Reelin' in the Year: Fatal Distraction in Rochester, New York!


Christmas 2021 is over and the year is quickly winding down.

The next holiday some people will be looking forward to is New Year's Eve, which is amateur night for drinkers out and about town, and New Year's Day, with football games, parades and the farce of the inauguration of Rochester's latest mayor.

I am not nostalgic about the old year or even hopeful about the new one.

Why should I, or anyone else, be?

Rochester is, and remains, in a state of chaos owing to a lack of political leadership and the moral turpitude of the elected officials and their hangers-on who supposedly govern this city.

2021 saw the resignation of cop-hating Lovely Warren as Mayor of Rochester to avoid being convicted of felonious criminal charges.

She walked away with a slap on the wrist, her license to practice law and her pension intact, her ability to run for political office unaffected and her continued control of the majority of Rochester's Democratic political committees could make that a reality.

That was no punishment, although two of her bosom buddies, George Moses and Adam McFadden WILL be doing jail time for breaching the public's faith by embezzling public funds and being convicted of it.

Yet to face some sort of justice are Ex-Mayor Warren's cousins, the drug-dealing Siplins, and her husband, poor Tim Granison, their bagman.

Even more nauseating was City Government's publishing "A Lovely Legacy" on their website, a political testament consisting of a pack of lies glorifying the Warren regime which has no relation whatsoever to the true state of affairs in Rochester, New York. 

Not since the publication of the equally spurious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has a more patently bogus and disgusting political tract been written, guaranteed to nauseate the reader.

Yet it will probably be believed, since big lies are more readily acceptable by the public than little ones.

As for her successor, Malik Evans, not much can be hoped from him or the administration his handlers have chosen for him. 

A very private, almost invisible wuss, nobody has seen or heard much from him since last summer, when he won the primary on "I'm not Lovely" rhetoric.

Perhaps he was overwhelmed by his victory and was unable to grasp the fact that he would be Mayor of Rochester, which might account for his invisibility for the last six months.

It does not bode well for the future, despite all the cute little puff pieces the media has been writing about him, hoping to create a personality and an image for the invisible man that Evans largely is.

Despite this, and the local progressive media, ever willing to create news and not merely report it, Evans remains an enigma, a faceless idol, a sphinx without a riddle. 

Here the media has failed, despite all of their creativity.

But then, they didn't have much with which to work.

Even worse are the antics of the cop-hating City Council. Infected with terminal woke progressivism and pursuing defunding and eliminating the police department in the wake of the huge, historic increase in crime and homicides in Rochester, they have added two local political terrorists to their number and continue to practice their cancel culture rather than govern the city. Their latest instance of asininity has been to instruct the city historian to locate buildings, parks and statues commemorating people in Rochester's past who might have had a connection to slavery with a view to renaming those locations.

That, of course, will accomplish nothing positive for the city.

And, given their penchant for promoting progressive nonsense, there will be nothing good coming out of that motley crew in the coming year.

As for RPD, they try to continue to do their job to protect law abiding Rochesterians, despite the lack of support by City Government and the frustrations and insults heaped upon the officers by a clearly moronic gaggle of city councilpersons.

Already understaffed and overworked, a good many of our more experienced police officers are seeking to retire at the earliest possible moment, with no replacements in sight.

Who can blame them?

Let's not forget the cop-hating clergy that circles around City Hall like a flock of vultures in search of the ever-available carrion with which City Government provides them in order to have press conferences and photo ops. The liberal news media has given that lot an importance that is unmerited. Unconcerned with Black on Black violence in Rochester, they will continue to be a nuisance factor in the body politic of our city by their perpetual screaming about systemic racism as the root cause of crime and violence. If they preach love and peace in their churches, their congregations clearly aren't listening to them, which says plenty about their real influence.

Then there is the School Board and the Superintendent of Schools, who have presided over the destruction of the Rochester City School District but are entrenched in their offices and no amount of scandal seems able to dislodge that pack of cockroaches.

Too many people smugly say that this is what happens when the Democrats rule, but then where are the Republicans?

Most have safely retreated to the suburban towns, while the Rochester Republican Committee only exists to provide money, manpower and moral support for suburban Republican candidates, ignoring the Republicans who run for city offices.

Worse still is the character of the Monroe County GOP Chairman, Bernie Iacovangelo, an aging reactionary who resides in Monroe County only part-time and provided no leadership for Republican candidates here in the last election.

This probably helped to account for Republicans losing control of the County Legislature.

On the other hand, Iacovangelo made much of having recruited Rochester's ex-police chief, La'Ron Singletary, to run for Congress as a Republican against incumbent Democrat Jor Morelle.

Singletary, as it will be recalled, was involved with Ex-Mayor Warren in the cover-up regarding Daniel Prude's death in 2020 and was just as much a part of the corruption of the Warren regime as any of the other high-ranking officials were in that scandal.

This is whom addlepated Bernie regards as suitable Republican candidate material. It is also Iacovangelo's attempt to prove that he isn't a racist because Singletary is Black, which he hopes will win the Black community's vote.

Except that Singletary isn't a viable candidate, either. His candidacy smacks of "Candide" and only the rabid anti-Morelle Republicans find him remotely acceptable.

He is too imbued with the excremental taint of the Warren regime to be accepted by most people, too much of her creation and a good many Republicans wish Iacovangelo would step down before he damages the local Republican committees even further than he already has.

So, what does Rochester really have to look forward to in 2022?

Not much.

Corruption and woke progressivism have so insinuated themselves into the body politic of our city that it would be near impossible to remove. And attempts to clean up our Augean Stable are met with cries of "racism" and "White privilege," rather than any thoughtful consideration of alternative solutions.

Political correctness has come to stifle debate and control thought, which is exactly what woke progressives and domestic terrorists want. It does not allow for positive growth, only for fear.

But this has been largely the fault of our apathetic residents who don't bother to vote at all. The few who do vote are uninterested in Rochester as a whole, only in bettering their fragment of it, which hasn't really worked to their benefit, either.

The neighboring City of Buffalo chose not to stand for the antics of their local Democratic committees, rising to return the incumbent mayor to office by a write-in campaign when a Socialist defeated him in the Democratic primary.

Buffalo had a moral courage that Rochester lacks.

But then, Rochester is a dying city where few people have faith in its institutions any longer, except those who choose to use it to feather their own nests.

All of the antics and foibles of those who claim leadership in our city are merely fatal distractions from the decay and death of Rochester, not remedial solutions for anything but their own agendas.

So, what do we have to hope for in 2022?

That we might continue to survive, to protect ourselves and our families and look for a more suitable, less dangerous city in which to live.

Because Rochester is a dangerous place.

And it won't get better anytime soon.

Not in my lifetime, I daresay.


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