Joe Biden Unites America!

Who woulda thunk it?

In the midst of all of the "peaceful" demonstrations on college campuses across America, featuring brainwashed pro-Hamas Nazi anti-Semitic college students and outside agitators on one side and pro-Israel anti-terrorist students on the other, some common ground became apparent.

Videos of the protest at the University of Alabama went viral.

After the usual chants of the pro-Hamas Nazi students of "Death to Israel" and "Kill the Jews" and of the pro-Israeli side shouting "Israel Must Live" and "Remember October 7," a strange and unusual incident of concurrence between the two violently opposed sides occurred.

They both began to shout "Fuck you, Joe," "Fuck Joe Biden" and "Let's Go, Brandon!"

At last, something both sides could agree upon!

And they both finally reflected what most of thinking America feels about the senile horse's ass that occupies the presidential throne.

For weeks, while the pro-Hamas Nazi anti-Semitic college students have been causing chaos on the campuses of our major institutions of higher learning and calling for the killing of Jews, the Biden regime hasn't been talking much about it, with Karine Jean Pierre speaking around the incidents stating that nobody has done more than Sloppy Joe about confronting anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

That hasn't amounted to very much more than previously speaking about opposing Islamophobia.

Because Sloppy Joe and his demonic Democrats are afraid of losing the young, spoiled brat college student vote, and a good many of them are cutting class to engage in protests that antagonize Jewish students in particular and the Jewish population in general.

They are unconcerned about losing the Jewish vote because the Jews tend to vote Democrat and the Democrats are taking their continued support for granted.

So, they continue their wishy-washy behavior regarding the college protests...and the "students" of the Left calling for the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel!

Hence the shouts of "Fuck Joe Biden" at the University of Alabama!

It is a modern and more vulgar, but altogether accurate, paraphrasing of the Book of Revelations 3:16. 

"Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth."   

Unfortunately, that is all the University of Alabama protesters agreed upon.

And the "peaceful" protests on the college campuses continue, resulting in barricades going up, cancelled classes and graduations, Jewish students and professors being barred by the protesters from entering classrooms and shouts of "go back to the gas chambers" echoing throughout American institutions of higher learning...or what used to be institutions of higher learning before woke progressive indoctrination replaced education there.

Fortunately, the various cities in which these high-priced elitist colleges are located have had enough of the protesters' bullshit and have been breaking up their encampments and have been forcibly removing the protesters from the buildings that they have occupied.

The law enforcement agencies have also been arresting these spoiled rotten elitist students and the outside agitators present at these "peaceful" protests.

Unfortunately, these rich punks who have been calling for the death of Jews get released immediately because their acts haven't been deemed as "violent!"

As for the liberal news media, now that they are being forced to report on the violence of these "peaceful" protests, some are claiming that they "look like January 6!"

Only they are completely wrong!

The government went after the participants of that pathetic farce with all of the gung-ho of the Nazi hunters after World War II.

The participants of Jan 6 were hunted down, their bank and phone records seized, they were tried and found guilty in kangaroo courts and were given lengthy jail sentences.

The entitled elitist punks participating in the current college campus activities, well, some are arrested. And then released. and nothing further will happen to them.

Except that maybe some smart future employers won't hire them because they don't need proven brainwashed troublemakers in their workforce.

When that happens, they'll probably blame the Jews again.

But for one brief moment, at the University of Alabama, both sides agreed on one thing.

And only one thing

Joe Biden, and his regime, is useless.

"Fuck Joe Biden!"

Here comes the irony.

Do you really think that these young Hamas Nazi supporting, Jew haters are going to vote for Trump?


They'll vote for Sloppy Joe.

That's why he and the Democrats are not really worried.

So, onto the election!

And God help us, everyone!


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