Fat Fanny Fani Willis: A Feminist Icon?

The whole world has gone nuts! 

It seems a lot of women are claiming to be feminist icons because they have achieved a great deal of publicity lately.

And not the good kind, either.

Take, for instance, fat fanny Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney prosecuting Donald Trump under the RICO statutes.

You know, the one who hired her adulterous boyfriend to assist in her prosecution, despite the fact that her himbo never had any experience weightier than judging traffic violations.

She and he both lied under oath about the start of their affair and over which one of them paid for their luxurious getaways after he had been hired, for twice what she was paying the other two assistants, both White, that she had hired to help in prosecuting Trump and company.

She was told to either fire her himbo or recuse herself from the case.

So, she fired her himbo rather than depart into obscurity. She loves her fame that much.

Mind you, he had been making, courtesy of the American taxpayer, more than $650 Grand a year for two years, which is pretty good wages for a middle-aged male prostitute.

Now fat fanny Fani claims that she is seen as a heroine or feminist icon and that she has received many letters of love and support from Black women only who have elevated her to that status!

So, I guess that feminist icons are supposed to be women of color only, women who are adulteresses, perjurers, incapable of accounting for their finances and have to pay men to be intimate with them.

The same thing that feminist Democratic women are shrieking about and condemning Donald Trump for doing the same thing!

Of course, at the same time, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, another self-proclaimed feminist icon, has claimed that RICO is NOT a crime, when questioning a whistleblower about Sloppy Joe Biden being a criminal under the statute.

Apparently, fat fanny Fani didn't get THAT memo!

And then there's another feminist icon, Tish James, Attorney General for the State of New York.

Another lady of color and of great avoirdupois, Tish ran her election campaign solely on the platform that she was out to get Donald Trump for any reason she could, pardon the pun, trump up, she has been successfully able to get him convicted of a non-existent crime and tell her male lackey, Judge Arthur Engeron to order Trump pay $450 million to appeal his ruling.

Otherwise, Engoron would allow Tish to seize Trump's property in New York State in lieu of such a payment.

Tish's idea was to bankrupt Trump and keep him from continuing his presidential campaign.

You might want to consider this to be "campaign interference," which the Democrats would if the shoe were on the other foot.

However, a subsequent court ruled that the payment was too high (any payment to appeal a case like this would have been too high), so it was reduced to $175 million, which caused Tish to stomp her cloven hooves.

There wasn't much anything else she could do, because Judge Engoron is too old and ugly to be her himbo and his position is not within Tish's purview to remove him from it.

Yet Tish claims that she is a feminist icon and heroine because she "got" Trump. Almost. But she still had to work with a man in order to do it, even if Engoron was a wuss and easily henpecked because of his Democratic addiction to promoting woke progressive bullshit where Republican defendants are concerned.

In fact, that is the whole situation with the progressive Democrats, forever promoting identity politics to create heroes where there are none, while real heroes are usually ignored.

Take, for instance, NYC Police Officer Jonathan Diller, who was killed during a traffic stop. His murderers were career criminals with over thirty convictions and prison time between the two of them.

Clearly, in a world where common sense exists, these two beasts would not have been allowed to run loose to commit more crimes, but NOT in New York State, which coddles criminals.

Yesterday there was a wake for Officer Diller.

Four presidents of the United States were present in New York City.

But only ONE attended Officer Diller's wake and spoke to the bereaved family and relatives: Donald Trump!

The three stooges (Clinton, Obama and Biden) were in the city to attend a fundraiser for the floundering Biden re-election campaign and were hoping to raise at least $25 million.

Remember when Biden ran against Trump in 2020 and claimed that he would only be a one-term president? He lied about that, too, like he always does, senile or not.

The three stooges made no attempt to meet with Officer Diller's family or even comment about this tragedy.

Why would they? The three stooges are anti-cop and it is their pro criminal attitude that has made Trump a more appealing candidate for the police and one who is sympathetic to the dangers their job of protecting the community entails.

So the three stooges have written off the men and women of the law enforcement agencies unless they can be used against their political enemies.

The three stooges went on to their fundraiser (there is another one in NYC today, as well), attended by the wealthy and Democratic political elites and were entertained by, among others, another Black feminist icon: Lizzo!

Her particular "oppression," apart from being a Black woman and a Democrat, is that she is morbidly obese with a criminal sense of style.

Therefore, she is a "victim," another one of their own making.

But she is a heroine and an icon for standing up against those who do not subscribe to her belief that being grotesquely overweight is beautiful.

Such people demand special accommodations in planes, trains, buses and automobiles, although a strict diet and/or gastrointestinal surgery and psychotherapy would obviously be more beneficial.

But the Democrats love "victims" who can check off enough boxes.

Which is why the three stooges would rather go off and see her, and make millions in the process, than go and offer some words of comfort to Officer Diller's family.

The reason that these dames (and their "admirers") regard themselves as feminist icons comes down to the fact that they really have no sense of humor, no moral or ethical compasses, or a mirror.

If they did, they might not like what they see and seek immediate psychiatric help to cope with their nonsensical delusions.

Or the mirror might simply shatter.


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