Our 53rd Homicide of the Year so Far: Rochester, New York's Murder Marathon Continues!

Last year, our fair city had the fifth highest homicide rate in the nation.

Per capita, we were the deadliest.

Not bad, considering that Rochester, New York is a middle-sized city of only 210, 000 souls.

Nowhere near the size of New York City or Chicago.

Early this morning, at Ontario Beach Park, a man in his 30's was shot and killed.

There had been a crowd at the parking lot of the beach. They promptly dispersed when the police showed up to investigate...after 3:30 AM!

What the Hell were people doing out there at 3:30 in the morning, when everything out there closes up shop by 2 AM?

Who knows?

What we do know is that the current mayoral regime of Malik Evans has been totally ineffective in developing strategies to curtail violence apart from a lot of talk.

That's all he and his administration are good for.

His answer to our frequent homicides, as well as non-fatal shootings and stabbings, has been to declare a "State of Emergency" to calm those people who still have any respect for him and his administration.

Most people have the good sense to laugh at such declarations because we have seen that they do nothing beyond giving the mayor a reason to call a press conference where his impotence can be perceived far and wide by the viewing audience on television, reaching far beyond Rochester's metropolitan area.

Worse still is progressive justice's "catch and release" program that has been imposed on our city and New York State.

The law enforcement agencies arrest violent criminals, and the judges promptly release them back into the community without imposing bail, only to see those self-same criminals commit more crimes.

Rinse and repeat.

One such nauseating example occurred in our fair city on Tuesday, when a fifteen-year-old kid was gunned down and still remains in critical condition in the hospital.

Yesterday, the Rochester Police Department arrested the perpetrator: A fourteen-year-old kid!

He was given an appearance ticket and released to a relative.

This dangerous punk was not sent to juvenile incarceration but is allowed to roam the streets.

This sort of thing happens more frequently with adult offenders, which adds to the frustration of law enforcement agencies and to the fears of law-abiding residents of Rochester who feel that the city has let them down yet again.

This has become a chronic condition in our fair city leading to a lack of faith in and distrust of Citygov.

Which is not undeserved.

Then of course, there are the antics of our toxic She Devil of a governor, Kathy Hochul.

New York State already has the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Yesterday, she imposed new stringent gun laws affecting people legally licensed to carry concealed weapons in a variety of places.

In her warped mind, Hochul feels that such a diktat will curb or prevent violence.

Most people so licensed need to carry protection because their jobs require them to go into dangerous parts of our fair city, and most of Rochester has become just such a place.

And our toxic She Devil seems to ignore the fact that most criminals do NOT pay attention to the law, nor do they legally carry firearms anyway, most of which have been stolen or purchased illegally.

Her law only angers law-abiding licensed carriers of firearms and does nothing to hinder criminals from acquiring and using them to commit crimes.

And nowhere in all of her high fallutin' legislation does she impose mandatory sentences of incarceration for criminals using firearms in the commission of their crimes.

So what was really the purpose of all of this?

Simple: Control.

Even worse is that all new applicants for licenses to carry firearms must submit all of their social media activities to prevent mass shooters from acquiring licenses.


That's what progressive liberalism is all about.

So, what conclusions can I bring this blog to?

That the Evans regime has been as ineffective in curtailing crime as it has been in everything else it has undertaken?

That progressive justice's catch and release program has released violent criminals back into our community to commit more crimes?

That such actions have frustrated the law enforcement agenicies from doing their jobs, while progressive liberalism has demonized those same agencies, calling upon people not to trust the police, further hampering law enforcement?

That our toxic She Devil of a governor has got rocks in her head?

The ugly reality is that the progressive liberalism that dominates the politics of this state refuses to punish criminals for their crimes.

They all talk about combatting the "causes" of crime, never mind the fact that most people don't commit crimes.

But they never seem to get around to combatting those "causes," either, except to say that people who commit crimes are victims of White privilege and systemic racism and therefore deserve special "breaks."

Which is what the "Bail Reform Act" was and has only served to perpetuate the criminal careers of violent feral urban humanoids.

What's even worse for our fair city and indeed our entire society that frequency of violent crimes and homicides has desensitized us to them.

We are only concerned about them if they occur in close proximity to our homes, our jobs or if our family and friends are affected by them.

It is this unconscious cruelty that has become prevalent as a survival mechanism for most of us to cope with what our fair city and our society has become.

And that includes our lack of faith in the very institutions that are supposed to bind us together as a city and a nation.

But that, too, keeps us off balance.

Our politicians count on that in order to stay in power.

They know that most people can no longer trust, admire and love them.

They are willing to settle for being feared.

What they are afraid of is being hated.

And a good many of our politicians have earned that hatred by allowing us to hope and believe in them.

The violence will continue in Rochester until someone in power says "Enough is enough" and will actively combat crime.

Until then, the bodies will continue to pile up, blood will flow on the streets and bullet casings will litter our sidewalks.

A great place in which to live, work, play and raise a family.


  1. Used to be a great place. But now I'm Ashamed to tell anyone where I live because everyone knows how crime ridden Rochester has become😔

    1. Indeed, it is no longer a city of which to be proud. Some addlepated cheerleaders might hearken back to our fair city's glorious past, but that has long been gone, while nobody really wants to brag about the present and are actually frightened about the future.


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