Take a Bow, Citygov: Rochester, NY Ranks as the 13th WORST Run City in America!

 Remember the song, the "Limbo Rock" and the refrain "How low can you go?"

Well, apparently the people in charge of governing the City of Rochester, NY are looking to bring it as low as they possibly can.

We already know that our fair city is the deadliest in America per capita in terms of homicide.

We have the worst school district in the State of New York, and one of the worst in the entire nation.

We rank second in terms of child poverty. We used to rank first, but Syracuse, NY succeeded us to that dubious title this year.

And now...and now...

According to WalletHub, a personal finance website, Rochester ranks 13th out of 150 cities as one of the worst-run major cities in America!

Surprise, surprise!

Most residents of our fair city already know that.

Washington, DC, San Francisco, New York City and Chicago, all jewels in the crown of progressive liberalism and governed by Democrats, fared worse than Rochester.

According to the story printed yesterday (June 22, 2022) in RochesterFirst.com, the official site for WROC TV Channel 8, high city budgets combined with low quality of life scores produced poor ranking results.

The meaning is clear enough.

Rochester is badly run.

This should come as a shock to the people who govern the City of Rochester: City Council, the mayor, the superintendent of schools.

But it's doubtful any of them even bothered to bat an eyelash.

They are too busy promoting their personal agendas to care what most people who live here already know: that Rochester is badly governed.

The mayor claims that Rochester is "unequivocally safe," despite all of the assaults, non-fatal shootings and stabbings and homicides.

As of this writing, Rochester has had 34 homicides for the year. So far.

And his anti-violence initiatives are laughable, since they have accomplished nothing that is appreciable to the five senses.

And we are still without a full-time chief of police despite Mahweak occupying the mayoral throne for six months already.

Our anti-cop City Council continues to work towards defunding and dissolving the Rochester Police Department, insulting and demoralizing our brave law enforcement officers and creating an expensive, wasteful and scandal-ridden Police Accountability Board with that in mind.

This despite the fact that most people want more police presence in their neighborhoods, while the police are resigning or retiring in droves, resulting in an understaffed police department that is unable to comply with those demands.

Both the mayor and City Council are clearly out of touch here. And they couldn't care less.

As for the superintendent of schools and her partners in crime, the school board, they seem to be intent on graduating functional illiterates from the school system and creating a vast pool of unskilled labor suitable only for minimum wage jobs, despite her calling them "scholars."

Clearly Lesli Myers-Small doesn't understand the meaning of the word, but then she is merely the latest in the long yutz parade of school superintendents that have plagued our school system for the last 30 years, courtesy of the school board.

She completes the unholy menage a trois that misgoverns Rochester. 

The article from RochesterFirst can be seen as a refreshing, albeit disheartening, change from the usual puff pieces that promote visiting and living in our fair city because it is brutally honest.

We are not getting any real bang for our buck, our residents are demoralized, apathetic and frightened of all of the crime and violence with no end in sight, our schoolchildren are not being educated.

Our quality of life has suffered despite the high price tag City Government imposes on us and our political officeholders display no signs of leadership. This won't change anytime soon.

They'll probably blame our low ranking on COVID and the war in Ukraine and Putin.

But the reason is closer to home.

A City Government that is proud of its "accomplishments!"

And an electorate that is too lazy, too apathetic or too frightened to remove them from office.

Yes, Rochester ranks as the 13th worst run city in America.

But Rochester has gotten what it deserves.


  1. I don't even know what to say anymore 😢

    1. Well, that's understandable, because under the current City Government, things will only get worse and the people in power really don't care as long as they can continue to promote their ridiculous agendas.


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