The "Success" of Mayor Mahweak's "Anti-Violence Initiatives:" Rochester "Celebrated" Its 46th Homicide Last Night!

A sixteen-year-old boy was shot and killed on Pennsylvania Avenue in Rochester last night.

He was our fair city's 46th homicide of the year.

Less than 24 hours previously, a 68 year-old-man was stabbed to death at Rochester's "famous" homeless shelter, the House of Mercy, while another man there was also stabbed but not fatally.

House of Mercy is a hop, skip and a jump away from where the Pennsylvania Avenue homicide occurred.

In the ghetto.

Less than three weeks ago, on July 21, Mahweak declared a "Gun Violence Emergency" for the City of Rochester, stating "I will use everything we have."

Which really isn't much.

And what took him so long?

After all, he did put all of Rochester's failed anti-crime initiatives under mayoral control in January, and promptly put his cousin in charge of them, which accomplished nothing, except to make city residents raise their eyebrows.

It sure as Hell didn't make Rochester any safer.

Criminals were probably laughing so hard that they wet themselves. And, really, not too many residents were impressed by the mayor's latest babbling, because the uptick in homicides was apparent from the minute Mahweak assumed the mayoral throne on January 1.

Hours later, as if to underscore the ridiculousness of Mahweak's declaration, RPD Officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz was shot and killed in the line of duty in Rochester's NE Quadrant, where one third of our fair city's homicides occur.

Tony was Rochester's 42nd homicide of the year.

That weekend, two more homicides followed in quick succession.

In the ghetto.

Which brings us to the last two days, with two more homicides.

To be sure, neither RPD nor the mayor's office can stop crime. 

But over the last few mayoral administrations and the clown show that City Council has become, they have created a toxic anti-cop attitude among certain segments of our society that have hampered and demoralized the police department in their duty to bring criminals to justice.

Added to this was the pro-criminal, progressive attitude of Citygov, which makes out the criminals to be victims, especially criminals of color, the supreme expression of which is the Bail Reform Act.

It has created a deadly cancer in the body politic of the City of Rochester which none of the elected Democrats dares to cut out for fear of losing votes from the same people who wanted it.

Paradoxically, it is that same segment of society that has become the chief target of these deadly criminals.

But the Democrats gave them what they wanted. And expect to be re-elected for doing so, the safety of their constituents be damned!

And the bodies keep piling up, the blood pools on our streets and shell casings litter our sidewalks.

Recently Mahweak claimed that Rochester was "on the verge of greatness!"

Silly man!

Rochester was great. Once. He clearly knows nothing of Rochester's history, when "Rochester made means quality."

But that chapter has ended.

So, ring the bell, close the book and blow out the candle.

All Rochester has going for it now is that it is the deadliest city in America per capita.

Rochester has entered its terminal phase.

Under the current mayoral regime and City Council, it won't get better than this.


Since I published this blog two days ago, two more homicides were committed in Rochester, bringing the total, so far, to 48, with one person still in critical condition from the assault at House of Mercy which saw one of the victims killed by near decapitation by a machete.


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