
Showing posts from February, 2023

At Last! Some Justice for Steve Amenhauser!

It has been nearly two years since Steve Amenhauser was doused with flammable liquid by two teenage feral urban humanoids. With second and third degree burns over 70% of his body, from which he succumbed four days later. It has taken two years to bring his murderers to trial. And it has taken two years for the local news media to comment on it, albeit it ever so briefly. In an insultingly brief statement, News 10 NBC announced that Monroe County Family Court Judge Stacy Romeo could announce her verdict regarding Adriel Riley today. This was a bench trial, as the defendant's request, and not a jury trial Adriel Riley, who was 14 at the time he and his buddy, Zayvion Perry, set Steve Amenhauser ablaze, was charged with murder, arson and criminal possession of a weapon.  If Judge Romeo finds him guilty, he could spend up to 25 years behind bars. Or maybe not, since the latest fad in "justice" doesn't permit people to serve their full sentences, regardless of an extensive

Update: The Continuing Deafening Media Silence Regarding the Non-Jury Trial of One of the Murderers of Steve Amenhauser!

  February 22, 2023, the non-jury trial of one of the two teenage feral urban humanoids accused of dousing Steve Amenhauser with lighter fluid and igniting him one year ago, resulting in his death, was concluded. The court is expected to deliver a verdict from the bench on Wednesday, March 1. Judge Romeo presided over the trial in State Supreme Court's youth part. The other teenage monster already pled guilty to manslaughter and was therefore not a part of this trial. What is maddening is the continued media silence regarding both the crime and this trial, as well as that of Rochester's politicians and the denizens of the mayor's office and City Hall. Clearly, they would like to see the subject of an older White man being set ablaze by two Black kids and dying with second and third degree burns over 70% of his body dismissed from public consciousness. They simply do not care enough to even express a minimum of concern because it does not meet with their liberal progressive

Three Teenagers Shot, One Dead, In Rochester, New York: Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child!

  Yesterday, February 23, 2023, within the space of one hour, three teenagers were shot in the dying City of Rochester, New York. All three were shot in what has become known as the "Fatal Crescent," that section of our fair city in which most of our violence and homicides occur. The Crescent corresponds roughly to Rochester's ghettoes. The shootings occurred at different locations within the Crescent. One was pronounced dead at the scene.  He was Rochester's ninth homicide victim 0f 2023. Another of the three was taken to the hospital and into surgery with life-threatening injuries. The victim of the first shooting was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Thank heavens for small mercies, anyway. There is an old saying, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." A "rod," in criminal parlance, also means a pistol. And young people are somehow getting hold of lots of rods these days, always illegally. Therefore, they are not getting sp

The Tangled Scales of Justice for Steve Amenhauser.

It was Friday, March 5, 2021, in the dying city of Rochester, New York. In a decaying neighborhood on Lyell Avenue, a 53-year-old man, recently widowed, was living out his life in poverty. Two feral urban humanoid teenagers, 14 and 16, doused him with a flammable liquid and set fire to him. The police were called and promptly took the teenagers into custody. They were in the area, still sticking around presumably to admire their handiwork. The man was taken to hospital with second and third degree burns over 70% of his body, from which he succumbed on Tuesday, March 9. On Friday, March 12, the two teenage monsters were charged with second degree murder. There was only perfunctory coverage by the media of this incident. The elected members of our "august" City Council said absolutely nothing about this horrific crime, especially the district city councilman in whose constituency this crime occurred. There was silence from the then-Mayor of Rochester's office and her admini

Shooting Down Spy Balloons Over Canada and the United States: The Search for Intelligent Life in the Biden Administration!

Let's face it. We are saddled with a senile horse's ass for our president for the next two years.  Daily, his pronouncements, statements and actions have made the United States an object of mockery throughout the world, both among our friends and foes alike. Our allies disparage over his so-called "leadership" of the world's democracies while our foes only fear to piss themselves laughing at his latest babblings and unquestionable stupidity. Equally problematic is the behavior of Biden's handlers, who realize that it isn't safe to allow the president to run around loose but are at odds to keep him on a short leash because that would be only too obvious that he is incapable of wiping himself let along lead the world's greatest democracy. Nothing bespeaks the uncertainty and chaos within the Biden regime more than the brain-dead and morally bankrupt people and advisors with whom he has chosen to surround himself and inflict on the American people. Creatu

Singing the "Unofficial Black National Anthem" at the Superbowl: A Return to "Separate But Equal?"

The Superbowl is an American institution. It produces warm, sentimental feelings akin to Mom's hot apple pie, Thanksgiving dinner and the Fourth of July because it is an American institution, a unifying event for football fans and Americans of all stripes. And colors. The Superbowl is watched by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, not just Americans, thanks to cable and satellite television and smartphones. Because of this, advertisers pay millions of dollars for a thirty-second time slot during the game. It also produces land-office business for the bars and restaurants with wide-screen television sets tuned into the game, complete with football pools and free food, usually consisting of pizza and chicken wings, for customers who don't want to watch the game at their homes. After the introductions and before the game begins, America's national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" is sung, usually by a celebrity. "The Star Spangled Banner" is the OFF

King Charles the Last and the Curse of Rasputin!

Two hundred and fifty years ago, Americans rejected the British Monarchy, which is why I can't understand the American news media wasting so much time on the antics of one of the monarchy's errant members, Prince Harry, and his American-born wife, mattress actress (Rachel) Meghan Markle. The concept of monarchy and aristocracy is based on social inequality, of superior and inferior classes. The accident of birth determines the status of people born into such a system. And since such royal and aristocratic families considered themselves to be closed clubs to keep their blood pure, extensive intermarriage between cousins, uncles and nieces, and aunts and nephews were not unheard of. In fact, they were downright common. So common that the resultant mental problems and physical deformities that resulted from such inbreeding were merely considered to be the price one paid for having such pure royal or aristocratic blood, and didn't prevent the unfortunate offspring from such uni