Please, Please, Don't be a Litterbug, 'Cause We'll Trip Over the Corpses and Shell Casings You Leave Behind!

Rochester, New York is a deadly dangerous city.

Some people, usually Democratic politicians and elected officials, forgive that because our once fair city is in its death throes.

That's why they continue to run for re-election, looking to squeeze as much out of it to benefit themselves before it finally goes under, after which they will go elsewhere, their ill-gotten gains safely tucked away in their pockets.

Most people recognize this fact of life here, which is why actual voting rates are so low.

After all, in our one-party city, one Democratic scoundrel in office is pretty much any other, so why bother to vote at all?

We know that apart from passing some cutsie-pooh legislation that will do nothing more than waste taxpayer dollars, they are either unable or unwilling to take a serious stand on any issues affecting the quality of life in Rochester.

They certainly aren't concerned with serious attempts to combat crime, violence and homicide, although they might occasionally be roused from their stupor to state that they ARE concerned.

Which most thinking people have no reason to believe.

And that includes Hizzoner the Mayor, whose ineptitude and incompetence are manifest for the world to see.

Last week, within a little more than a 24 hour span starting Thursday night, five people were shot in three separate incidents (within three hours).

Another man was shot and killed early Friday night.

At 1 AM, Saturday, five people were shot, 2 fatally, amid a large crowd that gathered on North Clinton Avenue, which is the prime location for most of Rochester's murders!

As a result, we were treated to yet another tedious press conference featuring the mayor and the chief of police, rehashing what has happened and what they were going to do about it.

Like increasing police presence in neighborhoods where the recent shootings and homicides took place, only to see that strategy abandoned within a few days.

How effective such short-term strategies are is questionable, since both the mayor's office and City council are openly anti-cop and encourage Rochester's residents, especially in the ghetto, to distrust law enforcement agencies.

Please remember that the mayor's "Gun Violence State of Emergency" was still in effect and has been continuous since Mahweak ascended the mayoral throne in January 2022.

AND since he put his cousin in charge of the anti-crime and anti-violence initiatives.

That has worked out well, hasn't it?

To be honest, the number of shootings and homicides IS down over last year's numbers.

There have been "only" 32 homicides so far this year, as opposed to 44 last year at this time.

As for shootings, there have been "only" 186, down from last year's 220.

At present, I have no figures for the number of stabbings and other assaults that were non-fatal.

On the other hand, Rochester has achieved a milestone where crime is concerned: We have the highest rate of increase in car thefts nationwide.

That little fact Mahweak never ceases to keep from reminding us.

And the average ages of the perpetrators?

Why, between 17 and 13 years of age, with some of the accomplices as young as 8!

Many of these car thefts were accomplished by threatening the car owners with guns, which the little tykes then begin to use on shooting sprees while joyriding through our neighborhoods, oblivious to whom they might kill injure or maim.

Previously Hizzoner stated that teenagers were engaging in such crimes because they "had nothing to do" in Rochester, which is a cop-out.

No, Mahweak. It doesn't "take a village."

It takes a family to keep their kids in line.

And if a kid's family won't do it, it takes the state to remove them from a society that such feral urban humanoids are intent upon endangering.

THAT is one solution.

But Mahweak, and all other woke progressive Democratic politicians refuse to accept that fact and refuse to demand legislation imposing tougher penalties on violent youthful offenders.

At the same time, "community leaders," whom the majority of Rochester's residents have never heard of before, have stated that most of the gun violence in our fair city are the result of repeat shooters.

No kidding. Everybody knew that already, since the Bail Reform Act turns violent felons loose to await their trials without cash bail, which allows them to commit more crimes.

Hanif Abdul-Wahid then stated that the community should band together to prevent further tragedies.

He did not specify what he meant by "community," but that will be clear in a few sentences.

It is doubtful that groups of people holding hands and singing "Kumbaya" every so often will accomplish much of anything.

At no time did he even suggest that the Bail Reform Act be rescinded, which would do much to keep repeat offenders off of our streets while awaiting their trials.

But it was the Black community that was gung-ho for the Bail Reform Act, and the organization that Mr. Abdul-Wahid represents is the Black Agenda Group.

That is no mere coincidence.

At no time did he suggest that the powers that be get tougher on criminals and the culture of criminality that they promote.

It is glamorized in music, films and talk shows, which kids are mesmerized into emulating and their parents are unwilling to dissuade them from such imitation.

Before long, they have no respect for human life and have become hardened criminals by the time that they are in their teens.

At that stage, they are beyond any help.

So, what else are these community "leaders" suggesting?

They encouraged residents to report what they know about shootings and homicides.

Yet it is the Black community that has been encouraged to be distrustful and downright hostile to the Rochester Police Department, so this seems to be a bit disingenuous.

At least it is better than what some other woke progressive lawmakers are doing to combat auto thefts.

They are suing the manufacturers of Kias and Hyundais for making their cars too easy to break into and steal!

It's THEIR fault, not the teenage thug brandishing an illegal firearm, that cars got broken into and stolen!

And now you know why extra-terrestrials in search of intelligent life in the universe have given Rochester a wide berth!

But really, the danger most people residing in Rochester face is breaking a leg when they trip over corpses carelessly left in our streets or fall when they trip on bullet casings left from joyriding teenagers in their stolen vehicles.

Just ask Mahweak, who'll tell you how good we have it here.

Never mind the litterbugs.


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