Trans "Day of Vengeance" Gathering in Washington DC in the Wake of the Covenant School Shooting? Give Me an Effing Break!


All woke progressives and noisy trans activists will be offended by this blog, so you had better NOT read it.

Our nation, and the world, is still reeling from the horror of the Nashville shooting on Monday, March 27.

A "trans man," born Audrey Hale, age 28, went to "visit" her old alma mater, Covenant School, a Presbyterian school in Nashville, Tennessee.

It was not to reminisce with her old friends and teachers.

It was to kill people.

Leaving behind a manifesto, including a map of the school and how she would carry out her rampage, she made it clear that she had been "oppressed" by this religious school, which had not taken into account her "identity."

So the school had to be made to pay for her discomfort.

And lives needed to be sacrificed upon the altar of her confused gender state.

Since she was a biological female and had not undergone sexual reassignment surgery to cosmetically resemble the male sex of her choice, I will not be using male pronouns when describing Audrey in this blog.

Armed to the teeth, she broke into the school during working hours and proceeded to kill three nine-year-old children, whom she didn't know and three adults before she was gunned down by the police.

According to the chief of police, John Drake, Hale had been under a doctor's care for an emotional disorder. He further stated that he knew nothing about what her "treatment" entailed.

She also had been taking male hormones.

Her emotional disorder didn't prevent her from legally purchasing seven guns and ammunition.

Police Chief Drake further stated that his department would be working with the FBI to investigate this case more thoroughly to see if it qualified as a "hate crime."

And then the media and trans activist groups had a field day with the shooting.

Our senile horse's ass of a president, Sloppy Joe, began his commentary on the shooting with jokes about ice cream.

It was hardly sympathetic or comforting.

When told that it was Republican Senator John Hawley who believed the shooting was a "hate crime" and did he agree," the senile horse's ass playfully giggled that "Well, then I probably don't then."

He further stated "No, I'm joking. I have no idea."

Which is par for the course.

Such drooling is hardly comforting or inspirational but illustrative of the lack of leadership Americans are afflicted with under this regime.

The only things Sloppy Joe cares about is enriching his crime family and protecting his twisted son, Hunter, from the consequences of HIS criminal behavior.

After all, the Bidens are the best family money can buy.

Democrats immediately blamed Republicans for the fact that Hale was able to purchase guns, especially the perpetually clueless White House spokesthing Karine Jean-Pierre.

That is their usual reply to when anything raises the ire of Americans. Vast amounts of snowfall, massive droughts, plagues of locusts and cats having unwanted kittens are always the fault of Trump and the Republicans.

On with the wind. 

Various trans groups, especially the Trans Radical Activist Network, tried to make Audrey Hale out to be some sort of a heroine, striking a blow against a religious institution that oppressed her, never mind the fact that she killed six innocent people to make her warped point of view a national sensation.

They also complained that the news media used the "wrong" pronouns for Hale. They should have used the pronouns "he" and "him."

The liberal media promptly apologized. The conservative media, seeing such demands as nonsensical, given that Hale was a biological female, refused to follow suit, and were labeled as "transphobic."

All activist groups, when thwarted by expressions of common sense in opposition to their extremist demands, continually make such claims, making them angrier while increasing numbers of people are no longer being frightened by their shrieking.

For too long a time, organizations claiming to represent a tiny fraction of the US population in particular and the world in general have achieved an influence all out of proportion to their tiny numbers.

And as the ultimate example of poor taste in the wake of the Nashville shooting, TRAN will continue to hold its "Day of Vengeance" in Washington DC this weekend!

And upon whom do these trans groups plan to wreak their vengeance? 

Why, everyone who does not subscribe 100% to the bullshit they promote. To parents who want them to leave their children alone. To athletes and sports enthusiasts who refuse to say that biological men are women and biological women are men. It also includes gay men and Lesbians who are comfortable with preferring their own sex and do not relate to people who want to surgically alter their bodies to resemble their desired sex.

Prior to COVID lockdowns, Rochester, New York had an annual Day of Trans Remembrance, where the trans community memorialized trans people who had been killed merely for being trans. It was a sad reminder of the lack of compassion for individual differences that exist in our society. And offered hope of understanding for the future.

But a Day of Vengeance hints at violent retribution. And acts of violence will not be condoned, even in a place like Washington DC. 

On the other hand, should lawbreakers be arrested, it will provide such groups with "proof" that they are being oppressed, which is probably what most of the group leadership wants.

They could have postponed it out of sympathy with the victims, pushing it out for a few months until things die down, but no.

That's because they have NO sympathy for the victims of this shooting.

Their only sympathy is with the "trans man," Audrey Hale, who murdered three children and three adults, from which they hope to make additional milage at their rally this weekend.

They have no shame.

They also hope to continue to express their displeasure with more and more states refusing to permit "gender affirming care" in their jurisdictions.

And what, do you ask, is "gender affirming care?"

Why, programs to assist children and teenagers to become transsexuals.

Which should be prohibited!

Can children who can't even choose a good pair of sneakers or winter jackets for themselves be allowed to choose what sex they might on a whim think that they want to be, pushed into it by woke progressive teachers and activists against the parents' will?

"Gender affirming care" does NOT involve people who are legally adult and want to transition into the opposite sex. Once presumes that they are old enough to know what they want to do to their bodies, no matter how extreme it is.

On the other hand, Audrey Hale was 28 and legally an adult, too.

And unbalanced. And a murderess, despite being under a doctor's care for an emotional disorder.

This is all bullshit, but it shows you how far a tiny group of dangerously unbalanced individuals can influence our society and civilization, and how the liberal media and woke progressives promote their Hellish crusade.

The investigation of the Nashville shooting is ongoing.

Only the conservative media has praised the police for their swift actions that prevented the murder of even more innocent victims, while the liberal media is delving ever more deeply into the life of Audrey Hale as the trans groups try to make her a heroine.

Given the state of affairs in our nation, they will probably want statues of her erected throughout the United States.

It's no wonder that the world is fucked up.


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