Elon Musk's Purchase of Twitter: Driving Liberal Progressives Batshit Crazy!

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter has opened up a Pandora's Box in America.

Restoring freedom of speech on a heretofore liberal progressive oriented social media platform is driving Democrats batshit crazy.

When it was first rumored that Musk would buy Twitter for $44 Billion, some batty dame on MSNBC shrieked "That would be thought control!" 

She then added "That's our job!"

Yes, in her opinion, thought control belonged exclusively to the liberal news media whose progressive bias has been manifest for years.

As well as on such social media platforms as Twitter and Facebook, where the most scurrilous tales about Republicans were permitted and encouraged, while people expressing opposing points of view were suspended for violating their "Terms of Service."

Of course, that was all bullshit, since it violated the first amendment to the Constitution.

When the purchase took place, reaction was swift.

Suspended accounts of people promoting conservative viewpoints and opinions on Twitter were restored.

Progressive liberals shrieked at that, claiming that they would cancel their Twitter accounts.

Most people didn't care if they did and the threat didn't work, so they remained, complaining about opinions that were opposed to their own, as though that isn't supposed to be a part of free speech.

The Biden regime, fearing nothing quite so much as freedom of speech that is critical of their failing administration, promptly created a "Ministry of Truth," in which they would decide what the truth is, officially.

Every totalitarian regime in the world has such a department in their governments to control thought and speech, and it shows the depths of depravity to which the increasingly unpopular Biden regime will go to protect their tender egos from criticism.

The Biden regime is frightened that restored freedom of speech on social media platforms will work against progressive Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections, especially since the clear incompetence of the Democratic Party in the areas of the economy, national security and domestic violence might cost them control of Congress.

This would effectively castrate the Biden regime, making him a lame duck president before his time.

The wealthy celebrity hags that make up the television show "The View" immediately chanted it was wrong for Musk to spend so much money to buy Twitter, as if a person doesn't have a right to spend their own hard-earned money to buy what they want.

They, and others, said he should have spent those billions to eradicate world poverty and hunger while they, wealthy hypocrites to the end, haven't spent a dime of their multi millions to attempt that undertaking.

Even worse has been the subject of abortion.

Some clerk in the Supreme Court leaked a note to the press about the majority of the justices being in favor of reversing the Roe v. Wade decision of fifty years ago, which legalized abortion in the US.

That inspired progressive liberals to go rushing out to the homes of conservative justices in the court to threaten them if Roe v. Wade were repealed, which the Biden regime made no attempt to chastise people for.

Democratic politicians, usually female, argued that abortion was a woman's "health issue," and didn't want men telling them what to do with their bodies.

These same Democratic women politicians had no problem with promoting Dr. Fauci, a man, telling everyone that they had to inject untested and unproven vaccines and boosters into their bodies, which helped confuse their logic more than somewhat.

In reaction, conservative tweets declared repeatedly that abortion was murder and that those pursuing such a "procedure" were murderesses.

That bothered the killers of the preborn.

But then, their opponents have had free speech restored to them on a social media platform that had previously been biased in their favor and could now freely express their opinions on the matter.

Hence their wrath.

I will deal more with the subject of Roe v. Wade in a future blog. The purpose in mentioning it here was merely to show how when people or organizations who have long had a monopoly on disseminating their propaganda react when opposing points of view are permitted to express themselves.

At any rate, it is amusing to watch the circuses that free speech on social media has provoked and the desperate attempts of an unpopular, so-called democratic government to curtail it.



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