Beetlejuice Loses Chicago: A Glimmer of Hope Against Woke Progressivism.

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States.

It used to be the second largest until the city's penchant for murder and violence reduced Chicago's population to third place.

Mind you, Chicago is a place where there is proof of life after death.

People who have been dead for years vote in presidential elections!

That's how John F. Kennedy won the presidential election of 1960, courtesy of then Mayor Daley.

"If a body meet a body..."

For over a hundred years, well before Al Capone called it "home," Chicago was a prime example of crime, violence, homicide and political corruption, the subject of films and books evoking memories od gangland slayings, bootlegging, machine guns and political graft and payoffs.

It has also been under firm Democratic control since that time.

Some things never change.

However, the mayoral election of 2019 made history.

Chicago elected its first Black, woman, Lesbian mayor.

There is nothing wrong with electing anyone of color, regardless of sex and sexual orientation, to any office in the United States as long as they have some sort of commitment to the job and some experience in the tricky business of working with people and a quick mind to learn what they are going to need to know to lead in government and politics.

However, one's sex, color or sexual orientation shouldn't be considered at all. Those criteria don't make anyone better or worse than anyone else seeking to perform the job, because they simply do not matter.

And yet that's all that Lori Lightfoot had to offer.

Woke progressives and Democratic liberals were beside themselves with joy...for a few minutes.

Lori Lightfoot, with no credentials whatsoever to make her deserving of so high an honor, merely ticked off those three boxes and was propelled into the office of mayor of the third largest city in the United States.

The Cook County Democratic Committee, which comprises the City of Chicago and is historically notoriously corrupt, engaged in the increasingly popular and disgusting farce of identity politics.

The Beetlejuice look-alike met the three criteria of sex, race and sexual orientation that has become ever so trendy in Woke Progressive circles.

But then, Chicago is a one-party town where Democrats hold sway.

Unfortunately, Beetlejuice was lacking in charm, charisma and empathy, which might have counteracted her unfortunately slovenly appearance and less-than pleasing facial features.

Yet, on February 28, 2023, Beetlejuice was rejected in the Democratic primary for mayor, coming in third place with barely 17% of the vote, ending her re-election bid.

In doing so, she made history again: She was the first incumbent mayor in forty years to lose a re-election bid.

Because there was no absolute majority between the three candidates, there will be a run-off election on April 4 between the top two vote-getters, Paul Vallas, the law-and-order candidate and Brandon Johnson, a less revolting version of Lori Lightfoot.

Yet how could it be?

Lightfoot regularly silenced her constant critics by accusing them of racism, sexism and homophobia.

These were her trump cards, which she always played until they became worn out and the Democrats of Chicago got sick and tired of her perpetual lies, hypocrisy and ill-kept appearance.

She was incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial and probably incontinent as well, given the usual disheveled state of her clothing, which made her look like a stereotypical diesel dyke who got her ill-fitting men's clothes from a thrift shop.

Lightfoot constantly stated that the reports of crime were over dramatized by outsiders and that she had actually reduced crime and homicides in Chicago.

This was a blatant lie, because both of those tallies increased dramatically during her administration.

In fact, there have been nearly 3,000 homicides in Chicago since she took office, and these homicides encompassed both sexes and age groups. School children were just as likely to be murdered on Chicago's streets as adults.

But she brushed the facts off as racist, sexist or homophobic attacks on her and her alone while the rest of the nation looked on his horror and revulsion.

After the riots and looting following the death of career criminal and drug addict George Floyd in Minneapolis that devasted many US cities in the summer of 2020, Lightfoot blamed the merchants and retailers for not making their stores safer. She believed that they and not the looters and rioters were responsible for their losses.

Lightfoot, a cop-hater, was gung-ho to defund the Chicago Police Department and reduce its size at a time when crime was rising exponentially in her city, but she was too Woke and/or stupid (the two are not mutually exclusive) to see this or understand the correlation.

Remember, the Cook County Democratic Committee did not choose her for her brains, since she has none.

Then there were the lockdowns and assembly regulations during the pandemic, which she strenuously enforced against rank-and-file Chicagoans, but from which she exempted herself, attending assemblies and parties unmasked (although a mask would have made her more attractive and less repulsive), as well as having her hair done because she claimed that she was very concerned about her personal hygiene and could cut her hair herself.

Unfortunately, she never looked particularly hygienic, either, no matter how many trips she took to the beauty parlor.

And then there was the time that she refused to speak to White news reporters, only to those of color, while continuing to natter on about racism, sexism and homophobia!

The "lady" doth protest too much.

And was clearly too batshit crazy even for liberal Democrats in Chicago, who had seen that Woke Progressive candidates had gone too far there with all of their talk and no action.

Even among politicians there is a limit to the lies that they can subscribe to in promoting a political ally, as New York's Congressman George Soros has discovered.

Lori Lightfoot never learned that. 

Even in defeat she blamed racism, sexism and homophobia for her loss.

When asked if she had been badly treated during this campaign, she replied "Of course. Because I am a Black woman."

Not because she was rotten in her job as mayor, and still claimed she had "improved" Chicago.

Of course, she is full of shit.

As for her two opponents, they appear to have reject the extreme agenda of Woke Progressivism in favor of something far more realistic.

There might be a light at the end of the tunnel in Chicago after all, even if Democrats will remain at the helm.

Not all Democrats are evil, after all, and not all Democrats are infected with Woke Progressive delusions.

So, why have I spent so much time on the defeat of Beetlejuice in Chicago?

Why, because Rochester is a smaller version of that toddlin' town, complete with the same sort of politicians.

Scary, isn't it?


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