
Showing posts from July, 2021

Who's Minding the Store?

  Now that the Democratic Primary is over and the Warren regime is winding down to its inevitable end, there is one question that needs to be asked and answered: Who's minding the store? There has been a power vacuum in Rochester for the last eighteen months, since the pandemic began.  That became apparent with City Hall's inability or unwillingness to deal with people congregating in public in violation of Governor Cuomo's directive forbidding it. It was obvious when City Hall collapsed before the demands of the Free the People, ROC terrorists after the May 30, 2020 riots, violence, vandalism, looting and general disruption of Downtown Rochester. The mayor and her then police chief claimed that they were caused by "outsiders," when anyone seeing video footage knew they were locals, and mostly Black people involved, straining their credibility even further. Worse to come was when the conspiracy of silence over the death of Daniel Prude came unraveled in August and

Our Latest "State of Emergency:" Cuomo as Il Duce.

  Early last year, when COVID struck, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a "state of emergency" and assumed emergency, dictatorial powers to combat the pandemic. He shut down New York State entirely, with massive disruptions to the economy, the working class and to the human need for socialization. Cuomo then held near daily press conferences, to relay to the homebound public his strategies for combatting the disease. These so impressed the daytime television industry that, along with shows about menopausal women, castrated husbands and their juvenile delinquent brats, Cuomo won an EMMY Award! Heady with this success, Cuomo prompted his state employees to ghost a largely fictional, pretentious book about his successes in combatting COVID. He hoped to make his mark in history with it, as inaccurate and untrue as it was, and that it should serve as a textbook on how to handle pandemics. He got $5 million for the book deal. Then it all began to go wrong. His own staff

Götterdämmerung: Rochester Style!

 Let's face it. Rochester has become a very dangerous place in which to live. Last night we had four shootings within an hour, only a short distance apart from each other. This is besides the other shootings, stabbings and assaults that are now Rochester's "New Norm." The victims were all women. One of them died. She was the 36th victim so far this year. Usually, shooting victims are men.  I suppose that, in a spasm of equality, women are now considered fair game for violent death. And the interim chief of police took off for the weekend, going on "vacation." Despite all the Pollyannas out there trying to tout the benefits of living in our fair city, Rochester was considered to be New York State's "Murder Capital" long before Mayor Warren's administration began. The anti-cop, pro-criminal atmosphere created by both her administration and City Council merely intensified the situation in Rochester, helping to maintain and expand its grip on t