The Assassination Attempt on the Once and Future President of the United States of America!


The assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump on Saturday at a political rally in Pennsylvania was originally logically assumed to be a product of the Democratic National Committee and the Biden regime's longstanding hatred of him.

All of their tortured attempts to destroy Trump's campaign through lawfare have failed, making "The Donald" even more popular and earning public sympathy for his being a victim of the evil Democrats' perversion of the American justice system.

This has been done to bolster the unpopular Biden regime, which is presumably headed by a senile horse's ass, access to whom has been guarded by his drug addicted, whore-mongering, money grubbing convicted felon of a son, Hunter Biden.

In the meantime, Sloppy Joe's power mad wife has been flying all over the country campaigning in his name. 

Neither of these members of the First Family want sloppy Joe to step down, either as president or a candidate in the presidential election.

While Sloppy Joe had been prepped and drugged up enough to make a public statement decrying the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and saying that it is NOT the American way, it seems ironic.

Trump's death would have been the only way to ensure that the senile horse's ass would win re-election, while his survival would almost certainly guarantee Sloppy Joe's defeat.

Which is another reason that ranking Democrats and Democratic supporters have been demanding that Sloppy Joe stand down as a candidate for president.

But if sloppy Joe is too weak. mentally and physically, to run for re-election, isn't he also too weak to remain as president?

Here the Democrats built better than they knew when they drafted braying Jackass Kamelhead Harris as his vice-president. She was a DEI hire installed on the ticket because they knew she would actually make Sloppy Joe look good and bring in the Black and woman vote.

To pass her by and look for another candidate has caused them to now start singing her praises, albeit not too convincingly.

The liberal news media also tried to provide misinformation about the assassination attempt.

CNN originally released a story stating that the secret service had to help Trump off of the stage after he had fallen down, neglecting to mention that Trump was shot in the ear and dived for the floor.

It was only when the reports that Firefighter Corey Comperatore was killed shielding his family from the gunfire and another bystander was wounded that they recalled their original story and presented something somewhat more factual if unsympathetic to Trump.

Some liberal newscasters projected concern that Democratic politicians might be the subject of violent backlash by Republicans in response to Trump's brush with death.

At the same time, these same newscasters reported with glee that the suspected would-be assassin was a 20-year-old registered Republican, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was shot to death by the secret service, so we'll never know his reasons for attempting to kill Trump.

As for the question, how could this have happened?

For one thing, both the local police force AND the secret service claimed that the perimeter around the stage had been secured, when it clearly had not been.

For another, eyewitnesses present at the rally claimed that they had told both the local police AND the secret service of a young man (presumably Crooks) skulking about with a rifle, but their concerns had been ignored.

And a final coincidence, Donald Trump was never allocated the proper number of secret service agents to protect him as a publicly announced and campaigning candidate for the presidency.

This had been a problem since the beginning of his campaign: insufficient security when he was entitled to more, and one might say, better.

And who is in charge of our government's secret security detail?

Why none other than old Biden crime family intimate, Kim Cheatle!

The "lady" has been connected to the Bidens since Sloppy Joe's days as vice-president.

When Sloppy Joe was installed as president, he promptly made old Kimbo head or the secret service.

Her first act in that position was to erase all of the secret services e-mails dated January 6, 2021...the day of the "insurrection" at Congress!

Kimbo later explained that the "loss" of those e-mails occurred during a switchover to a new computer system...but the only ones "lost" were from that day!

Just another coincidence.

Just like it was merely a coincidence that she has been personally responsible for depriving Donald Trump of the full amount of secret service protection to which he was entitled.

And God only knows how effective and competent the agents she assigned to protect Trump were.

Or are.

Given the events of Saturday, clearly not very.

Of course, Sloppy Joe has demanded that an investigation will take place, which will probably find Kimbo and her agents not responsible or culpable for doing anything wrong.

And the blame will be placed squarely on a dead 20-year-old boy/man with no prior history of violence or mental problems.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt.

Bloodied but unbowed, he rose from the stage floor with his fist raised shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

As well we should, because too many coincidences regarding the Biden regime and the Trump candidacy are too coincidental to be taken at face value, no matter what the liberal news media and the Biden crime family say.



  1. I truly hope this helps the deaf, dumb and blind to see what is really going on 🙄


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