

But then, the governor of New York State is a toxic She-Devil, the attorney general is a frustrated, aging hag whose personal hatreds influence her judicial activities, who have had infected the state with their baneful philosophies.

To be honest, the hilarious antics of the elected officials in the body politic of Rochester have ceased to shock or amaze me.

If anything stupid or outrageous can happen here, it will.

The latest "bombshell" really shouldn't surprise anyone.

Ex-mayor Lovely A. Warren, who was forced to resign her office in December 2021 as part of a plea deal regarding mishandling her election finances (in her 2017 re-election bid) is running for City court Judge!


That she is able to do so is thanks to the sweetheart deal offered to her by District Attorney Sandra Doorley, which she promptly accepted.

By pleading guilty to a misdemeanor and promising to resign as mayor (two months after the deal was struck), all other charges (felonies involving other charges) were dismissed.

This left Ms. Warren with her law license and her pensions as an elected official intact, as well as her ability to run for office again.

Which she has now chosen to do.

I have dealt with this mess in previous blogs that you can peruse at your own leisure.

However, there are some serious questions as to why anyone should vote for our disgraced ex-mayor for anything.

Should you vote for someone for City Court Judge whose husband and her own flesh and blood cousins were involved in a local drug trafficking ring while she was mayor?

Should you vote for someone for City court Judge whose husband stashed a couple of kilos of crack cocaine and a large amount of cash in the home they shared while she was mayor?

Should you vote for someone for City Court Judge whose husband had a shotgun and a pistol in the home they shared, when he was not allowed to own either because he had been a convicted felon?

She later claimed that the pistol belonged to her mother-in-law, not her husband, but it was in her nightstand!

Should you vote for someone whose own pre-adolescent daughter was able to roam freely in that home where these objects were stashed?

And, of course, she claimed that she had no inkling of what was going on around her!

Those were the charges for which our ex-mayor had been arrested and dismissed in exchange for her pleading guilty to a misdemeanor!

A misdemeanor for which she probably would have been acquitted.

It ought to boggle the mind.

Only it doesn't.

It's just another day in Rochester, New York.

One might wonder whether or not Ms. Warren even lives in Rochester, anymore.

But we've all seen how the actual residency requirements for elected office in Rochester, as well as appointed offices, have been discretely fudged.

Plenty of people who work for, and are required to live in Rochester, don't.

City Court Judge Melissa Barrett is a prime example for Ms. Warren to follow.

After all, Ms. Warren appointed her to the position of City Court Judge in 2018!

Birds of a feather.

But it doesn't matter whether or not ex-Mayor Warren wins the election.

Rochester Mayor Mahweak Evans will then appoint her to that position if she loses.

Just like he did Van White, who was famous for claiming three separate addresses as his "primary" residence when he ran for office a few years ago.

After all, Mahweak needs to stack the deck with as many liberal Democrats as he can, given the inexorable swing to the right that is now occurring in the United States.

And woe betide any of Ms. Warren's enemies who must stand before her when she occupies the judge's seat.


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