
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Mid-Term Elections, 2022: The Subject is Abortion.

At this writing, we are three weeks away from the mid-term elections for 2022. The GOP is well poised to win control of Congress and ending the revolting specter of Bidenism in US politics, reducing Biden himself to the status of an ineffectual "lame duck" president two years before the end of his term. As it is, our government has become the laughingstock of the world, even among our closest allies. Our enemies regard the US as a clown show and clearly no longer either fear or respect us anymore. It's easy to see why. Our president is a senile horse's ass, walking around in a perpetual fog. He is supposedly the most powerful man in the world, which is plenty scary. His vice-president is a mere token, chosen to ensure his election because she is bi-racial and a woman. She is also incredibly stupid, whose use of incomprehensible word salad bewilders all who have the misfortune to hear it. This broad is but one heartbeat from the presidency. The rest of Biden's admi

The "Opera Bouffe" of Rochester's "Police Accountability Board" Continues! There's Nothing Quite Like a Circus!

Some jokes are just too obvious to be funny. The ongoing "Opera Bouffe" of Rochester's "Police Accountability Board" is an excellent illustration of this statement. For those of you who have been following my blog, I have covered the antics of the Police Advisory Board extensively, so only a cursory glance is necessary here. The PAB was created nearly three years ago. Approved by the majority of the few people who voted that year, it was intended to investigate malfeasance by officers of the Rochester Police Department. All it has really done is to be a pretentious, expensive, demoralizing nuisance to local law enforcement and taxpayers. The PAB presumed that they had the power to discipline and fire police officers based on their findings, which is in violation both of the City Charter and New York State law. The PAB also presumed to be independent of and superior to Rochester's City Council, which City Council denies. In short, the egomaniacs of the PAB co

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans Settles the Lawsuit Brought by Daniel Prude's Estate for $12 Million!

Ahh, the power of money! Today, Rochester's mayor, Malik Evans, settled with the estate of Daniel Prude for the sum of $12 million!  In his usual, mealy-mouthed way, he stated that it was time to put the Prude affair behind us and the $12 million settlement was probably cheaper than the cost to Rochester would be if the case went to court. "Probably." Mahweak seems to have forgotten the grand jury called by NYS Attorney General Tish James refused to indict the RPD officers involved in the arrest of Daniel Prude. They did not feel that the officers behaved in a criminally culpable manner. THAT evidence could have been used in the court case in favor of Rochester. Instead, Mahweak threw away $12 million to the Prude family to shut them up. In the long run, it probably won't. I have dealt extensively with the death of Daniel Prude in previous blogs, so I will provide only a cursory glance here. Daniel Prude was a drug addicted out-of-towner with psychiatric problems who