La'Ron and Lovely Redux: Sonia McGaffigan Sues Rochester and RPD.

 Last year, on May 30, 2020 Rochester had its first riot since 1964.

Egged on by Free the People, ROC terrorists, a "peaceful protest" over the death of drug addict and career criminal George Floyd in Minneapolis became violent.

Injuries, vandalism and looting stores in Rochester, spilling over into the Town of Irondequoit, took place over the next few hours, setting the pace for a summer of unrest here.

The mayor, Lovely Warren, and her then police chief, La'Ron Singletary, did nothing except warn people to stay out of the rioters' and looters' way.

They caved in. So did City Council days later

They also stated that the violence was caused by "outsiders" who had "taken over" the "peaceful protest."

ANTIFA was the scapegoat, one conveniently used by all the cities experiencing riots over Floyd's death while in police custody. 

The reality was very different.

Within a few hours, video evidence revealed no such thing. The rioters, vandals and looters were all locals.

The mayor and her then police chief clearly didn't know what they were talking about. This situation continued throughout the summer and the rioters were in the driver's seat in Rochester because neither of them exhibited anything like leadership.

Then the shit really hit the fan in September, when information regarding the death of Daniel Prude in March finally was revealed to the public.

To many, it appeared as though Lovely and La'Ron conspired to keep the circumstances of Prude's death while under police custody quiet. And it blew up in their faces.

This, in turn, allowed the rabble rousing Free the People, ROC terrorists to initiate a new series of riots.

Once again, La'Ron relied on his tried and disproven statement that he "knew outside agitators were involved" because one of them had Alaska license plates on her vehicle.

The person in question was Sonia McGaffigan, who just happened to be a student at the University of Rochester and was resident in Rochester at the time. She was no outsider.

Clearly, La'Ron was wrong. Again.

Neither he nor the mayor could bear to admit that their administration of Rochester was so flawed and incompetent that its own residents would protest against them, riot, vandalize, make nuisances of themselves and demand their resignations.

La'Ron did promptly resign when it became clear that Lovely was going to make him her scapegoat, but Lovely promptly fired him before the resignation took effect.

All that accomplished was to make La'Ron a martyr in some people's eyes, although he was undeserving of such attention or even much pity.

So he's suing Rochester for $1.5 million.

And Lovely? 

Karma was late in coming, but Lovely was forced to resign as part of a plea deal that left her image in a shambles but her pose intact.

As for Sonia McGaffigan, she is suing Rochester and RPD.

She claims that she was forced from her bicycle by the police while attending the riot on the night of September 5.

She stated she was beaten, cuffed, arrested, taken to jail and charged with unlawful assembly, which was ultimately dismissed in May of this year.

McGaffigan said she never got her bicycle back, which fit her body perfectly.

You can read more about her version of events in today's Democrat and Chronicle.

And the city will undoubtedly settle out of court for some huge sum that will guarantee McGaffigan will be able to afford extensive post-graduate work.

So, what's the one conclusion I can bring this story to?

Simple: Anybody can be a police chief or a mayor under ideal conditions. 

La'Ron and Lovely didn't know how to handle a city in crisis and couldn't admit that their own people and other residents of Rochester were critical of their regime.

The agitators and rioters HAD to be outsiders!

Only they weren't.

***photos were from the Democrat and Chronicle***


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