Shooting Down Spy Balloons Over Canada and the United States: The Search for Intelligent Life in the Biden Administration!

Let's face it.

We are saddled with a senile horse's ass for our president for the next two years. 

Daily, his pronouncements, statements and actions have made the United States an object of mockery throughout the world, both among our friends and foes alike.

Our allies disparage over his so-called "leadership" of the world's democracies while our foes only fear to piss themselves laughing at his latest babblings and unquestionable stupidity.

Equally problematic is the behavior of Biden's handlers, who realize that it isn't safe to allow the president to run around loose but are at odds to keep him on a short leash because that would be only too obvious that he is incapable of wiping himself let along lead the world's greatest democracy.

Nothing bespeaks the uncertainty and chaos within the Biden regime more than the brain-dead and morally bankrupt people and advisors with whom he has chosen to surround himself and inflict on the American people.

Creatures such as Kamelhead Harris, Karine Jean-Pierre, Pete Butthead, just to name a few, are indicative of how deep Biden and his handlers have chosen to scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with examples of tokenism that would soothe the demented expectations and demands of Woke liberals.

All of them suffer from terminal assholism, woe is us!

The latest example of the complete ineffectiveness and incompetence of the Biden regime became apparent two weeks ago.

A Chinese spy balloon was allowed to traverse the width of our country unobstructed for a week, only being shot down in the Atlantic Ocean after it completed its mission.

Americans got nervous at this violation of our air space and complained. There were only crickets coming from Washington DC.

Biden, fool that he is, claimed it wasn't up to him to order the balloon shot down, which is complete bullshit because the president is the Commander in Chief.

His administration kind of scolded China about this. And China complained about us shooting down their spy balloon!

And then...more objects were seen flying above out air space, and Canada's as well.

Just coincidental?

Given Biden's piss-poor complaint to China about the original spy balloon, I think not.

China knows that Biden and Company won't do much about it.

However, just last week, when a spy balloon was floating over Canada, their Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, ordered the US to shoot it down.

Which we did, since Canada is part of NORAD, which stands for North American Aerospace Defense Command.

And it's odd that the Canadian Prime Minister could order it shot down while the US president could not!

Further explanations about all of these new flying objects were quick to come now.

Biden first said, "So what? Everyone spies on everyone else."

Commander Glenn D. Vanherck, USAF and head of NORAD, stated that we are seeing more unidentified objects in the skies over the US before because their monitoring equipment hadn't been tuned up properly, but it has been now by changing their radar filters for smaller objects. And there have been unidentified flying objects over the US before now.


So why didn't people see these spy balloons before, like they have now?

The excuse offered is that they were flying too fast, flying too high and might have been actual UFOs.

UFOs? Like spaceships from sci-fi films?

They said that they weren't ruling anything out!

I am the first to admit that we are not alone in the universe, that there are probably intelligent forms of life out there.

I am also the first to admit that there is no intelligent life here on Earth, least of all in Washington DC.

The antics of the Biden regime seems to corroborate my belief.

So why in the Hell would intelligent life from other planets and galaxies even bother with Earth? 

Especially since NORAD had admitted they are shooting them down as fast as they see them now, without even attempting to make contact and communicate with them.

Evolutionists believe that humans are descended from apelike creatures.

It's events like these that convince me we are already on the return trip.

And that the Biden regime is absolutely unconcerned with our national security.

We are stuck with these creatures for another two years.

IF we survive that long!

It's going to be a long two years!


  1. Lol. If only it wasn't true 😂

    1. Unfortunately, it IS true, and our country is being held hostage by the cast of "The Night of the Living Brain Dead."


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