Blaming Mame

 "Put the Blame on Mame" was a cabaret number best remembered in Rita Hayworth's film noir classic, "Gilda."

Ten years later, it was less effectively performed in Anita Eckberg's schlocky horror-drama "Screaming Mimi."

Mame was a woman who was blamed for everything and anything, from the Chicago fire to the San Francisco earthquake in 1906.

Since these events were more than fifty years apart, it suggests that Mame was quite a dame and had remarkable staying power.

Today, we are still blaming Mame in Rochester.

Except that we have renamed Mame.

Mame is now the police department. Or "systemic" racism. Or "White privilege." Or sexism. Or politics.

Mame is everything but personal responsibility or ethics.

Rochesterians don't seem to like those concepts too much.

After all, all the recent shootings, stabbings, non-fatal assaults and car-jackings here have been blamed on systemic racism or the pandemic.

For once, something isn't being blamed on Trump.

But such claims are still remarkably stupid and irritating.

Still they excuse the personal choices of the criminals.

They put the blame on Mame.

It's BS, of course but domestic terrorists like Free the People ROC, the local chapter of BLM, and a good many progressive politicians keep shrieking that that is the reason. And they have done their damnedest to create an anti "law and order" atmosphere in Rochester.

It seems to have worked, since even City Government has kowtowed to their asininity to make nice with them.

City Council is no longer a governing body, merely the courier for BLM and Free the People ROC.

And just look at Mayor Warren.

She blames racism and politics for the recent arrest of her husband and the raid on her home by the New York State Police.

Never mind the facts that her husband had been under a seven months' investigation for drug trafficking and that the state police found illegal weapons in their home.

Mame, again.

While the politicians who passed the Bail Reform Act in Albany claimed it was done to end systemic racism in regards to bail and the end result was turning violent criminals with multiple charges against them back loose into the community while awaiting their trials, none have really considered revising that particular law to keep violent and dangerous people from being free.

How could they know (ha ha) that these people would still be violent?

Blame it on Mame.

The way for rank and file citizens to stop blaming Mame would be to take the personal responsibility for getting rid of the politicians who have been putting the blame on Mame for far too long.

But it's easier to put the blame on Mame and continue to re-elect the same cretins who feel the same way.

Mame is a resilient dame, with rhinoceros thick hide.


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