Gearing Up for World War III.

World War I was billed as "the war to end all wars."

Only it wasn't.

There have been dozens of wars since then, producing mass destruction, death, genocide and ethnic cleansing to name just a few items on the bill of fare "civilization" offers to people who disagree with others.

Justification for such acts are always publicized to absolve perpetrators of guilt or as a publicity stunt to make war mongers feel better about themselves.

True, there is evil in the world, which most people choose to ignore if it doesn't affect first.

True, it can be nipped in the bud if the so-called "peace-loving" nations stand firm against it.

But most of the time they don't.

The industrialized Western nations are all willing to make deals with the devil in order to provide themselves with resources that they themselves do not possess, arguing that their various peoples NEED them, when actually it is the ruling elites who need them in order to preserve THEIR power.

Those elites believe that economic sanctions and "conversations" with offending regimes can bring them into line.

Only that doesn't work, as evidenced by the behaviors of Putin in Russia, the Hamas Nazis who control Palestine and the theocratic, anti-Western regime in Iran.

They only understand violence and hatred and choose to live by the sword.

Worse still is that tarnished example of international dialogue and global "cooperation," the United Nations.

That organization has merely become the tool of third world dictatorships to condemn the Western democracies for past (real) "crimes" and imagined current slights, while demanding international aid in order to prop up their regimes against yet more military coups, like those that brought the current batch of dictators to power in the first place.

The United Nations has become an increasingly loud, unwieldy, ineffective and expensive body to maintain, more noticeable now that the Cold War has ended, that the Soviet Union has disintegrated and the United States of America has lost its primacy in the world under the impotent leadership of President Sloppy Joe Biden, whose senility and stupidity has been made manifest for the whole world to scoff at.

It is this international power vacuum created by the Biden regime that is speeding up the pace to World War III because Sloppy Joe and his collection of clowns refuse to take a firm stance on anything.

Which suits both America's enemies and the Democratic Party here just fine.

The Democrats are more concerned with keeping Donald Trump out of the White House and destroying the Republican Party than dealing with the real issues that threaten the United States: the open border, illegal alien criminals, a collapsing infrastructure, continued inflation, a stagnating economy and the disintegrating status of America as a Superpower.

Our enemies, both internal and external, see it, laugh and go about their ways, comfortable in the knowledge that the Biden regime will not hinder them.

It is the very divisiveness produced by the Biden regime that is assisting our enemies in their goal to produce a new world order which has the United States destroyed and what is left of it subject to their domination.

But the Democrats claim that the Biden regime is doing just fine.

Yeah, sure.

Less than a year after Sloppy Joe took office, there occurred our rather unceremonious departure from Afghanistan, where he refused to apologize for his actions and claimed it was just as he had predicted, and everything was okay afterwards!

Six months later, Russia invaded Ukraine, whose corrupt government was a favorite venue for investment by the corrupt Pelosis, Schumers, Clintons and even Jow Biden's own crime family, throwing away billions of taxpayer dollars to prop up Zelensky's regime with no real accounting as to how it was spent.

Nothing stronger than economic sanctions were imposed on Russia by both the United States and the European Union, for fear of provoking Putin into using nuclear weapons.

So, Ukraine is losing the war against Russia while a quarter of its population has become refugees in Western Europe.

Finally, after numerous years of minor pinpricks against the State of Israel, Hamas Nazis launched a massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023.

I have described the horrors perpetrated on Israeli civilians by these beasts, whom the Western media referred to as "militants," because they didn't want to offend the people who butchered and raped Israeli men, women and children by calling them "terrorists."

Their priorities were a little warped.

When Israel promptly responded and invaded Gaza to root out and destroy the Hamas rats, the world promptly condemned Israel for their lack of concern for the Palestinian people, who were being used as shields by the terrorists.

Were the media of the Western Democracies engaged against the Nazis during World War II complain about hundreds of thousands innocent German civilian lives being lost to allied bombers destroying Germany cities?

Of course not.

But then, German civilians didn't have the public relations agents of the Arab and Iranian world making an issue of this, promptly forgetting what Hamas did on October 7.

Or that the goal of Hamas was the destruction of the Israeli State and the murder of Jews.

Which is why the so-called "Two State Solution" will never work or even attempt to be implemented as long as Hamas is in the picture.

For the most part, everyone was worried that Israel's fight for survival would spark World War III, especially after last week, when Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, which was a nest of vipers bent on eradicating Israel.

Yesterday, Iran threatened to send drones and anti-ballistic missiles against Israel, not content any longer to simply have their proxies fight Israel.

When Sloppy Joe told Iran not to do so, using his famously stupid warning of "Don't," they did so anyway, assisted by their proxies in Iraq and Yemen.

Israel was able to intercept them before any serious damage was done.

At the time of this writing, the world is waiting with bated breath to see how Israel will respond to this direct attack by Iran, while the Western democracies are putting pressure on Israel to desist from doing anything that will lead to a greater regional conflagration in the Middle East.

Because that conflagration will lead to World War III.

And because it will threaten the European Union's access to oil.

Get it?

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is worried about losing the vote of Muslim Americans in the presidential election in November, so despite claiming that the US supports Israel, it is clear that this support is waning.

And then there are all of those terrorists from the Arab world that have been steadily crossing over our open border in the south, courtesy of the Biden regime.

Since these terrorists are also committed to the destruction of America as well as Israel, shouldn't the Democrats in the Biden administration be concerned about any devilment they might cause?

Apparently, they have finally opened their eyes, because the Biden regime has now begun arresting and imprisoning these illegals that were on the terrorist watchlist.

At long last.

But how many tens of thousands of sleepers are among us, waiting for just the right moment to commit acts of terror?

Thanks to the Biden regime, we will never know.

But one thing IS certain.

The Hamas Nazis and their Iranian paymasters will not back down at anything to destroy Israel.

Even destroying the world.

That will end up becoming World War III.

And both the US and the European Union are wholly unprepared for it, which is why the terrorists know that they need only to threaten it to get the Western democracies to back down.

Then, the terrorists will launch a no-holds barred global war.

It's coming.


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