The Andrew Cuomo Sex Scandal: The Bigger They Are, the Harder They...(Rhymes With "Fall").


Flashback, 2020.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo was at the zenith of his political career and became internationally famous over the way he handled the Coronavirus Pandemic in this state.

He locked the state down, forbidding all but the most essential businesses and services from opening, also forbidding groups from congregating on street corners, churches and in private homes.

He gave daily press conferences about the progression of the disease, for which he won an Emmy Award.

He wrote a book about how he conquered the crisis, which netted him $5 million.

He was also accused by upwards of a dozen women of sexually harassing or abusing them.

Fast forward, 2021.

It was revealed that Cuomo's staff had ghost written his book on a "voluntary" basis.

He refused to answer reporters' questions at his press conferences regarding his conquest of the Coronavirus in New York State.

His staff revealed that they had fudged the numbers of seniors who had died in nursing homes during the outbreak of the pandemic, lowering the number because, they said, they were afraid of what Trump might make of it.

Yep, they blamed Trump.

And even more women came crawling out of the woodwork to claim that Cuomo made them feel "uncomfortable."

One woman's sole instance of "abuse" consisted of her saying that "He looked at me funny."

Finally, on August 3, NYS Attorney General Tish James stated publicly that her office's investigation found it credible that Cuomo had behaved improperly towards eleven women.

One might be tempted to admire Cuomo's stamina or the efficacy of little blue pills.

Immediately, the media frenzy began.

Democratic politicians, mostly of the woke progressive variety, called for Cuomo's resignation, including the President of the United States. These progressive Democrats couldn't praise Cuomo enough until this time, feeding his already overweening ego to the point of hubris.

Republicans, of course, had been calling for his removal since the problem with inaccurate reporting of nursing home deaths during the Pandemic came to light.

The sex scandal was merely icing on the cake for them.

Cuomo himself has been stating in a nearly monotonous manner regularly since these allegations began that he would not resign because he had done nothing wrong.

He had lawyered up long ago, anyway.

And, frankly, in lots of cultures, especially in Southern and Eastern Europe, kissing and hugging family, friends and close associates is normal behavior and not seen as perverse. It is a common enough behavior among Italians and Cuomo is of Italian descent.

There have, to date, been no complaints from the men Cuomo has been photographed kissing. Nor has the media chosen to suggest that those photos were of a sexual nature. 

But there is a big difference between a kiss and a hug and groping.

The question should be whether or not an elected official should resign based on mere allegations without being charged with a crime and brought to trial to face his (or her) accusers, especially when that official denies the accusations.

We've seen plenty of legal circuses involving elected officials in Rochester over the last year, some of them dealing with criminality and corruption, as in the mayor's case, while others (such as Ernest Flagler-Mitchell, Judge Matthew Rosenbaum and George Moses) had a distinct sexual side to them.

We've also had a previous Governor of New York State, Eliot Spitzer, driven from office because of his patronage of prostitutes; a President of the United States, Horndog Bill Clinton, impeached for suborning the perjury of his current playmate regarding their affair while he was still undergoing legal action from a previous affair; and yet another President (Trump) having a previous paid-for sexual relationship with a porn actress that popped up when he was elected to office.

Okay, we've got it. Some men can be pigs awash in testosterone. Sometimes it takes two to tango. And sometimes people with axes to grind against bosses and associates will make unsubstantiated claims just to "get" them.

The accusations of sexual misconduct on the part of male bosses and co-workers is always an ace in women's hands in the war between the sexes.

But too many such accusations coming all at once about incidents that supposedly occurred over a number of years does not encourage me to take them at face value. In fact, it makes me suspicious of them.

As for Cuomo, the plans for impeachment seem to be moving quickly now that most of his progressive Democratic allies are calling for his head, but "quickly" in government usually takes a long time.

As for AG Tish James, her motives might be seen as questionable, since rumor has it that she's been itching to replace Cuomo as Governor, while his current Lieutenant Governor, Kathy Hochul, has been largely invisible during her tenure as Cuomo's second banana and does not seem like a strong personality to run for Governor and win when re-election time came.

But that is all in the hands of the Fates, ONCE Cuomo leaves office.

The important thing to remember while this tawdry sex circus is going on is that people keep forgetting about the thousands of deaths that occurred because of Cuomo's mishandling of the figures of nursing home deaths.

Even Biden's Department of Justice refuses to pursue investigating Cuomo's gross negligence in this respect.

That, itself, should be a topic of media investigation, but no.

They would rather titillate us with tales of Cuomo's supposed sex life.

Oh well.

It is written that the lust of the goat is the bounty of God.

The media has benefitted from that bounty.


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