City Hall, the PAB, Anthony Hall and the Excremental Taint of Conspiracy Against the Rochester Police Department.

Too many coincidences are too coincidental.

A recent incident following a crime scene investigation in Rochester, New York bears this out.

On June 18, officers of the Rochester Police Department were investigating a shooting on North Street that sent a man to the hospital with non-fatal gunshot wounds.

These incidents have become as common as pig tracks in our fair city.

They taped off the area that they were investigating, to prevent onlookers and passers-by from contaminating evidence at the site.

Low and behold, skipping out of a bar in the vicinity, comes an individual who was curious about the activities of RPD in that area so early in the morning.

He came, looked at the outer perimeter and then appeared to be leaving.

However, he proceeded to walk deeper into the crime scene and was told by the police officers to leave.

The individual refused to do so, was promptly arrested for Obstruction of Governmental Administration in the 2nd Degree (a misdemeanor) by the police officers there and was issued an appearance ticket to appear in Rochester City Court on July 5.

He promptly filed a complaint about the police officer's conduct with the scandal-riddled Police Accountability Board, which was created largely to harass and demoralize the RPD.

Here's where it gets good.

The individual in question is city employee Anthony Hall!

Anthony Hall needs no introduction to those who have been paying attention to the state of entropy that has descended upon Rochester.

A self-proclaimed "Youth Intervention Gang Specialist" with the city's perpetually failing "Pathways to Peace" program, he also has ties to the local terrorist organization, Free the People ROC, who were largely responsible for Rochester's first riot in half a century two years ago.

Their "peaceful protests" resulted in violence, vandalism and looting.

It is this same organization that is sponsoring a rally for Hall today at the crime scene on North Street that he willfully intruded upon and chose not to leave when asked to do so by the police.

Free the People ROC is patently anti-cop and wants to see the RPD defunded and dissolved.


Hill was also noted for throwing illegal parties at Rochester's Rec Centers a few years ago, running for the Rochester School Board, and losing, and running for City Council last year, which he easily lost.

In 2017, Hall was fired from Pathways to Peace for abuse of power and misuse of city resources. Victor Saunders, the cousin of Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans, rehired Hall to be the director of Pathways.

As if the mayor didn't know!

Is it merely coincidence that Hall works for Citygov, which is comprised of an anti-cop City Council and mayor's office that wish to defund, demoralize and dissolve the RPD?

Is it merely coincidence that he is intimately involved with Free the People ROC, whose goals are the same?

Is it merely coincidence that he chose not to follow the rules when he threw illegal parties at Rochester's Rec Centers and then ignored police demands that he leave the precincts of a crime scene?

Is it merely coincidence that, after his arrest, Hall promptly complained to the expensive, scandal-riddled and do-nothing Police Accountability Board, which will actually provide them with their first case of police impropriety to investigate since they were created two and a half years ago?

I daresay the answer to all of the above is "No!"

These are not coincidences because there are too many of them.

Surrounded by, and a part of, the anti-cop atmosphere that is helping to choke the life out of Rochester, Hall probably decided that he could strike his own personal blow against the RPD and authority by turning around and re-entering the crime scene, walking deeper into it and ignoring the orders of the police officers.

This could be referred to as the "Propaganda of the Deed."

Or romantic self-indulgence.

This would provide his friends on the PAB with their first case against the police to investigate, as well as cement his credentials with Free the People ROC, who are now hailing Hall as a hero and a "victim."

Which he isn't.

He could have simply left the crime scene when told to do, and that would have been that.

However, his position as an employee of an anti-cop Citygov can only work in Hall's favor, as he probably will get their support in this instance.

Yes, the whole thing stinks and is suggestive of a conspiracy against the RPD.

Citygov was just waiting for it to happen.

And the mayor sure knows how to pick his employees.


  1. Replies
    1. God helps those who help themselves. We need to remove these creatures from City government.


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