Democratic Conundrum: To Dump or Not to Dump Sloppy Joe!

The whole world knows that the President of the United States is a senile horse's ass.

The news media of our friends and foes alike delight posting unedited video clips of the latest gaffes of our Commander in Chief, illustrating the fact that he is a bewildered, frail, incompetent and incontinent old man, who is in desperate need of geriatric care.

Our domestic liberal news media only displays heavily edited clips of the same occurrences, and claim that rumors to the contrary are merely Republican "misinformation" to denigrate Sloppy Joe.

Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Even worse are the people shilling for Sloppy Joe, claiming how vital and active he is!

Well, we all know that his bowels and mouth are, if nothing else.

People like Nancy Pelosi, Jen Psaki and Karine Jean Pierre keep telling these tales, demanding that we believe what they say, rather than our own eyes and ears.

These "ladies" are pathological liars who clearly have other serious mental issues that aren't being addressed and all but the most brain-dead liberal Democrats take what they have to say as gospel.

Most thinking individuals who have had the misfortune to hear them promote their particular brand of bullshit have the good sense to snicker at these statements, if it doesn't make them nauseous.

But worst of all are the two people who should be most concerned about Sloppy Joe's mental and physical state, two who purport to love him: His whore mongering, drug addicted, treasonous son, Hunter, and his second wife, Mrs. Joe Biden.

They, reportedly, are pressuring the senile horse's ass NOT to leave the presidential race and resign as President.

Hunter's reasons are simple. If daddy remains president, he will continue to get special treatment, especially from the Department of Justice, regarding his criminal endeavors.

Mrs. Joe Biden's reasons are a bit more complex.

She was largely a nobody until her husband became president and has since become addicted to the glamor, prestige and power of being "First Lady."

Especially the power!

Despite the fact the Sloppy Joe claimed that he would only be a one term president in 2020 and would not run again in 2024, which was clearly a lie on his part, Mrs. Joe Biden made it quite clear that he WAS going to run again, and that was that.

YouTube columnist HG Tudor has compared Mrs. Joe Biden to Lady Macbeth in this respect, and the comparison is apt enough, especially since our modern video technology allows hundreds of millions of viewers to view her behavior in public.

Some people describe her treatment of Sloppy Joe as "elder abuse."

After Sloppy Joe's disastrous performance at the first Trump-Biden debate, Mrs. Joe Biden promptly caressed him before the cameras, saying "Good boy! You answered all of the questions" as if he were a child with learning disabilities.

Then she had to lead Sloppy Joe off of the platform, because he didn't seem to know where he was going.

Which is a usual occurrence caught regularly by the news cameras.

Just like two weeks prior, at the D Day ceremonies in France, she led him away from his chair instead of meeting and greeting the military men who were a part of the event.

It was clear that he had shit himself, yet again, when sitting down.

Instead of showing love and compassion for the man she presumably loves and getting the senile horse's ass the medical help he so desperately needs, Mrs. Jow Biden insists on dragging him to public events where she can show the world that SHE is the power behind the throne.

That SHE is in fact the President.

Never mind how thinking people will view her actions.

President Woodrow Wilson's second wife, Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, behaved in a similar fashion after his stroke in 1919. She WAS effectively the President until her husband's term ended.

Only she and his doctor confined him to his bed in the White House and kept visitors away so that nobody could report on his incompetence to the world.

But the whole world has seen how incompetent Sloppy Joe is, thanks to modern technology and his power-mad wife.

Which is why some Democratic bigwigs are looking to remove Sloppy Joe from the presidential race after his piss poor performance in the debate that no amount of spinning has repaired. 

It is increasingly obvious that Trump will win in November and will proceed to dismantle the corrupt Biden regime.

That is the sole reason behind all of the Democratic "lawfare" aimed against Trump.

Justice and the rule of law have nothing to do with it.

The problem Democrats have is with whom to replace Sloppy Joe in the race for president.

The answer isn't all that easy, since they placed all of their eggs in the corrupt Biden basket and have lied to Americans that Sloppy Joe is as fit as a fiddle...which even their own party doesn't believe anymore, if they ever did.

That natural choice would be the president's vice-president, right?

In this case, the vice-president is even more unpopular than Sloppy Joe.

Kamelhead Harris is the prime example of the failure of DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) hiring.

She was made his running mate in 2020 because she was bi-racial and a woman.


Kamelhead has been a spectacular failure at everything she has been charged to undertake as vice-president, especially the border crisis, with which she was entrusted to handle and chose to do nothing except lie and tip toe around it.

Famous for spouting incomprehensible word salad at every public speaking event she attends, which is annoying enough as it is, her constant nervous laughter reminds one of the braying of a jackass which leads one to conclude that she has the IQ of a dead flashlight battery and requires braces on her brains.

But this places the Democrats in a quandary. 

If Sloppy Joe is forced to quit the presidential race now, which is rather late in the game, who could they replace him with?

And would that person be willing to take on braying jackass Kamelhead Harris as his running mate?

If they dump Kamelhead entirely from the ticket, the Democrats fear that they will lose the Black women's vote.

But do they really believe that Black women are going to vote for Trump?

That's a chance they are afraid to take!

And if they run Kamelhead for president?

They know that they will lose, but they will have reaffirmed their credentials with Black women voters, which would be a pyrrhic victory for racial politics.

But running Kamelhead is something that only a few Black Democrats are considering as a possibility.

And if Joe is forced to resign the presidency under the provisions of the 25th Amendment?

Kamelhead automatically becomes President and, as such, head of the Democratic Party!

What is clear is that the Democrats have boxed themselves in by their DEI hiring of Kamelhead Harris as vice-president and by the iron will of Mrs. Jill Biden.

Any way you slice it, it only looks good for Trump's campaign.


  1. It was only a matter of time 🙄

    1. They should never have put the senile horse's ass in in the first place.


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