"Silly Disputes:" Rochester Mayor Mahweak Evans' Description of the Causes of the Latest Incidents of Shootings and Homicides!"

 Rochester, New York has become a deadly violent place to live, work and play.

I have been spending more and more time in Germany over the last five years and after each trip the thought of returning to Rochester usually unnerves me.

My European friends wonder why I remain living in such a dangerous place, especially when, thanks to the internet, they can read for themselves what is going on here.

There I can walk the streets at any hour, feeling safe and relatively secure.

Here, in the neighborhood where I still maintain a residence, I won't walk my dogs after dark. There are some streets that I find it necessary to avoid because of the propensity for violence to occur there.

Even when merely driving through them.

And we no longer have beat cops walking the streets anymore.

They were a usual feature in my youth, and I honestly believe that their presence in the neighborhoods helped prevent crime or at least provided a sense of security.

Alas, beat cops vanished like the passenger pigeon and the anti-cop attitude of Blue cities towards law enforcement agencies have led to early retirements by police officers, leaving those departments seriously understaffed.

Much to the joy of criminals, their friends and families and Democratic politicians.

True, there will always be crime and violence in large cities everywhere.

The difference is the attitudes of the people who govern those cities.

And countries.

There, criminality is still treated as illegal, and criminals are dealt with as such.

Here, and especially in other progressive liberal and Democratic run cities, criminality is treated as the fault of the socio-economic or racial status of the criminal, and the perpetrators need to be "understood," not punished!

Tant pis to the victims!

That is the big difference.

This past weekend in Rochester, there were three homicides and numerous shootings. One of the shooting victims was a 15-year-old boy.

It IS springtime, after all, when the Canada Geese fly north, when the robins start rummaging for worms and the feral urban humanoids crawl out from under their rocks to assault, maim and kill for the sheer thrill of it.

To them, life is cheap.

When caught, our "justice" system turns them loose because of the Bail Reform Act, so they can commit more crimes while awaiting their trials for their first arrests.

There are no consequences for their actions.

Of course, Rochester Mayor Mahweak Evans had something to say about it.

"We (the imperial "we") cannot tolerate silly disputes, people getting killed for silly reasons."

But he has been tolerating these "silly disputes" since January 2022 because his regime and City Council are notoriously anti-cop and they refuse to admit to the abject failure of the Bail Reform Act.

This anti-cop attitude had hindered the Rochester Police Department in fulfilling their duties, while the Police Accountability Board has proved to be nothing more than an expensively wasteful irritant to the RPD.

The antics of the PAB have provided countless hours of hilarity to the suckers who get stuck footing the bill.

You can read my previous blogs on that subject.

To do Mahweak some justice, he is not responsible for crime and violence.

But he and those with whom he surrounds himself do NOT inspire confidence in their ability to address these issues.

His constant declarations of states of emergency regarding guns and violence have gotten to be rather shopworn and trite.

And ineffective.

Nobody takes Mayor Evans seriously anymore, at least not among the general populace and the criminals know a joke when they hear of it.

That's the problem. A real lack of leadership in Rochester. And most Democratic candidates have no intention of growing a pair in order to seriously DO anything about it because they are generally guaranteed re-election in our one-party town.

So, they kiss up to the woke progressive agenda and the lunatic fringe that has made it their life's mission to glorify. They continue to promote it without really believing in it. It doesn't rock the boat and it gets them votes.

Punishing violent criminals seems to be inhuman to them. Victims are merely collateral damage unless they are well-known or prominent in the community and punishments aren't nearly as severe as they should be for taking another human life.

Even the threat of law-abiding citizens leaving Rochester for safer locales no longer has any effect on Blue cities because they merely invite hordes of illegal aliens with which to replace them, many of whom have criminal backgrounds in the countries of origin.

Thus, the Blue cities like Rochester are engaged in the promotion of criminality and brand the critics of these policies as racist.

We can be assured of the fact that Democratic officials in such cities will continue to be re-elected as long as they want their offices because of a deft playing of the race card.

That is an ace in any modern political deck.

But it is becoming shopworn and the ace might become the joker when the minority communities who are mostly the victims of these crimes might stop voting for people who "look like me" but do nothing beneficial to nab the criminals and keep them locked up.

They might eventually vote for law-and-order candidates, like the Black community of Chicago has been threatening to do because it is they who are seeing firsthand the failure of woke progressive liberalism.

As for Rochester, New York, it is a dying rust belt city whose politicians behave like thieves aboard a sinking ship, stealing the captain's handkerchiefs.

Mayor Mahweak will continue to offer useless platitudes and glittering generalities about the current outbreak of violence changing nothing but putting his cousin in charge of the initiative to stop it.

It hasn't worked.

And it won't work until most people are given a reason to believe that he will get tough on crime.

THAT will be a cold day in Hell!

In the meantime, Rochesterians can continue to see crime scene tape liberally strewn about our city.

It is NOT reassuring.

And most residents have become desensitized to the crime and violence in Rochester, as well as the incessant babbling of our Democratic politicians and their hangers on about how things have gotten so much better under Mahweak's watch.

But then, they are paid to do so.

Lies always cost a fortune. 


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